
The Alexius Chronicles

In a world full of Might and Magic, Empires rose, and Kingdoms fell. The Strong shall grow weak and the Weak shall grow strong. One Man will Triumph... (Hiatus)

Alleviate · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Jinrive Empire (2)  

Sitting in the bar across Cross is the foreigner who is listening intently with a lot of questions on his mind. There was a lot of facts in the story that piqued his curiosity and made him wonder.

"I'd like to ask some questions. The men with the iron like skin who raided the Jade Dragon Palace, were they Parthemisians?"

"Bingo! But to be precise, they were Exiled Parthemisians."

"I have never heard of exiled Parthemisians"

"Everyone knows that Parthemisia is the home of the Greatest soldiers in the world but those who are exiled in the country are those who are weak or those who have committed a grave sin."

"I guess even the weak Parthemisians are still too strong for ordinary humans and this empire proved that."

"It's unfortunate but true, after the fall of Jade Emperor Jin Zhi, the mercenary army that the Partemisians hired who were disguised as civilians launched a surprise attack. It only took them one night to capture the capital."

"What happened to the young princess?"

"No one knows if she is dead or alive because her body was never found but I cannot say the same for the survivors of the royal family, they were all publicly executed." cross sighs.

As they were talking the group of merchants and traders overheard and interrupted their conversation. They looked very serious but Cross and the foreigner weren't worried.

"It's a real shame what happened that day" the man with the gold dragon token on his robe said. "Did you know that this was considered to be the Center of Trade? "

"Oh, I did not know that" the foreigner said. "Can you tell me more?"

The trader told him that in before the fall of the Jade Emperor, Jinrive Empire used to thrive in the art of Trading. Traders and Merchants from different parts of the world come here daily to trade and sell their goods.

Every seaport in the Empire was filled with ships of different sizes and architecture. This is also the reason why the Empire became so diverse because different people from different nations and cultures come here and some even decided to settle here and start a business.

Due to the success of the trading industry, the Crown implemented the token system. Due to the large number of traders and goods coming in of the country, it became almost impossible to discern what goods were authentic and legal.

The token system is divided into five categories which is the bronze, silver, gold, platinum, and the exclusive one which is royalty. Your token would depend on the quality and what kind of goods you sell.

It was hellish and difficult to acquire a token especially if you're not a local here. You would have to pass a series of tests, background checks, examine your goods and even business experience in The Glorious Union of Traders and Merchants. After all that they'd issue you your token.

"That is quite an interesting system implemented here. I have taken quite an interest in it. But out of the five tokens what does the royal one mean?"

"As the highest and most prestigious token, they only cater to those of Royal Blood. It is also difficult to obtain and as of now only two people have it."

"Only two? Are they here in the country? I would love to meet them!" the foreigner said in excitement.

"Since the fall of the Jade Emperor, they have never returned here and it's impossible to meet them. Even those who possess Platinum tokens cannot meet them."

"That is unfortunate, I would have love them to meet someone" the foreigner said in disappointment.

"Chances are, they probably would never return unless a person from the Jin family sits on the throne."

The trader continued to rant about how bad business is now. he talked about how the token system is useless now since the Glorious Union of Traders and Merchants is almost disbanded since most of the members had left.

No one monitors the incoming goods in the seaports now and almost all of the legitimate and businessmen have cut ties with this place. This place has become a place for the black market to thrive.

A bit of time has passed since their conversation, Cross reminded the foreigner on what information he really needs from him.

"Mister, talking with you is a joy but is this the information you really needed from me?"

"My apologies, I was ecstatic to learn about this country's culture that I forgot. I'm actually looking for my sister."

"Your sister? What's her name and her looks and how long has she been gone?"

"She goes by the name Amira, she has two swords and is extremely blessed with her looks, and she's been gone from home for more than a year now."

"Two swords and extremely beautiful huh? I haven't heard of someone like that. How about you uhh mister?"

"How rude of me, I haven't introduced myself, I'm Chen Ming and these are my disciples Yui Mizuno and Carlo Fettuccine, and I don't think we have seen someone like her right?"

"No sir" Carlo Said.

"We'd be able to remember someone like her if we met her" Yui said.

"In that case, I'll be taking my leave for now, but I thank you for the wonderful conversation tonight. I have learned a lot. I'll be coming here every night for an update." the foreigner said.

The foreigner stood up and went on to walk towards the door. There was a smile on his face as he did truly enjoy the things, he had learned about Jinrive. As he was about to walk out the Tavern Cross shouted to him.

"Hey mister, I didn't get your name. If she ever comes here, I can tell her that her brother is looking for her."

The foreigner told his name to Cross and the Chen Ming's group. After hearing his name, they were all shocked and left speechless. Especially Chen's disciple Yui as she fell on her knees.

"Please do not tell anyone except for my sister that I am here" the foreigner said as he leaves the tavern.


It was another day in the Black Dragon District, Alexius hears of a rumor about a different type of people who had just arrived in the port town of Xuanhai. The rumors say that they can make fire out of thin air, some say that they can form a blade out of water, and some say that they glow red and blue.

As Alexius was walking towards the wagons going to the port. He saw a familiar face running towards him who was shouting his name.


"Oi, Alexius, I need help! These weirdos are following me" Miki shouted at the top of her lungs catching the attention of the people nearby.

The weirdos following Miki looked like they were from a rich organization. They word dark blue coats, ebony black pants, and leather boots. One of them, the leader, stood out as he was wearing an eye-catching sword necklace.

Alexius' demeanor changed, his usually relaxed and chill self suddenly turned serious. He quickly ran towards Miki and confronted the men who were following her.

"It's alright Miki, I'm here now" Alexius said with absolute confidence.

"Get out of our way kid, don't get involved" the leader of the weirdos said.

Alexius didn't waste any time talking quickly dashed towards them, but he quickly halted as soon as he saw the leader forming a sword out of water. The nearby people saw they all took a few steps back. This caused a commotion which led to more people trying to see what was going on, but the weirdos didn't mind it.

"Are you peeing your pants now kid?"

"So, you're one of the persons in the rumors. Thank you for coming here, now I won't have to go out here to take you all out."

The weirdo leader took the initiative and engaged Alexius with his water blade. He was quick with his slashes but none of them were hitting Alexius. He tried to slash his head, but Alexius ducked, he tried to slash his torso, but Alexius moved sideways, he tried to slash his legs, but Alexius just jumped.

Tired of missing all his attacks, he swings wide for a powerful slash but doing so left him open. Alexius capitalizes on this and punches him in the stomach viciously. He instantly fell on his knees and vomited all of his breakfast on to the ground. Screams and cheers were heard, and the people started throwing rocks at the remaining weirdos.

"Y-y-you bastard, I'll tell this to our boss… and you'll wish that you… never interfered" the weirdo leader said as he struggled to breath.

"No, tell your boss that I'll be coming for him" Alexius said in a cold voice while looking down on him condescendingly.

"You don't know who you're dealing with kid."

The other weirdos help him up and started to walk away.

"Wait, I forgot something" Alexius halted them.

As soon as they turned their heads towards Alexius, they all heard a cracking sound. The legs of their leader were broken. Loud screams of agony were heard throughout the whole area.

"You bastard! I'll make you regret this!" the leader said loudly as he screams with rage.

Alexius didn't pay attention to him and escorted Miki out of the scene and returned to his normal and childish self.

"You didn't have to break his legs you know."

"I had to, remember how bad it went last time besides he deserves it" Alexius reminds her as he lightly knocks on her head.

"You didn't have to knock on my head, where are we going anyway?"

"To gramps, you should stay there until I return."

"Don't tell me you're really going to go after them" Miki worriedly said.

"Don't worry, I'll just do some fishing in Xuanhai."