
The Almighty Daily Check in system

  "Ding! Sign-in success, congratulations to the host for getting a piece of land in the Modu Financial Center." "Ding! Sign-in success, congratulations to the host for gaining trillion yuan in shares."    "Ding! Sign-in success, congratulations to the host for getting an airline."

lllDarkCloudslll · Urban
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2 Chs

Chapter one Sign in system

[The sign-in is successful, congratulations to the host for acquiring a group with a market value of 100 billion yuan.]

[The host has also received a special ability for being the first time that the host uses the system.]

[The host has gained the ability to cultivate by breathing.]

[Every breath that the host takes. The host will gain one cultivation experience.]

[This skill can be upgraded by spending money on it]

[Every one million that the host spends on this skill will give the host an extra one cultivation experience.]

Hostname: Hu Tian

Cultivation realm Level: none

Cultivation experience point: 000/100

Total asset: 100 Billion yuan

Cultivation Skill: Cultivate by Breathing (Can be upgraded)

Hu Tian ignored the sound in his mind, thinking he was hearing things.

[The host gained one cultivation experience points by breathing.]

The same message repeated itself on the mind of Hu Tian every breath he took.Hu Tian could no longer ignore the message that appears on his mind.

"Who are you? Why are you in my head?" Hu Tian asked after confirming that what he was hearing kept repeating itself on his mind.

[My name is The Almighty Daily Check-in system. I have been bind to the host. I do not mean any harm to the host. I just wish to make the host stronger. The host will be able to get something from the system daily.]

"So everything that I was hearing is true? Did I receive a group worth 100 billion yuan? What does cultivation experience point mean by the way?"

[Host everything that you have heard is true. you will be receiving a call soon to transfer the group to your name. cultivation experience points will aloud you to become stronger. There are hidden cultivators in this world. You are one of them now as well.]

[Congratulation host you have broken through. The host cultivation realm level is now set to level one. The host needs 200 experience points for the next level.]

At this moment Hu Tian felt as a hot current travel around his body. This current was changing all his muscles and veins and meridians that the hot current travel around.

"Wow, I feel more powerful than before. I felt refresh and lighted." Hu Tian said with a smile on his face.

Hu Tian never expected that the day that his ex-broke up him he would receive such a blessing from the system.

The reason as to why Mo Yu broke with Hu Tian was because he was to poor.

She also was cheating on Hu Tian with the son of the company owner he used to work before. Not only was he was dumb by his ex he was fired as well by the stinking couple.

Now it seems that all of this was a blessing on disguised. Hu Tian found what snake his ex was. Good thing that he found early and not later.

Who would think that a few hours before he was so poor that he could not even afford rent this month, and Hu Tian now is a billionaire guy? He is worth 100 billion yuan!

Hu tian decided to go to a restaurant. This restaurant always has been wanted to go there. The cheapest dish in this restaurant cost 1000 yuan!

He was never able to afford this dish before. He wanted to eat happily today since he has gotten a system. It seems as well that everything the system has says was true as well. The reason for this is because he feels stronger than before.

What Hu Tian did not know was that today he was going to cost a huge scene on the restaurant.

Hu Tian decided to walk to the restaurant. It was only five minutes away from where he was at this moment.

[Congratulation host you have broken through. The host cultivation realm level is now set to level two. The host needs 400 experience points for the next level.]

At this moment Hu Tian felt as a hot current travels around his body. This current was changing all his muscles and veins and meridians that the hot current travel around. The difference now is that he felt hot like ball on his belly. This ball felt extremely small.

[Host that thing small ball that you feel on your belly is you datain. It is where your cultivation experience is store. This what makes the host breakthrough once the datain is full of energy.]

"Oh, I see. It is like the novel I have read before." Hu Tian says with a smile on his face.

What Hu Tian did not know was that it took a few months to break from on level to another. He has broken through twice in less than 10 minutes! How crazy speed is that.