
Chapter 3: To he who was forgotten

Marcus wore a slick fitting armor that magnified his lean physique, on his hip was a sheathed rapier that had a mystical aura swirling around it, his pauldron strapped on his shoulder has the emblem of a Lion standing on its hind legs while breathing fire.

The men by his side also dressed I. armors albeit different from his, from the helms to the greaves they resembled knights as they marched into the forest.

Marcus onto of his horse rode beside a carriage, it was adorned in dim silver linings and patterns that portrayed it's noble status , within it Getrude and her grandkids sat all dressed in their own sets of Armors.

Kamila was in a leather armor that highlighted her petite physique, she had a spear to her side wrapped in a white cloth.

Kaleb, the young master, also had a pair of twin blades in his lap as he caressed them as if they were his lover

Getrude was however without a weapon, her eyes closed as she meditated silently as her mind begun to simulate the various scenarios that could unfold in the mines.

"Sir Marcus there's a group of Mercanaries up ahead should we proceed as Is or add them to our numbers?" the coachman asked while grasping the reigns ready to stop when ordered.

"Leave them be, they'll be more troublesome to deal with in the mines than whatever beast we'll encounter," Marcus replied as he completely erased his aura.


A few hours later

The Varia Household stood before the newly discovered mines, a group of 30 entered with Marcus and Getrude at the vanguard while Kamila and Kaleb at their sides, the center and rear were the men called upon by Marcus and the miners.

"Did you all make these paths or were they already present when you begun?" Getrude questioned as this had been the first time in decades to actual handle such a matter.

"The paths were already present, all we did was reinforce them and create a few more inorder to access more deposits, we've done nothing more," A stout man replied his voice hoarse and loud, despite him talking in a low volume it sounded like a shout.

"We did find some Steel Ants within, we had already commissioned some Mercenaries to rid of the nest, but the guild has yet to respond," he further reported.

"That's alright I'll have the young ones rid of them after we've confirmed the safety of the vent you've discovered," Getrude replied as she let her mana expand increasing her senses field of perception, she looked back at Marcus who had already drawrd his blade as they walked deeper.

"Ready yourselves men, a few 4 star beast up ahead," Marcus shouted as he marched forward but what the men saw left them baffled

How is this a few?! There's almost a hundred beasts here?! Isn't this even over a dozen ?! The men thought simultaneously as they watched the back of the old man Sprint through the crowd of ants slashing and cleaving of heads.

The men awoke from their stupor as they also charged forward, each brandishing their blades before engaging the beasts

"You two will face one together under my supervision, by no means are you to engage one alone, it far outclasses you both in physicality and Mana understood!" Getrude demanded dripping her doting elderly disposition.

She spread her hands forth as a staff manifested in her hand her aura sharpened as she fell into the rear of their makeshift formation with her grandkids.

"Kaleb jumped forward as he begun an onslaught of attacks, he had thirsted for a battle for so long that he wouldn't mind handicap restrictions.

Kamila followed suite though her movements less erratic and barbaric than Kaleb, she moved in elegance and precision as she timed her attacks on the beast while still adjusting to Kaleb's erratic movements.

Getrude would buff them occasionally while also supporting them by restricting the beasts movements.

After a few more minutes all the beasts fell, but Marcus frowned. "Should the ant nest be so close?" he asked the miners.

"Well yes it's within a kilometer radius of the mine," he replied causing Marcus' from to deepen.

"Judging by the fact that the soldier ants are 2 stars, the knights should be around Tier 2 to Tier 5, 3 stars, making the Queen to be around Tier 7 at the least and Tier 9 of 3 star at worst, I refuse to believe they've reached 4 star without causing a Mana storm," he deduced as he spared Getrude a glance that spoke volumes.

"How long would you need?" she asked completely off topic "around half an hour or so depends on which of the two is it's actual power level," he replied.

"Fine I'll prepare one for you...but be ready for the sideffects," she warned before going silent.

The party treaded forward killing more and more ants as the miners were now tasked to harvest the valuable materials from the Corpses.

After four more hours of continuous killing they finally stumbled upon the Queen's lair which was adjacent to the vein the miners had discovered.

Marcus gazed at Getrude who nodded before waving her staff engulfing him in a silver pillar that shattered three Illusionary chains around him

He dashed forward making quick work of the Generals as he moved closer and closer to the Queen who shrieked summoning all her subjects who flooded her chambers.

Getrude made a barrier of Mana that concealed the party that came along with them as she watched the slaughter unveil.

Kaleb's eyes sparkled as he watched the back of his mentor with adoration, 'Yes...that's the level of power I want....' his eyes sparkled brighter before affirming his resolve 'No that's the power I want to surpass,' the young man set a goal as he watched the massacre continue.

Kamila's gaze however was focused on the barrier around them as she analyzed it's every detailed "you'll carve a hole in if you continue gazing so intently ," Getrude's voice rung in her ears but she refused to address the words still observing the barrier.

Marcus tired of Continuous swinging of his rapier had withdrawn to cast various AOE spells that booked throughout the tunnels making the miners panic

Did he have to be so heavy handed?! What's with the devastating spells?! Did he plan to bury them along with the ants?! They questioned internally not daring to say it out loud.

Truth be told Marcus was on cloud nine relishing in his own power like an addict to a drug, he had missed the euphoria of dominance that came with it as his eyes saw only red, seeking and craving blood.

Getrude sighed as she stared at the Illusionary clock that only she could see hang before Marcus' head, 'Despite your regression your still this powerful' she sighed as time tickled away

But then it happened....


The Mines trembled as the Adjacent room's wall crumbled only to reveal the silhouette of a Young man, his chest laid bare like all other parts of his body as he walked out the rubble he caused.

He waved his hand at the screeching Queen before waving his hand. A singular silver slash shot forward slicing it half along with all the Ant colony, Marcus' barrier split in half as his parried the blow resulting in his chest being slashed open.

The barrier around Getrude also shattered but she reacted far faster casting a dozen more to compensate.

Marcus' breath gurgled with blood as he fell to a knee, his eyes looked upwards defiantly as he clutched his blade.

"I just wake up from my sweet slumber only to be greeted by Continuous explotions..." the nude man stated in a flat tone that made one unable to tell his emotion.

"...who gave you the gall to do so boy?!" he demanded as his aura flared locked onto Marcus

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