
The Alchemists

[COMPLETED] Volume 1: CASPAR THE ALCHEMIST The Alchemist clan leader was a 438-year-old womanizer who was never in love, until one day he met the only woman who was not impressed by his good looks and massive wealth. Fueled by rejection, he decided that he must have this woman no matter what. And for once in his life, he had to woo a woman. It was no easy feat because this woman only cared about working hard and making money. Volume 2 HE WAS THE MAN WITH THE DRAGON TATTOO What happened when an immortal didn't know that he was an immortal? He was born during WWII and after his 40th birthday, he realized that he still looked like he was in his twenties. Then, 60th, 80th, and 90th birthday came and he still looked like in his twenties...? So he thought, maybe... maybe he was a freak, a victim of some crazy human experimentation during Hitler time... He was a broken man who grew up hating humans. All he wanted to do was rule the world and decide who got to live. SHE WAS THE PRECIOUS DAUGHTER OF THE IMMORTAL ALCHEMIST CLAN LEADER. She was always in danger. Twice she was saved by a handsome young man with a scary dragon tattoo on his right chest. Years after the second rescue, she swore to find the man and make him marry her even though he was just a regular human! (Ssshh.... she didn't know he was not a regular human) What will happen when two immortals met and fell in love, each thinking that the other was a regular human? When one wanted to rule the world and destroy humankind, while the other was taught to be kind? THIS BOOK HAS 4 DIFFERENT STORIES. They are connected, but you can read them as standalone. 1. Caspar The Alchemist (chapter 1-252) 2. Aleksis & Prince Siegfried (chapter 253-579) 3. Secret Identity (chapter 580-856) 4. Side stories (chapter 857 - present) Volume 1 has fluffy romance, Volume 2 has action/adventure, Volume 3 has comedy READ MY OTHER BOOKS: - The King's Wife Is The Alpha's Mate - ONGOING - The Cursed Prince - COMPLETED - The Cursed King - COMPLETED - Finding Stardust - COMPLETED - The Prince Who Cannot Fall In Love - COMPLETED - Till Death Do Us Part - COMPLETED I DON'T DO SLOW BURNS. My stories NEVER have rape or overbearing/scummy male leads, so rest assured you won't find them here. They're all doting husbands who would either give you dog food every day.. or diabetes for being too sweet. BUY ME COFFEE? https://ko-fi.com/missrealitybites Discord server: bit.ly/missrealitybites

Missrealitybites · Urban
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1086 Chs

Caspar's Plan

Finland arrived at the venue a few hours early. She didn't want to take any risks. She checked all staff, the venue, and the security details at the entrance, making sure all guests who came were well received.

When Ms. Fang arrived, she praised Finland's elegant look which made her very happy. This was the first event that she worked on and she did her best.

Guests began arriving and the ballroom was soon filled with the richest people in Southeast Asia. The music and performances they prepared were designed in such a way that guests were able to chat while admiring the Bartz products on display in the venue.

Champagne and cocktails could be enjoyed at the open bar and dishes from world-class chefs were on the dinner menu. The event looked more like a party for the socialite community.

"It's amazing... there are so many celebrities attending," Lily and Tran whispered excitedly in the open bar area. "Not only Asian celebrities, but I also see some from Europe."

From the corner of their eyes, they saw Meilin hurriedly walking toward them looking very tense.

"Gosh... my God..."

"What is wrong?" asked Ms. Fang, surprised.

"I just saw Jean... Oh my God ... who invited him here?" Meilin tried to calm her anxious breathing, "I've been his fan since forever. Since I was in high school. I thought he lived in Paris now. Why is he here? I didn't expect to see him at our event..."

"Jean?" asked Tran, "Jean Pierre Wang?"

"Yeah... that Jean." Meilin held her chest and closed her eyes, smiling happily. "I will thank anyone who invited him. Jean is the most handsome model I know. No… the most handsome supermodel I know!"

Ms. Fang nodded, "This is a very sweet coincidence. Bartz actually tried to contract Jean to become their newest line ambassador, but Jean was very busy, and they were not able to meet to negotiate a contract. Now he is here. If we can bring together Bartz's brand manager and Jean, LTX's reputation will rise even higher."

They all looked at each other eagerly. At that moment, Jean, who had just arrived at Ballroom, walked towards the open bar. The girls immediately held their breath.

"OMG... he's walking this way..." sighed Meilin.

Jean smiled at them and ordered a dry martini. His appearance tonight was casual; he was wearing jeans, but nothing was torn, and his shirt was a dressy shirt with leather shoes that looked very expensive.

[I'm sitting at the open bar. Later, when you are free, just come here.]

He sent an SMS to Finland.

[Soon we will have a fashion show and the models will be wearing Bartz products. I am currently backstage taking care of something. Please enjoy yourself, I'd be right there.]

Half an hour later the first session of the fashion show began.

Five handsome men with cool looks walked casually from behind the stage and showed off titanium-plated luxury watches with precious stones that are distinctive of Bartz. They were followed by five beautiful female models with jeweled watches and various accessories worth tens to hundreds of thousands of dollars.

They walked among the guests who enthusiastically looked at all the expensive products. Everyone gasped in admiration as the ten models walked around. Finland still hadn't seen Caspar among the invited guests. She became increasingly anxious.

Suddenly there was a slight commotion at the exit and Finland ran there immediately.

Oh no! This must be it.

When she arrived, the commotion was settled. Apparently, the security staff worked quickly to avoid a scandal.

"What happened?" she asked anxiously. Security staff pointed towards the back of the stage and Finland immediately ran there.

Oh, God... what's this…?

She entered the dressing room and found the police and LTX staff were swarming around a guy...

Wasn't this one of the models who was showing off Bartz products inside...?

"This is not the model we hired," said John furiously. "I can't find Franklin, he's our main model. Earlier this person disguised himself as one of the models and almost ran away with our client's products. Fortunately, the exit was secured very tightly."

Finland was shocked when she noticed the guy's face properly... Her shoulders immediately became weak.

Of course, they could easily capture this fake model. He had no intention to steal Bartz's watches and jewelry, he just wanted to be caught, which was why he casually walked to the exit which had the most security guards.

Finland had been so focused on the guests that she did not pay any attention to the staff and the models.

"But our bet was for you to prove to me that you can look poor..." she complained softly, but Caspar heard it.

[If I were considered rich, I wouldn't have been arrested for trying to bring this expensive product out. You lost the bet.]

What a nerve! He typed an SMS while being surrounded by the police!

"OK, that means this is an impostor. Where is our real model? Our event still needs to continue," Finland said, irritated. She did not want the event she had worked so hard for to fail because of her ridiculous bet with Caspar.

"I paid the real model double of what you paid him and he flew to France," Caspar answered casually. "I have to ensure my victory."

That's when Tony Wu came in. He heard about what happened and angrily asked the police to bring the impostor to the police station.

Caspar did not fight back at all. With a small smile, he folded his arms forward and was handcuffed.

"I've never been kicked out of any event before, by anyone. This really hurts my pride, so I need to be consoled." He pretended to look sad and hurt.

The police took him out, while Finland covered her face in despair. Tony also looked frantic and annoyed.

"Now we don't have our main model. Bartz's most important representation is in the second session..." he complained.

Finland's mind shifted to the ballroom, where one of the world's most famous model was sitting and enjoying his cocktail.

Maybe Jean would be willing to help her just this one time.

"I'll be right back..." she said quickly.

Oh, Caspar is so clever! He knew Finland would focus her attention to the guests.

And luckily Jean was in the house to help save the event.

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