
The Afterlife's Grace(DISCONTINUED)

(DISCONTINUED) The unhinged, humorous Sanoka Gyles dies, but he goes back to the place he came. The darkest depths of hell, sort of. Due to all his experience's on earth, his soul had shaped itself into a humanoid, albino cat, which very much bothers him, despite how much it suits his personality. In order to save his soul, he must work with a sly and overbearing loli that keeps him at bay in a cruel manner. Sanoka fights In a long competition, just for it to all come crashing down and Sanoka will truly learn what eternity means.

Arashi_Tempestas · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
12 Chs


"I'm gonna kill him if I ever get the chance." Said Sanoka as they walked through the streets.

"You are aware that he is my father, right!" Ridiculed Eve.

"Oh, I know, and you won't be able to stop me when the time comes." Hissed Sanoka.

Eve smirked and jumped upwards to pat Sanoka on the head.

Sanoka's face went scarlet and he began to shout.

Eve calmed him and said, "I want him dead too, so don't worry about it."

Sanoka was rather confused, "Isn't he your dad"

Eve snickered, "some DAD, he is. I died at the age of twenty six because of him."

"Woah, thats younger than me. That sucks man." Sanoka mumbled as he shuffled down the road.

"Have you no, sympathy," exclaimed Eve.

"What's sympathy?" Said Sanoka.

Eve glared at Sanoka and said with a sarcastic tone, "Yaay, we're home."

Sanoka was rather pouty when they reached the apartment. Eve went into the bedroom and Sanoka flopped on the couch to take a nap. He sat on the couch staring out the glass walls.

"The city below seems so quiet but the red sky truly reflects what goes on below. The city itself is rather peaceful and the clutter is minimal but when I look a little closer; it's oafishly chaotic. People's souls reflect them well yet deceiving others is still rather easy. Is it perhaps ignorance or desparation?"

Eve walked out of the room and annouced it as so, "I am finished and we are going to the practice arena..." She walked over and tapped Sanoka on the shoulder, "What sort of deep, depthness are you thinking about." Eve exclaimed.

Sanoka stared at her very keenly, "deep depthness? Are you okay."

"Just stand up and give me your wrists." Said Eve.

"Alright but if your attempting to stage a suicide, i'll haunt your dreams." Teased Sanoka.

Eve rolled her eyes and wrapped a short white ribbon around each of Sanoka's wrists. She clasped the ribbon ends together and the tye disappeared. "I know fashion can change but, this is, just... Tragic."

Eve Glared at sanoka and then instructed him, "I want you to scrunch up your hand and then flex your knuckles. But in this case, claws!"


Sanoka looked down at his hand and saw long plasmic claws at the end of his fingers. He stared in amazement and grinned. "You said something about a practice arena earlier, right?"

Eve grinned am

and turned for the door, "follow me, kitty."

"I'd prefer if you didn't call me that." Muttered Sanoka.

"I could call you whiskers." Eve said.

Sanoka scoffed, "how utterly generic!"


A tall, broad man with black scaly skin paces around his grand office. His black mangled horns creating the shape of a crown, that seemed to rest on his head. His eyes as black us the undertoe, a nose that was long and pointed like a bird's beak, his mouth was perced but behind his lips sat a set of deadly teeth. On his back was a set of fluffy black wings that seemed to drape down his back, like a robe. His hands were more like claws, and he clenched them as he paced. "FUCKING CAT." He continually whispered to himself.

A women with long ringed horns on her head and furry legs with hoofs walked in to the office. She clasped her hands together and lowered them to her waist, "Sir Evermore, I have a lead on the location of the Zanzar."