
The Afterlife's Grace(DISCONTINUED)

(DISCONTINUED) The unhinged, humorous Sanoka Gyles dies, but he goes back to the place he came. The darkest depths of hell, sort of. Due to all his experience's on earth, his soul had shaped itself into a humanoid, albino cat, which very much bothers him, despite how much it suits his personality. In order to save his soul, he must work with a sly and overbearing loli that keeps him at bay in a cruel manner. Sanoka fights In a long competition, just for it to all come crashing down and Sanoka will truly learn what eternity means.

Arashi_Tempestas · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
12 Chs

Noise is Noisy

Eve lead Sanoka through the bench's in the stadium and started explaining why, "They've finally got through the first round of contestants. And things get much tougher. So, we're gonna watch today, and then you can get an idea of what your up against. Okay?"

"Yeah, okay. These weirdos better be entertaining."

Eve snickered, "I guess you'll find out!"

"Now this year's second term, as you all know is gon' be a little different. This time around, we've decided to do somethin' special for y'all. The competitors will be battling each other in partners."

The crowd cheered with excitement. Down in the bar where contestants waited, Jeers of frustration filled the room like a thick mist. Out in the arena the announcer called the first contestants but Sanoka was to irritated to listen. His tail flicked back and forth as he remembered the times he had to work with other people during jobs. Most, had a rather... messy ending!

Eve was quite exuberant about the idea, "Sanoka, I don't thing you'll have to worry about the entertainment value anymore."

Sanoka rolled his eyes and scoffed. "Ya - think."

Eve pulled Sanoka's head down and patted him on the head, a few times, "You're so fun to pick on."

Sanoka jerked away and glared, "AND YOU... are... CREEPY."

Eve smiled and turned towards the arena.

"We'll start this term off with our flashiest contestants. Joevin and Raka Vs. Amesia and Star-City! These are some of our toughest competitors including the infamous Joevin. I hope everyone's placed their bets because we're puttin' on a show folks!"

In the Arena stood the strangely dressed panther and beside him was a curvy women who towered over them with two meters. She had deep red skin and flowing pink hair. She had the eyes of a dead fish and wore a jog suit.

Across from Joevin and Raka were two men. One was a dragon like creature that was a little shorter than Raka. He had large wings with little sparkles that looked like star. beside him was a purple puff of smoke with a large smile and ghoulish eyes peaking out.

The buzzer signifying the start of the match sounded and the crowd howled in unison. Joevin stanced on all fours, he let out a slow growl and pounced on the glittering dragon. They tumbled around like wrestling lions, releasing loud growls and roars.

This left the tall women Raka against the smoke creature. The smoke cackled while surrounding the tall women. A shrill and condescending voice surrounding Raka "Are you new to Infernium or are you just clueless. I believe it is best you prepare yourself, little girl."

The tall woman took a deep breath and released. The smoke cloud had subside from where she breathed giving her an idea.

The dragon opened his wings and soared backwards while releasing a hellish bellow. Joevin spat what looked like dragon skin on the ground and snickered. The dragon got on all fours and barreled towards the panther. Joevin jumped in an attempt to dodge but the dragon leaped up and flattened Joevin. Joevin ceased movement and bent his knees like springs and released, causing the dragon to fall backwards. Joevin flipped himself over pounced on the dragon and began tearing him up starting with his neck.

Raka still surrounded by Amesia had thought of idea. She spread her legs and bent her knees and launched herself up into the air, almost hitting the top of the glowing barrier. She plummeted to ground and landed with such remarkable force, that the stadium shook. But not only that, she landed with enough force to displace the air around her causing Amesia to disperse throughout the arena.

With Amesia's dust all over the arena and Starcity's body, being a torn up mess of pink and red, the winners were clear. "And the winners of the first round are Joevin and Raka. What a show folks, a giant that smart and a cat that cruel.

The crowd howled with pride at the grueling works of these contenders.

"How was it."

Sanoka lifted his brow and replied, "I'd expect that they would wait to put Joevin in but they used him on the first round."

Eve crossed her arms and smiled, "Gotta start off with a kick."

"I guess, but there were better ways to go about it though."

"Doesn't matter anyway, the next fights about to start."

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