
The Alien in my Bathroom

What if one day, you find an alien in your bathroom...? Would you run away and report to the police or start chatting with him out of curiosity..! He claims he is here to save the world. Would you believe him or rather kick him out of your house? Get ready for a wonderful journey or fun, laughter, mystery and action!

Author_Duo · Fantasy
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8 Chs


"So, you want to save the world?".

Lia had now brought the man downstairs. There were more windows, which gave her a safer feeling than the fore closed on the second floor. He had requested for a coffee.

As soon as man took a sip he spit it across the table, all over the table cloth. Lia looked at the stubborn spots that would not go out from the tablecloth. Helix would kill her now.

"This 'want' is not the right word ..." grumbled Jakes, still visibly annoyed by the Coffee's bitter taste.

"So... Ah ... is that basically a kind of job?"

The girl pursed her lips.

"What do you mean?". He could not even understand what the girl was trying to say.

"Well ... you're paid for it?"

"No ... no, of course not"

"So honorary"

"If you want to see it that way ..."

"Then you want it anyway!"

Jakes was taken aback. "Yes ... well ... yes"

Then they both went silent for a while. Lia stared at his washed-out, gray t-shirt. The V neckline was pretty deep. And on the skin underneath, dark shadow loomed. She saw towards what looked like a tattoo or as if he had been stabbed, but before she could ask about it, he asked another question.

"I know this question may come a little late, but ... what planet are we?"

Lia raised her eyebrows and looked at her counterpart, studying his expressions which clearly said that his gaze was honest. Either, Jakes played his role damn well or he really was hit too hard on the head. On the other hand ... demanding the orange juice thing was pretty weird, especially whem his wounds vanished away.

"On the ... Earth?" She replied uncertainly.

Now Jakes hiked his eyebrows up. "Oh, come on, Lia, that was really bad one. Be serious."

Lia frowned. "No, I'm serious ... we are on earth! In the Milky Way "

"How...? seriously? Earth?"

"Yes! Of course, where else? "

"Earth?! Really Earth ?! "He began to laugh.

"Where else? Of course on earth! ".

Jakes laughed louder.

"What's so funny?" Lia asked indignantly. The fact that her unknown visitor was making fun of their homes, hurt her a bit.

"Seriously ...?" Gasped Jakes, with tears of laughter in the corner of his eye. "Earth?!"

"What's wrong with that?" Asked Lia.

"You named your planet by filth ?!". The boy spoke and then tipped over and rolled off to the ground. "Bahaha ... Earth ... I 'not'll ..."

"Oh, come on!" Exclaimed Lia. "Earth is for life! Fertility! For for also for..."

Hooted Jakes again laughing very hard. "Dirt!" "Dreeeck!"

Lia crossed her arms over her chest. "Yes and?!"