
The alchemist who created God

Three hundred years ago, alchemists were just a joke and a story for the people of the island, when suddenly sea monsters began to appear on the island where people lived. They looked like typical sea creatures, but they were bigger, stronger and smarter. The monsters began killing people and destroying infrastructure, and most of them had such a solid body that an ordinary person did not have as much strength to harm them. But as soon as several of them were killed with great difficulty, people appeared who called themselves alchemists and created a potion that strengthened the bodies of ordinary people, increased their regeneration and made it possible to fight these monsters. The main character came from a village of alchemists and as soon as he turned 17 years old, according to the rules of the village, he had to leave and explore the world and create new formulas helping people.

andek · Fantasy
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1 Chs

First meeting with her

 A spacious green forest in which hundreds of thousands of three-meter trees grew, the sun shining brightly at the zenith and one young seventeen-year-old guy who, for the fifth day, has been heading towards a neutral city called "Fort".

In his hands he held a card on which was written "Mage", on the card itself there was a picture of a young guy who was thoughtfully writing something on parchment, but in his hand was not a pen, but some kind of dark black wand.

Suddenly he heard the screams of monsters that should not have been in this part of the forest, since there was a city nearby. He decided to come up and see what was happening and after a few minutes he reached the battlefield and, hiding behind a tree, he stuck his head out. Since he did not know how to use any weapon, the guy decided not to interfere and see if the girl didn't need help, and he would only bother her.

In a dense forest, among the trees, there were five corpses of shrimp-like monsters, and a young girl who was holding a katana in her hands and dodging the claws of a blue cancer. The girl held katanas in her hands, one in each hand. The girl jumped from tree to tree using only the strength of her legs and tried to catch the crab in order to cut off one of the claws. With each turn of its body, the three-meter crab hit its tail and, with some delay, broke trees, and cut tree trunks with its claws, and during one of these delays, the girl pushed off with force from the tree trunk and with the acceleration of the fall from a height, she cut off one of the claws.

But the cancer seemed to be waiting for this, and as soon as its claw fell to the ground, it swiped the second one and hit her body with force, which knocked the girl to the ground and a trickle of blood gushed out of her mouth.

The girl leaned on her katanya and tried to get up, but the cancer once again hit her in the chest and crushed her with its claw, trying to bite off her head.

At that very moment when the hero saw that everything was not going according to the girl's plan, he rushed to her to help, but as soon as he got close enough, he became numb and his hands began to shake, he realized that he was afraid and wanted to turn around and leave the girl to be eaten by the monster.

But he gathered his strength and hit himself in the face with his hands to calm down, and at the same moment he shouted "fire whip" and the card that had been in his hands before flew into the air and seemed to glow, but if you didn't look closely, no one would noticed.

A fiery whip appeared in the guy's hands and he flicked it towards the head of the monster, which almost brought its head closer to the girl.

The whip surrounded the monster's head and, burning the unprotected part of his head, the guy pulled the whip towards himself and at the decisive moment saved the girl from decapitation, but the cancer, which did not expect this, touched the girl's neck with its right claw and blood began to gushing out of it. The guy did not notice this and continued his fight.

He threw the whip from his hand and shouted "spear" in his hands. At that moment, the cancer turned its head towards the guy and wanted to split him in half with its claw, but the guy pulled back and dodged the blow.

The main character gripped the spear tighter in his hands and forcefully directed the blow to the same place he was aiming at before, thanks to the impulse created by the cancer and the force that the guy put in, the spear crashed into the skull, getting stuck there, but not reaching the brain.

The monster screamed in pain and began to shake its head, and thanks to this, when the cancer swung its head down, the two-meter spear caught on a metal shaft and pierced the cancer's head, and a second later the powerful body fell to the ground not far from the guy.

The guy sighed, but still felt his hands shaking with fear. He fell to his knees because his thin body was not used to such physical exertion, although he drank a potion that made him stronger.

But after a few seconds he remembered that the girl he saved might be injured and quickly taking out a potion from his bag that heals wounds, he ran to her. The guy who fell to his knees next to her saw blood flowing from her neck and her face lost color. The guy tore a piece of fabric from his jacket and applied it to the girl's neck, and with his other hand he put a jar of the drug to her face and uncorked the drug with his teeth and poured some of it on the girl's neck, and poured the other into her mouth and began to wait for her to feel better.

A minute passed and the girl did not show any signs of life, the guy took his hand from the girl's neck and noticed that the wound had healed, but the girl's heart was not beating and decided that he did not have time to save her and she had lost too much blood.

A few tears streamed down the guy's face because he couldn't save the man, but after a few seconds he pulled himself together and wiped his face with his sleeve. The guy took a jar of water from his bag and washed his hands of the blood, and it all took him a few minutes. As he began to put his things in the bag, he heard a cough and when the guy turned his head, he saw that the girl whom he thought was dead was coughing up blood from her lungs, after which, realizing something, she began to scream a few seconds after she examined her body. calmed down and closed her mouth.

Her eyes were wide open and she looked like she didn't understand what was going on until she twisted her face into a grimace of pain and then passed out.

The guy sat in shock, not understanding what he just saw, but without hesitation, he pulled out another bottle of medicine and poured it into her mouth. The main character scratched the back of his head and realized that today he would spend the night in this place.

The card hanging behind him imperceptibly lit up again and a camping tent appeared ten meters from the guy, after which he took the girl in his arms and carried her inside. Now that he had calmed his nerves he had time to look at the girl he had saved. An attractive face, long dark blue hair falling onto her chest, which was partially covered with the blood of monsters, lush breasts, which were hard to hide with her thick chain mail, but not too large, which did not interfere with movement during a quick fight, palms covered with calluses from thousands of sword swings.

The guy unconsciously put his hand on the girl's cheek, but after a while he realized what he was doing and threw it away. He left the tent and, looking at the position of the sun, realized that it would be lunch soon and he needed something to eat. He looked around and fixed his gaze on the place where the dead shrimp lay and decided to fry them. He really wanted to try blue crayfish, but there was no pond nearby to get water from and cook it, so the only thing he could cook was fried shrimp with seasonings and salt.

The guy took one of the girl's swords and went to cut off some of the shrimp's meat. After some time, a fire was burning near the tent and on supports there was a thin metal plate rounded on the sides on which meat was fried and a pleasant aroma was released, which made the guy's mouth water since he had not eaten fresh meat on almost Sunday. The guy took the giant piece of meat that he was holding with both hands and dug into it with his teeth, biting a piece out of the corners of his mouth, a stream of juice that began to flow onto his beard, and then onto the ground. The guy ate this piece ten minutes later and, having wiped his hands and face, sat under a tree and waited for the girl to wake up...

I hope you will like this story.

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