
The Alfheim Archives

Levi Anders was an average White elf. But when his life gets turned upside down by the Dark elves at the early age of 17, when they kill his mother and imprison his father, he makes a decision that will alter his life. As he walks the streets of his homeland, he decides to go by an alias, Nicholas Rune. As Levi continues his journey as Nicholas, he will befriend other elves and a very special horse. With his heart of gold, Firm beliefs in piece and fierce determination... Will he be able to turn the tides in favor of the White elves and bring the century old war to an end?

Holly_Vidal · Fantasy
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23 Chs

Chapter 17: A not so unfriendly friend from the shadows

My pursuer was none other than the same individual who was creeping behind me last. The woman who once attacked me weeks before when I was laying down in a forest just like this one. She wore clothing exactly the same as she had during our last encounter. A white trench coat hid the majority of her features but there was no doubt it was the same elf. Her silver hair shone lightly as the sun touched the stray strands. She stood with her hand on a hip and all of her weight on a single leg but the glare she gave me was enough to give a grown male nightmares. Hoping to keep from fighting as we did the last time, I smiled and waved at her before speaking companionably.

"Hey! Nice to see you again. I appreciate the rabbit you caught and left me the last time we met. How have you been recently?"

As I spoke, she just continued glaring at me. She never took her eyes off of me once and once I was done speaking, she spoke very silently.

"You act as though we are friends. If I recall correctly, the last time that we met we were holding weapons to each other's throats. Glad to see you haven't keeled over yet. I'd be offended if you had survived my attacks but died from something else petty like a snake bite. I see your in military colors and uniform. Make it to your destination did you?"

Shrugging my shoulders, I answered her.

"Yeah. We didnt have the best introduction last time we met. Which is the exact reason why I'm treating you as a friend. I'd prefer not to get on your bad side and have to fight you again. And yes, I am wearing military uniform and yes, I did make it to my destination. Now. Let's quit this small talk and get to the main issue. Why were you following us? Or me more specifically?"

She shifted her weight from the one leg to the other and removed her hand from her waist but stayed silent. She very apparently wasn't willing to share her motives, so I decided to go a different route.

"Well, you aren't willing to share why you were following me, but I warned my commander of your presence and he sent me out here to fetch you and bring you back. So, will you go with me quietly or will I have to wrestle you all the way back to my camp?"

She stood quietly as she considered and eventually, she stepped aside and gesturing her hand, gave me lead back to my camp. As we walked, she stayed a step behind me until we were nearly back. Suddenly, she began walking alongside me and spoke.

"Earlier, you said you have warned your commander of me. Was it by any chance when he bellowed something about you having a good sense if humor?"

I couldn't help but laugh. I knew his acting skills could use some work, but I didn't realize that it was that bad.

"Yes. That was it. He really is a terrible actor. I'll have to teach him a bit I guess."

She laughed softly, and glancing at me, we continued on in silence until we entered the camp. As I stepped into the clearing, all eyes focused on me and the female beside me. Lucky for me, the commander's tent was directly in front of me. As we approached, their eyes follows our every move. Standing outside of his tent, I raised my voice in warning to the commander.

"Commander Sir? It's Rune. I've returned with our tail. Would it be okay if I came in with her?"

He replied with a quick and gruff "Sure." I held the flap aside and stepped in, holding it open for the female as well. She stepped in silently and stood next to me. Glancing up, I saw the commander's back turn and he looked at us. He glanced at me briefly before his gaze settled on the female and stayed there. I couldn't tell but it seemed as they were having a discussion with only their eyes but I couldn't gather the content from how stone cold poker faced they both stayed. What seemed like an eternity later, the commander's gaze returned to me. He seemed to contemplate what he should say before he opened his mouth and began to speak.

"This is who was tailing us that whole time? Are you sure of that?"

I nodded eagerly but kept quiet because he clearly wasn't done talking.

"Alright. I believe you. Leave her here for now. I will send for you shortly after I figure out what I will be doing with her. Go clean yourself up and help yourself to some food. I'll see you soon soldier."

With much hesitation, I stepped out of his tent and began walking away towards my own tent. As I walked, I couldn't help but be worried about leaving a woman of such deadly prowess alone with the commander. But as I began worrying, the Major Drofyn's words echoed into my head.

"This man here is your commander, Folduin Darcyth He's been knee deep in this hell hole of a war since he was your age. By far the best soldier in battle I have seen in my life and believe me. I've see millions in my time."

His words comforted me slightly. If Alistair thought of him that highly than surely he could manage well enough with that one female. And regardless, there were multiple other soldiers in the immediate area and the commander had ordered me to leave her to him and tend to myself. It would do me no good whatsoever to defy his orders so I pushed the issue and the worry out of my mind for later. With that thought in mind, I grabbed a change of clothes and a ragged towel from my tent and headed off into the forest, in search of a river to wash up in.