
The Alien Princess And The CEO: A Love Story Beyond Worlds

This is a story about a tough and beautiful girl from the Alpha Centauri kingdom. Her name is Starla, and she possesses extraordinary intelligence and strength. She finds herself stranded on Earth after a space accident, with her body severely injured and her spirit needing to find a new host. She wakes up in the body of a single child and the only heir to a wealthy family. In the accident, she also loses her necklace, which weakens her powers. Her new life is complicated by family issues, and a wicked stepmother who tries to take everything away from her. She believes that if she can find her necklace, everything will become easy for her, including her desire to return to her original kingdom. Despite the challenges she faces, on her journey to find her necklace, she eventually discovers it in the hands of a handsome young CEO who suffers from psychological disorders. Her frequent encounters with the young CEO bring them closer together, and the seeds of love begin to slowly bloom without her realizing it. What happens next? How does Starla retrieve her necklace? Will Starla return to her homeland after finding a way back there? What about their relationship? Let's find out the answers.

Gloryglory96 · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Chapter 05. Kingdom of Alpha Centauri

The girl's smile widened as she arrived in front of an elevator. It only took her a few minutes to figure out that the small room could take her to a different floor.

In her residence at the royal palace, she also had a room like this, a room that could take her anywhere. It was just a little different. If her guess was correct, the range of the small room was limited only within the building where it was located.

Without waiting long, the girl entered. Her body stiffened as she found her reflection on the elevator wall. Half of the elevator wall was made of glass, so everyone could see their reflection.

She reflexively touched her face with a strange expression. "Who is that?" she thought when she saw herself with a different face, but at the same time, she felt that it was indeed herself.

"Miss, if you want to enter, come in. Don't stand there. You're blocking the door from closing," a woman's voice interrupted her thoughts.

"Ah, sorry..." she said shortly. Her face was full of confusion. Her focus was divided, and her mind was chaotic. Various questions filled her head.

Occasionally, some nurses glanced at her. "Miss? Is everything okay? Where's your room?" they asked.

"I'm fine. Stop looking at me like that. I'm just not used to being in a small and cramped space like this," she said, and her voice echoed in the elevator.

Hearing that, some people frowned. But after that, nothing happened. Everyone immediately thought that perhaps the girl was the daughter of a wealthy person and always used a special elevator. She didn't use a common elevator like this. Moreover, judging from the floor where she was located, it was a floor containing VVIP rooms.

As the elevator began to move, she muttered with a furrowed brow, "My necklace... why do I feel like its signal is getting farther away?"

"Uh... wait, where are we going?" the girl panicked. Instead of approaching the location of her necklace, they were going in the opposite direction.

"We're going to the ground floor, Miss," replied a nurse standing next to her.

'What? The ground floor? No, my necklace isn't there.'

"What's wrong, Miss? Is everything okay? Where's your room? I'll take you back," the nurse said again when she didn't get any response from the patient beside her.

"Besides, it's still early morning. Why are you wandering outside your room?" the nurse asked again.

"I wanted to get some fresh air. I'm fine. I thought the air on the roof of this building would make my mind fresh and relaxed," she replied, expressing her thoughts.

Just after saying that, everyone turned to her with strange looks.

A few moments ago, the building was almost collapsing, and this girl casually said that she wanted to go to the roof of the building to breathe fresh air. Was she crazy? Moreover, she was still a patient in this hospital. What was she thinking?

"What's wrong? Did I say something wrong?"

"Miss, don't you know that a meteor has hit this building and destroyed several parts of it?"

"A meteor?"

"Yes, it happened a few hours ago, Miss."

"Then where are the Centauruss? This is the first time a meteor can penetrate the centaurus's shield. If it happened a few hours ago, they should have handled this by now," the girl replied.

"Centaurus? What do you mean, Miss?" A small wrinkle was visible on the nurse's forehead.

Centaurus is the name given to the warriors of the Alpha Centauri Kingdom, located in the Centaurus constellation, which is approximately 4,367 light-years away from Earth.

The Centaurus has to protect the kingdom from the impact of foreign objects moving irregularly in space. Not only that, but they are also responsible for managing the kingdom's traffic.

The Alpha Centauri Kingdom is divided into three regions: Centauri A, Centauri B, and Centauri C. Each region is separate from the others.

The center of the kingdom is located in Centauri A, where palace people, warriors, and everything closely related to the royal palace resides. Centauri B is inhabited by scientists and students of the royal academy, while Centauri C is home to the citizens of the Alpha Centauri Kingdom.

When observed from Earth with the naked eye, Alpha Centauri appears as a single star, but in reality, it consists of three stars, corresponding to the regions of Centauri A, B, and Centauri C.

"You mentioned that a meteor hit this building a few hours ago. It's natural for me to ask about the whereabouts of the Centaurus. This is their duty," Violla explained.

The nurse was confused.

"She is a patient here. Don't mind what she says. It may sound strange, but perhaps it is the influence of the disease she is suffering from. Some patients often experience delusions during their recovery phase," said another nurse who was standing in the far corner.

At the same time, a 'ding' sound was heard, along with the opening of the elevator door.

"Miss, you should go back to your room and not wander around. The current condition is a bit dangerous for you. Besides, this is a special elevator for medical personnel, Miss. You should use the elevator next to it, which is for the public," said the nurse standing next to her before leaving.

Violla stood still, surprised by the responses of the people around her.

"Delusions? Hah... What's wrong with these people? They're so weird," she murmured, then pressed a button near the elevator door without paying attention to the nurse's words. A button she believed would take her to where her necklace was.

It only took less than five minutes for Violla to arrive at the top floor. Just as the elevator door opened, dust and the smell of burning tickled her nose. She reflexively coughed.

She hadn't even left the small room when a muscular man approached her.

"Sorry, Miss. For now, no one is allowed to wander around in this area except medical personnel and security personnel. Please go back to your room," said the man. He was a security guard at the hospital.

Violla seemed oblivious. Instead, she was busy watching the chaos outside the elevator. Not far from her position, there was a room with walls that were already destroyed, revealing the condition behind it, and it was far from good.

"I am Starla. Quickly call the Centaurus and report to the palace that a small accident has occurred in Centaurus C. This is just a collision of Eta Aquarid meteor fragments, it should not be a big problem," the girl gave orders.

She guessed that she was currently in the Centauri C region. Before entering Earth's orbit, she had to pass through the Centauri C region first. Also, in her lifetime, she had only visited the Centauri C region once, and it was a long time ago. So she didn't know what the living conditions of the residents in the Centauri C region were like.

"Meanwhile, I want to find my necklace. Give me a way; I want to pass," she said again.

Confused? Of course. The security guard frowned. He didn't understand what the girl was saying at all.

"I am STARLA. Are you deaf or just pretending not to know me?"