
The Alien in my Bathroom

What if one day, you find an alien in your bathroom...? Would you run away and report to the police or start chatting with him out of curiosity..! He claims he is here to save the world. Would you believe him or rather kick him out of your house? Get ready for a wonderful journey or fun, laughter, mystery and action!

Author_Duo · Fantasy
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8 Chs

New room- mate...

"Yeah, I shall cook something nice,dont bother but then you can not take a shower!" Lia cried with a wildly beating heart. How could she explain the broken window? My roommate would you definitely not believe that Jakes was there in my bathroom and he flew by.

"Why?" Sarc asked, and tilted his head in confusion.

At that very moment Jakes broke out with an incredible rumble through the door. Clouds of steam and fragrant Deo swelled down the hall and he broke coughing and panting together on the ground. Looking at the boy, Sarc let out a little scream.

"Who the hell is that ?!"

"This is Jakes," said Lia quickly and rushed to the side of her visitor. "He's new in town and is full on Cosplay and so ... so

that is why these contact lenses"

Jakes gasped hearing the girl's words.

"What have you done?" Hissed Lia overlooking Sarc, who stared wide-eyed at Jakes as if he were an alien. What he had done perhaps was not so wrong.

"What is wrong with you people? What the hell ?! This is not a breath freshener, this is indeed a poison !! " Jakes frowned hard, coughing and panting for air.

"Breath freshener?" Lia repeated blankly and Jakes waved a fairly empty deodorant bottle.

"Tell me now do not, you'll be breathing the stuff"

Lia slapped her forehead.

Jakes nodded and coughed again. "You did not happen to more orange juice?"


Sarc moved paralyzed in the kitchen and Lia had serious concerns for his health now. The juice bottle again went down the boy's throat like a fast moving train and then the boy instantly got up as if nothing had happened.

"Now tell me something!" Sarc asked turning to look at Lia away from the boy, who had established himself as the confident Jakes again as the Deo's extreme fumes had escaped from the broken window.

"Are ... are these my shorts?"

Jakes looked down at himself. "Quite possible."

"Limi ... why the guy wearing my shorts?"

"Because his were dirty ..ughh... were dirty..?". Suddenly Lia realized how wrong that sounded. "Hey, just do not think that is because something happened between the two of us. I met him this morning at the ... at the Kiosk. Is not it, Jakes? "

Jakes nodded affirming.

"And then you take him to house and he lenters outlr house and takes a shower in our bathroom and on top of that also wears my shorts?"

Sarc looked at his shorts once again.

An awkward silence arose between the three of them.

"Yes ...Yes. I was just sympathetic to him. That is all"

Lia spoke up, standing next to Jakes.

Sarc's eyebrows rose in surprise, as if the girl was speaking utter nonsense.

"I also have the world to save..... Ouch!". Jakes rubbed his shoulder, which had just been beaten by Lia's elbow, signalling him to keep quiet.

"All good now. He now lives up here. As we have a room available anyway, since Zulius moved out, is not it?"

Lia tried to sound relaxed and casual.

"Wait ..." interjected Jakes. "You have lived with three guys in an apartment?"

"The question everyone asks, has propped up again," said Sarc. "She's a bit different, for that matter"

Now Jakes hiked his eyebrows up. "Oh ... it's from the other side?"

"NO!" Lia shouted in anger. "No, I'm not, and even if I was, it would not matter! Want to now go to the room or not? "