
The Alfheim Archives

Levi Anders was an average White elf. But when his life gets turned upside down by the Dark elves at the early age of 17, when they kill his mother and imprison his father, he makes a decision that will alter his life. As he walks the streets of his homeland, he decides to go by an alias, Nicholas Rune. As Levi continues his journey as Nicholas, he will befriend other elves and a very special horse. With his heart of gold, Firm beliefs in piece and fierce determination... Will he be able to turn the tides in favor of the White elves and bring the century old war to an end?

Holly_Vidal · Fantasy
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23 Chs

Chapter 7: A New Equine Friend

 I followed him to a set of stables where I seen a set of beautiful horses grazing in a small pasture. There was a chestnut with brown hair, there was a paint with tan spots, a black as night horse with white hair. The last was out of the ordinary. It was a black horse with white hooves and a white muzzle. It's hair however was a long silver, reminding me of silver grass blowing in the wind. I looked at the farmer, and requested to see it. "Ah, she is my favorite. That one there is Moonshine. Her father was a Purebred Black Beauty but her mother was a special kind of horse known as a Moontrotter. Her hair was a beautiful silver, much like Moonshine's. She also had white skin as well but I no longer have her. Moonshine here only only likes specific people so there is no promises she will come with you. But if she likes you, and you like her, you are welcome to take her. She is a fine horse, I can assure you of that." I followed him into the pasture barely watching where I was going. I couldn't take my eyes off the horse. It seemed like only a figment of my imagination as it ran the pasture. As we closed in on her, the horse turned her head and seemed to glare at me. I watched as the farmer approached her with ease even as she was giving me an imposing glare. I stopped dead in my tracks as the farmer brought her to me. They came to a stop in front of me and stood still. I looked in Moonshine's eyes and I swear I could've drowned in the depths them. One of her eyes were a light blue, and the other was a dark blue with a tinge of silver in a ring around the iris. I reached out to touch her muzzle and she stood in place, allowing me to touch her. As I rubbed her muzzle, I had a feeling that this horse was meant for me. With that feeling in mind, I turned to the farmer and gave him my answer. "I would like Moonshine. I have a feeling that she was meant to be mine. Well, that is, if you are still willing to part with such a special horse." The farmer looked at Moonshine and hesitated. "I don't wish to part with her, but I must keep my word. I said you could have whatever horse you wish and you did bring my Brecken and Liza back so it's the least I could do. She's yours. Take good care of her. She deserves to be treated like the good horse she is." With that, he handed the reins of the bridle over to me and stepped back. I took the reins in my hands and looked at them. I then looked at Moonshine and closed the distance between us. I looked her in the eyes and began to speak with her. "May I take you with me on my journey to Farandar? I think you and I could make a big difference in this world." Moonshine merely looked at me with her blue eyes and then she did what I had hoped she would. She pushed her muzzle against my hand as a sign that she was willing to go with me. As I brushed my hand along her flank, the farmer spoke up after a quick clearing of his throat. "Young man, I would like to know, what is your name? I would like to be able to remember the name of the kind-hearted man who saved my children and felt like a rare horse was meant by fate to be his." He chuckled quietly to himself. "My name is Nicholas Rune but because I feel I can trust you, I will tell you my true name. I am Levi Rune, son of Ashara and Tauran Anders, from the village of Adasqueil. I have lost my mother and my dad is a hostage of the Darks. I will do what I can to make this war end. I promise on my life. If there is anything that you ever need me to do or need of me, do not hesitate to call upon me." Understanding was written on the farmer's face, as he smiled and requested one more time that I take good care of Moonshine. As I walked away with her, he made a noise as he remembered something. "Hey, Levi, wouldn't you like a saddle? I can gladly tack Moonshine up for you." I turned around and looked at the farmer. I reached up to Moonshine's muzzle and removed the bridle. Walking to the farmer, I handed him the bridle and answered his question. "You just said that she is a special horse. There is no reason she should be forced to wear that for my comfort. I am quite skilled at riding a horse saddleless." The farmer smiled and I turned to walk away. As I left the village, Liza and Brecken approached me. They looked happy to see me. Brecken grabbed my hand: "Where are you going? Are you coming back? If you are, when will we see you again?" Liza timidly looked at me and asked only two questions. "Where are you going Mr.? Are you really going to go join the military?" I squatted and looked at them both. "I am going to Farandar. I not sure if I will be back but I will try to come back someday and see you guys. And yes, Liza, I am going to go join the military when I arrive in Farandar. But don't worry about me okay. I will kick all of those mean Dark Elves butts. Just for you. And you too Brecken." I said as I turned to him. After I ruffled his hair with my hand, they smiled and ran to their parents who were standing a few feet back waiting for them. I got on Moonshine and as I trotted out of the village, I turned to see Liza and Brecken waving goodbye, with their Mom and Dad. I waved back, and turned around, heading off down the path to make my way to Farandar.