
The Alien in my Bathroom

What if one day, you find an alien in your bathroom...? Would you run away and report to the police or start chatting with him out of curiosity..! He claims he is here to save the world. Would you believe him or rather kick him out of your house? Get ready for a wonderful journey or fun, laughter, mystery and action!

Author_Duo · Fantasy
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8 Chs


I still do not know whether this is the perfect outfit for you!" Exclaimed Lia, as she tried to keep up with Jakes.

"Why not ?!" Jakes asked.

"So once all this stuff belongs to Helix, which he determines is sonething he would want to have again ..." Lia began, "... and we also have summer!"

"Yes and?"

"Since it does not carry Bobble Hats!"

"Then one problem has indeed resolved just in the air," Jakes said cheerfully.

"Yes, but ... the sunglasses do not necessarily makes the whole thing believable."

"How else to hide my eyes?"

"All right. But the robe in this weather, really is not needed. And a pair of pants too, so you would have to also take stock of the shorts "

"I think I look quite fantastic," grinned Jakes and made a small turn to prove his sentence as correct. Passersby starring at him found several reasons to quickly steer clear of him.

"Where do you want to ever go ?!" desperately asked Lia.

"No idea! I hope that we will find another hole in the time vortex, so that we get out of here "

"Time Vortex ?!"

"Maybe then we end up in an alpha galaxy ... . Main thing is to come out of the stupid omega-range "

"Omega-field ?!"

She repeated.

"Yes! Best yet an unofficial Federation star. That would be really lucky "

"Federation star ?!"

The girl raised her eyebrows.

"Could you please stop repeating my words constantly? I know the way I'm brilliant "

The boy stopped abruptly.


Suddenly Jakes stopped so abruptly that Lia stumbled into him. The afternoon sun was low and blinded her, but Jakes seemed to deal with something else. He looked at the pedestrian area of the town, as if to he was looking at something different than the passers by. As if he was looking at something strange that nobody was aware of, but him.

"What is ...?" She wanted to ask, but he motioned her to be quiet.

"Do you hear that right?" He asked.

Lia paused and listened. But she heard nothing strange, except the murmur of the passers-by and the cars on the more distant road.

"I hear nothing," she said then, too, but still in the same second Jakes yelled: "Down !!" and pulled her to the ground, on top of the cobblestones. It was a hard impact, but it would have been harder if they had been hit by the object that now barely hit a few centimeters in front of them and shattered on the ground.