
The Afterlife's Grace(DISCONTINUED)

(DISCONTINUED) The unhinged, humorous Sanoka Gyles dies, but he goes back to the place he came. The darkest depths of hell, sort of. Due to all his experience's on earth, his soul had shaped itself into a humanoid, albino cat, which very much bothers him, despite how much it suits his personality. In order to save his soul, he must work with a sly and overbearing loli that keeps him at bay in a cruel manner. Sanoka fights In a long competition, just for it to all come crashing down and Sanoka will truly learn what eternity means.

Arashi_Tempestas · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
12 Chs

Itty Bitty Snow Kitty

"Hey, how did you know he mutilated his victims, I never told you?" Whispered Eve.

Sanoka whispered back, "The nice ones are always the sickest, and besides, what else was he using those big yellow teeth for."

Eve was a little surprised by his answer but nodded and began to converse with Joevin. Then the audience in the stadium cheered, and the announcer called out, " Snow Cat Vs. Johna"

"Ha, Snow Cat. Who would want that name." said Sanoka. Eve released Sanoka's chain and said, "Too bad it's your name."

"This is supposed to be a tournament based around fighting, and that's the name you chose for me." Hissed Sanoka.

"You don't look threatening at all, and now you don't sound threatening either. Use that to your advantage." Explained Eve as she pushed him through the side door.

Sanoka tried to open the door to go back into the bar, but it wouldn't open and so he left, with no other options. "UsE tHaT tO yoUR AdVAnTaGe," she says!!" He followed a curved hallway to a big metal gate. He could hear the crowd cheering, and then the gate opened, "And here's the new comer, an itty bitty snow kitty." Shouted the announcer. The crowd laughed as they saw Sanoka come out, but he smiled, and the few people in the audience who noticed were wary.

The anouncer continued to ramble on about Johna's success, which bored Sanoka, and so he sat down. "No wonder the matchs take so long," Sanoka thought to himself. When the announcer had noticed what Sanoka was doing, he stopped rambling and said, "It seems this little kitty is getting cocky, so I say we let Johna play with him. The audience cheered, and a buzzer went off. Sanoka stood up, and he had finally noticed his opponent. Johna was a towering black figure with white eyes. He looked like he was always standing in the shadows even with everything lit up.

The lankey black figure dashed toward Sanoka so fast that it looked like he was teleporting. Johna slapped Sanoka, which made him go flying to the side. Sanoka was a little shocked, but he stood up with a big malicious grin etched across his face.

Johna dashed towards the snow cat again, but this time, he jumped three meters into the air, and Ax kicked Johna on the shoulder. Johna fell to his knee but couldn't seem to keep his head up. It felt like someone was standing on it.

The audience saw a small cat person with a very child like face standing on the top of tier six soul's head with a big grin. The black figure placed his boney fingers on the ground, and it began to crack. Sanoka leaped upwards, almost reaching the top of the arena, and looked down. Johna was gone, but the ground had large cracks filled with a black sludge. Sanoka had to land, knowing he would be caught. The black sludge acted almost like tenticles, and the anouncer began shouting to the crowd what was going on. The sludgy tenticles grabbed Sanoka's legs and wacked him off the arena walls like a bat.

The audience was getting excited as Johna was about to use his finishing move when the snow cat had suddenly escaped. The cat's face seemed to have morphed to look more demonic with fangs that slid out of his mouth.

Sanoka was in a state of rage, and he plunged his arm into the sludgy cracks and got hold of a little white stone. He pulled the stone out and crushed it. Johna's body formed again, but then he began to shriek. Johna exploded into glitter, black particles, or soul fragments. The audience went silent. Contestants had done a lot of messed up things in the ring, but never once did anybody destroy someone's soul. Johna was a high-class fighter, but now he ceased to exist. Souls being destroyed were a rare thing as it was a very hard thing to do, but a small, humanoid cat had done it with ease.

The audience was silent, and then the white cat started giggling to himself as he headed back through the metal gate. The audience shivered, and the anouncer called out, "Up next, Shlava Vs. Kein."