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Charlie doesn't know how long he passed out. When he slowly opened his eyes, it was almost the same as when he first came here.

"Liam?", he groggily asked into the air.

[Master, you've finally awakened! Why didn't you return to the space as I've told you?]

"S-sorry…," Charlie guiltily apologized after remembering what happened. He didn't want to let Liam know that he hesitated at the last minute.

[Are you feeling okay now?]

Hearing the question, Charlie remembered that his mana may go haywire any second and thus panicked.

[No need to panic, Master.]

Seemingly able to feel his emotions, Liam consoled him.

[Your mana has been depleted to zero three days ago. For now, you barely have any mana. There should be no risk of your mana erupting like before.]

"Is that so?" Charlie tried to wrap his head on Liam's words. "Wait, three days ago?"

[Yes, you've been unconscious for that long.]

"T-that's…," Charlie was flabbergasted. "Exactly what happened?"

[I tried talking to the Spirit of the Earth. Although I am unable to hear as much as I want to due to me being cut off from where you are, I am still able to get some key information.]

[The world has gone through some changes which affected the placement of your seal markers, which led to the seal being completely broken.]

"The seal has been broken?"

[Yes, Master. It has become a normal space that you can get into and out without any problems. But you can't get inside now as you don't have enough mana to utilize for the transfer.]

Deep inside, Charlie was happy to hear that.

"Does that mean that as long as I maintain my mana to be at this current level, I can stay here outside?"

[That's correct, Master. We don't know yet what exactly caused your massive mana to be depleted to zero but I guess this is the miracle that the Old Master has been waiting for. Congratulations, Master.]

"That's great! That's so great!"

Charlie, although a bit weak, was quite happy with what he learned.

"As long as my mana remains at a tolerable level, I can stay in the outside world! Although it is still an unknown world for us, I have a feeling that we can have fun and play here!"

[I hate to burst your bubble, Master, but I am unable to leave the space myself.]


[I am just a lump of mana, after all. It would be difficult to hold my form outside of the space because there's no mana there. My essence would just dissipate into the atmosphere.]

[Think about it this way… Master is a balloon that expands and contracts according to how much mana you have inside you. When placed in an environment where the atmosphere's mana is as abuntant as your inner mana, you won't have to worry about any external pressure that will burst the balloon. I, on the other hand, is like a drop of water in a vast sea. When placed in a sea of mana, I can still hold my individuality. However, when placed in an environment where there is no mana, my essence itself will try to compensate to the surroundings, thin out until I completely dissipate. Do you understand?]

Charlie was silent for a while before he nodded and then shook his head.

"I seem to understand yet it seems that I don't."

[Bottom line is that, it would be impossible for me to live in the outside world when there is no mana there.]

Charlie once again fell silent. He did not expect that he would be leaving his only companion behind after gaining his freedom.

After a while, he heaved out a heavy sigh. With a determined look on his face, he spoke to Liam.

"I can't leave you behind," he said resolutely, "I know very well the loneliness that comes with being confined alone in that space. I'll just gather enough mana and go back."