
The Alfheim Archives

Levi Anders was an average White elf. But when his life gets turned upside down by the Dark elves at the early age of 17, when they kill his mother and imprison his father, he makes a decision that will alter his life. As he walks the streets of his homeland, he decides to go by an alias, Nicholas Rune. As Levi continues his journey as Nicholas, he will befriend other elves and a very special horse. With his heart of gold, Firm beliefs in piece and fierce determination... Will he be able to turn the tides in favor of the White elves and bring the century old war to an end?

Holly_Vidal · Fantasy
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23 Chs

Chapter 19: So, a Friend then?

That caught me seriously off guard. An undercover spy? Her? There was no way. The thoughts swirled in my head like a hurricane. But I couldn't keep denying it. It perfectly explained her skill in combat, stealth and her uncanny knowledge of the happenings in the White Elf military.

Looking to the General, I questioned him with my gaze. He just smiled and continued to speak. He gradually began explaining that Wysaleth had been assigned to join us.

"The Lead Commander had caught wind of your skill Soldier. He sent Wysaleth to supervise you and to decide whether you are worthy."

At this point, I was curious and wanted to speak but I knew it would be rude. So I kept quiet. The General properly introduced us and shortly afterward he turned to me with an order.

"Son, take Wysaleth and show her around camp. Get the boys to set her up a tent, get her some food and also, see if you can find her a change of clothes to wear while her current outfit is washed and patched up. With that, he dismissed us and with a quick salute from Wysaleth and I, I led her out of the tent and back into the camp.

She stayed silent the whole time I was directing her to the different portions of the camp. As I spoke, I could feel her gaze boring holes in my back. It wasn't until I had finished the impromptu tour, that I turned to her and questioned her.

"Why do you continue staring at me? I can feel your eyes trailing me every step I take? Is there a point to this?"

She merely shrugged and taking that as a dismissal, I began to walk towards my tent. She followed me and stood outside of it as I fetched a clean pair of clothes out of my bag. Stepping out of my tent, I handed her the clothes and motioned towards the forest.

"Follow me. There's a stream not far away where you can bathe. Just lay your clothes on this rock when you get in and ill take them to the camp to be washed." She raised her eyebrows and walked behind a tree glancing back at me once more before disappearing. I turned away and looked at a tree on the path we just took. There was a pair of baby squirrels running in circles on the branches. They ducked and dodged each other playing happily. Not far away, their mother sat looking at them while watching their surroundings. As she caught sight of me, she sounded to her children and as a group, they took off, jumping tree to tree. It was about then that I heard a splash behind me accompanied by a quick scream. Without a second thought, I rushed around the trees that were just behind me and approached the stream. My eyes scanned the stream and settled on a shock of silver hair floating not far down the stream. I hollered at her and after no response, I pulled my shirt off and dove in, swimming and using my power to propel me faster. But as I swam closer, she seemed to be moving further away. With a little extra force and magic, I caught up to her only to realize many things at once. One, she was just fine. Two, she was merely swimming with her head partially submerged which was why she couldn't hear me or answer when I called her. And three... She had no clothes on whatsoever and I was standing directly next to her. I could feel my face instantly start heating up and I knew I was blushing. I quickly turned my back to her and began swimming back to the shore where i had originally been before I jumped. I could only hope she didn't realize that I had been standing there. I used my flame and a bit of air to dry myself off quickly and pulled my shirt back on. Grabbing her clothes, I began walking back to camp. I was trying desperately to get that image out of my head. But I just couldn't. She had looked so beautiful with the light of the moon playing across her hair, her fair skin and reflecting off the water and painting designs on her face. She was hauntingly ethereal and knowing I wasn't supposed to see her in such a way, I was doing everything in my power to forget. Looking up, I realized that I was already on the outer circle of the camp and so I redirected my legs to the laundry area to drop off her dirty laundry. I ordered the laundry crews to have it dropped off at Wysaleth's tent on the other side of the camp. With that, I made my way to my own tent to lay down. With a quick kick of my feet, my shoes were off and I was laying on my back staring at the roof of my tent. I thought of anything I could to keep my mind off of what I was trying so hard to avoid. But eventually, my thoughts returned to the sight I'd seen but shouldn't have. Her back and arms were covered with scars of different depths and lengths. Her back was marred by a large, jagged scar as long as her whole back. It looked as though she had been through a lot in her past. But I knew better than to ask. But I just couldn't understand how she still looked so stunning even with these scars all over her body. I laid an arm over my eyes and began thinking about what could be happened. I remember her mentioning once that she didn't trust most people. I couldn't help but wonder who would've and could've done such harm to her and why. Was it why she became an assassin? Is it why she always wears clothes that conceal all of her skin? The thoughts spun in my head until she was all I was thinking about. It was then that I snapped out of myself by her voice coming to me from outside my tent. Sitting up, I opened a flap and looked out. Standing outside, was none other than Isilnyor, wet hair dripping down her face and back. She smiled and quietly asked.

"May I talk to you for a moment?"