
The Alpha's Abandoned Daughter

When a new girl shows up in a new town with no friends or family, she is the girl that everyone ignores. What happens when the most popular boy in town takes a liking to her? What Happens when she does not want him? Will he win her heart? Scarlet is a shy teenage girl by day and a firecracker in the ring at night. She knew she was strong but when she finds out she is a werewolf and then that she has a Alpha for a mate that refuses to let her continue fighting, will she reject him or will she hide the fighting from him? I will be updating often, but the more votes, likes and comments the more I will add. If you have an idea or would like to see something, please leave me a comment. Thanks for making my works great. Follow me on Instagram @FieryKat_Author and on Discord FieryKat #6478 Kat

FieryKat · Fantasy
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19 Chs


Daniel POV

The drive back from the Alpha's meeting was long and all I thought about was contacting Ress. Wondering how she would feel about me visiting her and Scarlet after all these years. I know that I should have been more involved, but I have explained a few things to Ress and she understands why I did it. I am not sure that Scarlet will understand why I had to. My only hope is that she will let me explain it. I will try, if she doesn't wait to listen I will keep trying until I break through to her.

Pulling up to the pack house I see Jack, my Gamma and Brandon, my Beta, standing in the door way waiting for my arrival. "Alpha" they say in unison as they bow their heads as a sign of respect. "Jack, Brandon" nodding back at them. "Meet me in my office in one hour." Giving them both a stern look of needing to talk business.

Walking in the pack house pausing to sense my mate, I head to the kitchen. Beth is standing at the stove helping the Omegas with supper, I walk up behind her and wrap my arms around her giving her a kiss on the back of her neck. In return she lets out a low moan just barely loud enough for me to hear it. She slowly starts to turn into my chest putting her nose in the crook of my neck taking a deep breath. "Hi baby, I missed you. We're almost done in here if you want to get ready to eat." Giving her another kiss, I head up to our bedroom to freshen up. 'I am going to call Ress from my office' letting my mate what I was doing through the link we shared I walked down the hall to my office. Opening the door I knew that my beta and Gamma were waiting there for me.

Walking to my desk letting my mind think about things I should have done differently, sighing internally I look to my Gamma "You have been requested by Soon-to-be-Alpha Caleb, the kid has a good head on his shoulders and made a suggestion at the meeting and I'd like you to do it. Head out when your ready. I will let him explain what he needs from you when you get there. You already have permission to cross the borders." I wait until Jack is out of my office with the door fully closed before I start to talk with Brandon because he is the only other person that knows about Scarlet and her mother.

"What's the plan Alpha?" He knows me well enough that I need him to do something for me already. He is a wonderful Beta. "I need you to watch after the pack for a while. I need to get to know my daughter and I do not think that bringing her here is the right thing to do just yet. She will shift for the first time within the month, and I need to explain everything to her. I should have done this years ago with I met Beth. I handled this all-wrong Brandon. And I need some time to work it out. She is the future Alpha of the pack, I need to her to get to know me on a human level first. Can you handle everything here for a couple of weeks?"

"Of course, Daniel. We have been friends for many years now. But you were an idiot in how you handled this and now look at the situation you have yourself in. But knowing how you are and that she is your blood, you have nothing to worry about. She will just as levelheaded and stubborn as you." He chucked under his breath at me. Yes we have been friends for many years. That's the only reason he can be so frank with me. If it was any other pack member, I might have ripped their throat out on the spot.

'Dinner is ready'

'Okay love, we are on our way now. Love you.'

"Well, I guess I will call Ress after we eat and make some arrangements for my travel to where they are now living. Let's go eat." Getting up from my desk, I know Brandon is right. Ress says Scarlet is just like me. No one knows but I talk with Ress on a regular basis. Ress already knows about me and my mate. I had to give her an explanation and I did not want to lie to her, my mate knows that Ress has my heart and that my human side loves her still, but Beth is the one made just for me. Walking down the hall I wish Scarlet were included in all the family photos that are hanging on the wall, but Ress wanted her to have a normal human life until it was a must that she learned of our kind.

Walking into the dining room I hold my head with pride seeing my pack together as one. We are not the biggest, but we are a strong and healthy pack. I walk over to Beth, kissing her on the lips letting her feel my love for her. Because she is my mate, she can feel my emotions and how I have been thinking of Ress and Scarlet. She may understand, but I know it hurts. Sitting next to her, she grabs my hand, looks into my eyes and gives my reassuring smile "I love you, I trust you, and I am sure that you will be able to get to know your daughter. I just wish you would have trusted yourself sooner. We could have all gotten to know each other together." Goddess I love my mate.

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