

Esau was on hot pursuit for his brother who had swindled him of his Father's blessing. After several years of consistent tracking, he finally found him but there was nothing he could do now. His brother had got the ultimate blessing, the almighty touch. Faced with godly powers and left at death's door, he cried out of exasperation as he watched him escape. . Seeing this, the Almighty took pity on him and blessed him....... A Blessing or A curse? Follow Esau on how he spends eternal life.

Lightskinnedboy · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
8 Chs

New Quest

Esau sighed as his reminiscing finally came to an end. Looking around, he noticed the rain had finally stopped. He had unconsciously lost count of time during his flash back. It looked like only just an hour had passed though. Just by willing it, the screen in front of him disappeared. He decided to go back to the sitting room to check on Marcus. They could go fix his car since the rain had completely stopped.

He was just about stepping out of the room when that familiar voice rang in his head.

"New Quest has been updated. Open stats to see"

A new light filled Esau's eyes. He could hear his heart beat harder just from pure excitement. He had been waiting for this voice for twenty years now.

"Adju stats now!", he bit his lips as the blue screen appeared. Wasting no time, he hurriedly clicked on "special abilities" and then, "endower".



(QUEST: The grave of the great king Ahmed has been robbed and the Holy book and key of the gods have been stolen. Recover both the book and key)

Reward: Increase in level.

Esau's eyes glowed as he read the quest given. This was the first time he was given such a mysterious quest. In the past, he would either get quests for him to protect a family or assasinate a high level official or for him to do some absurd exercises. He had never gotten something related to the gods.  Until now he had only believed in the existence of just one god, the almighty. But this was an eye opener.

Pulling his eyes to the corner of the screen, he could see a map and on it. Two red dots were consistently blinking. It was the way the system had always worked. It would give him a mission, the information needed and the location. Then he'd get paid with level ups every time he accomplished them. It reminded him of a contracted hit man.

"Mexico and Australia!" he clapped excitedly. If anyone should see him, they'd think he'd won a jackpot. Well, this was way more than a jackpot to him. This could be freedom from his curse.

'Mexico is just three hours from California but Australia is quite farther.',he rubbed his chin.

After a while of contemplating, he decided to go with the closest first. Willing the screen to disappear, he walked to a room opposite his. It was Brenna's. He knocked for her to open.

"What is it?", an unbelievably pretty girl opened the door. She was short and slim. Although slim, her womanly shape was evident. Her black hair was packed in a pony and her black pupils were cold.

Esau grinned sheepishly at her causing her to cringe. The times he always had that look on his face was whenever he was training her or murdering some poor soul.

"I have news. I got a quest", he chuckled.

Brenna was the only person alive that knew of his secret. He had completely explained to her even as a child because of her abilities. Unlike her, Marcus was just like every other human, unaware of the Blesseds. Honestly, Esau would not mind telling him but he wanted to understand his 'endower' skill first.

Brenna was a little bit surprised. It finally happened. She may be able to have even more information on the things she was capable of. Figuring them out herself had been hectic. She had once woken up to a giant armored skeleton as a child, staring at her in her room. Out of shock, she had screamed and made Esau rush in with unnatural speed. He had wasted no time in laying waste to the creature. Some years later, she had accidentally made her high school haunted with vengeful ghosts. Only after few years had she finally been able to have majority of her powers under control.

"So what are we doing?", she asked. Although hidden, Esau could hear the excitement in her voice.

"We are leaving for Mexico now. Pack your sword and some clothes.", he said before heading back to his room.

"Wait what? I'm not ready.", Brenna complained.

Esau only waved his hand without turning back as he continued to walk.

"By the way, do not summon those bony minions of yours to do your packing for you."

"Marcus is still here.", he finished off with a whisper.

Brenna grumbled before slamming the door shut.

Esau laughed casually to himself. He was about to enter his room when he stopped.

"I should probably help Marcus with his vehicle first."


Mexico, Oaxaca city. 9:48pm

Two people alighted from a taxi. Wearing a barely buttoned cotton shirt and shorts, Esau carried two bags in both hands. On the other hand, Brenna had on her a black plain blouse and ripped jeans. Her hair was held up in a bun and in a hand was a bag while on her back, a slightly long item was wrapped with brown clothes.

They both stared at the storey building right in front of them. After being on the plane for roughly three hours, they had taken a cab to the nearest motel.

"Shall we?", Esau pushed the door open and walked in with Brenna right behind.

The reception was just as they had expected, Empty. They receptionist was busy scribbling something down in a thick notebook and had not even spared them much of a glance.

Almost completely losing his patience, Esau harrumphed.

"fifty world dollars for a night", the receptionist indifferently spoke with his attention still completely in what he was writing. After the great War, the world had finally united and had created the 'World Government'. Due to this, the world government had created a monocurrency system. After much deliberation, they had named it "world dollars".


Not hearing anything from his new clients, the receptionist finally raised his head from his book. Two people stood in front of him, a black man and a very bewitching young lady. His envious eyes explored Brenna's features for a tad too long before finally returning to what he was writing.

Esau really wanted to smack this nonchalant lad into a coma but he knew Brenna was going to scold him for it so he resisted.

"We will be taking two rooms", He said as he dropped two new world dollar notes on the counter. In exchange, he got two keys and a curious stare from the receptionist.

Ignoring him, he and Brenna made their way to the passage directly opposite them. After checking the number behind their keys, they found their rooms which happened to be opposite each other.

Esau entered his room and laid his bags on the bed. Opening the longer bag, he took out a sheathed sword and gently removed it from its sheath. He brandished it skillfully before placing it back.

"I really hope I can put you to use. Life's been boring", he said as he sheathed the sword and returned it into the bag.

"Now.... How about a little walk".

The wind was cool and the night calm. A full moon hung in the sky like a suspended ball. It wasn't doing much work thanks to the street lights that flooded the roads. Voices filled the streets and sounds of vehicles blowing their horns occasionally could be heard.

Esau had both hands in his pockets as he strolled. His eyes was locked on the blue screen in front of him. Anybody that saw him would think he was only lost in his thoughts as the screen was only visible to him. Right now, he was studying the system's map. The two blinking red lights were still there but he was focused on just one at the moment. From what he was looking at, he could tell the item was ten kilometers north from his location. The only problem was he didn't know if it was the key or book. Well, it didn't actually matter. His quest involved having to steal the two anyway.

Honestly, a huge part of him wanted to go right now and get it over with but he felt there really was no use rushing things. He'd leave with Brenna first thing tomorrow in search of it.

'Tonight should be wasted on alcohol instead', he thought as he came to a stop. In front of him a club stood. At the top, "Santa Cruz" was written with red lights. Willing for the blue screen to disappear, he walked into the club.

The sight of men and women grinding against each other was the most common action in the room. At the extreme left, he could even see a man and woman, pants down, go at it right there. It appeared to be a normal thing as no one paid them attention.

Esau walked up to the bartender who was already busy mixing drinks.

"Your strongest gin", Esau spoke loudly.

His ability to regenerate had made him immune to the effects of alcohol. Originally, it wasn't so and only helped in regenerating organs and tissues but as it kept leveling up, it started acting against toxins too. Right now, he only drank just for the hot pleasurable feeling it gave him.

Taking shots upon shots, he took out his phone and started playing his favorite mobile game. It was an online role playing game. Phones were another invention of this generation Esau was happy with. He was so engrossed in the game he had not noticed the change that had occurred in the bar.

A group of people had entered the club. They easily numbered up to thirty. Immediately the people in the club had seen them, they had hurriedly left. After a while, the only people left in the club were staff members, the new group and a very ignorant Esau. This group of people were members of the biggest and most dangerous cartel in Oaxaca. Once in a while, they'd come to the club to come let loose and get drunk.

"Hello Miguel", a member of the group walked up to the bartender. One could easily tell he was the leader.

"Ah Antonio! The usual? ", the bartender forced a smile.

"The usual my man", Antonio nodded and laughed. The veins on his tattooed neck bulged to an incongruous extent.

It was then he noticed Esau whom was still engrossed in his game. He narrowed his eyes and frowned. He had never seen him around so he was sure he wasn't a staff. Antonio was known for his ruthlessness and brutality. He'd bully and sometimes would even kill just for the fun of it. Aware of his personality, the clubbers had chosen to leave. Honestly, he enjoyed the terror he had placed in people's hearts. It made him feel like the predator. His brother owned the biggest cartel in the city and he was second in command. Of course people should fear him.

But here was this black foreigner ignoring his presence. It was infuriating.

'Since he doesn't know much about Oaxaca, how about I teach him a little lesson?', he thought to himself.

He strutted towards Esau and finally stopped just right beside him. Miguel, the bartender, saw this and could only let out a bitter sigh. He knew of Antonio's brutality and could only pity the poor man.

"Hello Amigo", Antonio greeted with a smirk but received no answer. He felt maybe Esau had not heard due to the blaring music and had decided to speak louder.

"I'm speaking to you Amigo!"

"...", Esau hadn't even budged. He was just too engrossed in his game.

Ignored twice, Antonio was truly angry now. He instantly grabbed the phone from Esau's hands and placed it in a cup filled with drink.

He grinned as he saw Esau slowly turn his head towards him. He was about to speak when a cold voice cut him.

"You shouldn't have done that".