
The Afterlife's Grace(DISCONTINUED)

(DISCONTINUED) The unhinged, humorous Sanoka Gyles dies, but he goes back to the place he came. The darkest depths of hell, sort of. Due to all his experience's on earth, his soul had shaped itself into a humanoid, albino cat, which very much bothers him, despite how much it suits his personality. In order to save his soul, he must work with a sly and overbearing loli that keeps him at bay in a cruel manner. Sanoka fights In a long competition, just for it to all come crashing down and Sanoka will truly learn what eternity means.

Arashi_Tempestas · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
12 Chs


"Do I look like a pet to you, little girl." Sanoka said with an eerie glare.

"yes, actually. You may be strong but I've already clipped your wings, so your mine now." The little girl smirked and began walking. She motioned him to follow and Sanoka did as such to avoid the electric pain he felt when she didn't like something.

He was in a huge mansion and through the windows was a soft, red sky with a thick layer of blood red clouds swirling at what looked to be the top of said sky. The mansion had a metallic almost steampunky feel to it but it was gothic at the same time as everything was red and black. He walked in from the side into a grand entrance hall with a staircase enveloping the back wall. The door was large and chrome couloured, it had huge gears and pipes all over it but they looked to be more for decoration, rather than having an actual use.

The doors opened when the two souls stepped in front of it and beyond them was a city of utter choas. The mansion was serene when compared to the city. Sanoka found it quite odd that the mansion opened up to a trashy street rather than a large frontyard or road.

The little girl stopped them on the steps once the doors closed behind them. She put her hand out and a translucent chain appeared that attached to the red chocker on Sanoka's neck. The little girl turned and looked at him strictly and said "You can call me, Miss Eve. Now lets go and stick close."

"So is the chain just for looks, or?..."

Eve, tugged on the chain really hard and this made Sanoka stumble forward. They began walking down a small staircase out into the dirty street when Eve started speaking again, "I feel like, you would still continue running that mouth of yours even if I were to torture you."

"I'm touched, you know me so well already."

Eve roughly tugged on the chain again and kept silent. Sanoka was rather bored and the view was like every bad part of every city was thrown into a mixing pot and put here. The only structure that was slightly apealing to look at was the one he came out of. It looked like a small gothic castle but had tattered aparment buildings surrounding it.

Eve had tugged Sanoka all the way down the street until they arrived at a large cylindrical and metalic stadium with a glowing glass dome at the top. Eve had a big, sickening grin spread across her face. "From what you said earlier, am I a gladiator now or something." He said while scratching behind the fluffy ear on his head.

Eve continued to pull Sanoka to a small entrance around the back, "that depends on whether you can survive today."

"ThAt DepEnDS On wHEthEr YOu caN SuRvIvE tOdAy." Sanoka mocked to himself.

Eve activated the electric shock which surprized him, "OKAY, jeez, i'm Sorry."

Eve neutralized the shock and shouted, "are you five?"

"Well you did say I was a pet and no owner should expect their pet to reach intelligence past that of six year old, so maybe I am five." Teased Sanoka.

"Wow, insulting yourself, nice!" Said Eve as she lead him through a small metal door.

"Yet I still feel satisfied."

Exclaimed Sanoka.