
The Adventurous Gamer Ninja - Daichi Hekima.

The universe gave me another chance after life screwed me over. My second life brought me to a world where people breath fire, walk on water and some people with special eyes that give them bullsh#t powers. Well, I got the gamer ability. And I’m gonna use it to stand at the peak. But it's gonna be a long journey before I reach that summit. SI - MC. ------------------------ Updates 3 to 4 times a week. Checkout my patre on site. www.patreon.com/MonkWithAPen --------------------------------------------------

MonkWithAPen · Anime & Comics
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297 Chs

Chapter 169 - Rivals & Training

Kakashi and Daichi spent the day training in several team formations and combat maneuvers. The Jonin taught Daichi how to cut off an enemy's retreat or to escape when facing much stronger opponents.

"Understanding and effectively utilizing these formations depending on the enemy strength is critical." Kakashi told his student. "Once you achieve higher ranks you would be sent on missions involving counterattack, infiltration, extraction or you'll be part of a rapid reaction unit. Your strategies and techniques should change depending on the situation."

"Yeah." Daichi nodded.

They battled and trained for the whole day and Kakashi made sure Daichi knew what to do if a difficult situation arose.


Kensei's Home.

Daichi opened his Status page and looked at his progress.

[Name : Daichi Hekima] (The Gamer)

[Class : Genin - ID 012559.]

[Age : 12]

[Title : Capable Child, Explorer, Prodigy, Beast Slayer, Dungeon Warrior, Executioner, Assassin, Mighty Healer, Slug Sannin's Apprentice, Master of the Elements, A Genius of the Continent.]

[Level : 51 (7937/68125)]


HP : 21119

CP : 55316.8

SP : 21884

MP: 12690


[Primary Stats]

Strength - 272

Vitality - 285

Dexterity - 230

Agility - 270

Intelligence - 212

Chakra - 410

Wisdom - 210


[Special Stats]

Sense - 130

Stamina - 235

Indomitable - 37

Charisma - 58

Persistence - 35

Dignity - 5

Luck - 10


[Stat Points - 591]

[Ryo - 334552]

'I have about 600 points to spend but… It's getting really difficult to increase my points already. If I use any more now… Look at me. Hoarding the points like a dragon hoarding his gold. Vitality has already reached 285. I need to increase my strength and agility. Once they pass 290 I'll add points and get them over 300. Hmm… that should do.'

Daichi closed the blue window and got up from his bed. He looked outside and his mind wandered. 'I need to build a lab. But how? And where? I'll need to start my work on that soon… So many things to do before Canon starts. I wonder… There definitely would be some kind of a butterfly effect because of my presence… But what could it possibly be?'

Daichi let out a small sigh and went back to bed. 'Whatever it is, I'll just need to be ready.'

Kakashi gave his student a few days off and Daichi spent the time training and improving his skills. He was getting ready and preparing himself to start on the third step of nature training.


"So, are you ready for another mission?" The silver haired Jonin asked his student, already knowing the answer.

Daichi nodded eager for the next C Rank mission. "Yeah. I've been getting a little restless…"

The duo made their way to the tower with Kakashi reading his favorite book and Daichi looking around the place. As they reached the entrance of the tower Daichi noticed another Genin team exiting the place. A team he knew well from canon.

Team Guy had just accepted a mission from the Hokage and left the place. As they came out of the Hokage tower Rock Lee saw his best friend coming in his direction.

"Daichi!" Lee had a wide smile and ran to give his friend a tight hug.

"Easy Lee. I'm happy to see you too." Daichi awkwardly hugged and then pried the bowlcut haired boy off him.

Guy also smiled and looked at his Jonin rival. He stood in front of the man, not minding that Kakashi was still engrossed in his book and boisterously spoke. "Aahh Kakashi! My youthful friend/rival. I see you came here for a mission… Haha. But it is too late. We came first and got the mission before you."

It was then that Kakashi looked up from his reading material and looked at the green spandex wearing Taijutsu specialist. "Oh. Guy. I didn't see you there… Did you say something?"

Guy dramatically held his heart as if an invisible arrow pierced it. "Argh! That hip and cool attitude. I'll definitely beat you Kakashi!"

His gaze then shifted to Daichi who was conversing with Lee. "You must be Kakashi's youthful student Daichi!"

Daichi looked at the Jonin and slightly bowed. "Yes. Sir."

"So polite. You must be exceptionally strong for Kakashi to take you as his only student." Guy spoke looking at the boy.

"Well I do eat my vegetables and train a lot. So…" Daichi replied, giving a small smile. He used 'Observe' skill on the man and found what he expected. 'Damn. Nothing. Makes sense. He's on the same level as Kakashi.'

Guy laughed hearing that response from the boy.

Lee was excited to see his friend after a long time. "I've gotten a lot stronger since the last time we met Daichi. I can't wait to spar again with you." Lee said with a smile.

"I look forward to it." Daichi replied. He then turned his attention to the last two members of Team Guy standing back and looking at him.

Neji looked at Daichi and the Hyuga didn't know what to make of him. 'So it's him. The only Genin on a two man team. And the first to pass that Jonin Kakashi Hatake's impossible test. Why would someone who's praised as a genius and prodigy waste time with someone like Lee?... I must see for myself how strong he really is.'

While Neji Hyuga quietly observed the Genin, Tenten stepped forward and introduced both of them.

"Hello. I'm Tenten and he's Neji Hyuga."

"Daichi Hekima." Daichi introduced himself and used 'Observe' on the three Genin as well. The information on them was what he already knew and all of their stats were normal for a fresh Genin team.

"Oh we already know who you are. Lee can't stop talking about you." Tenten said with a teasing smile.

"Tenten!" Lee laughed in slight embarrassment.

"Lee and I've been friends for a few years. I know how excitable he is."

"Alright team. It's time to leave for our mission. Kakashi when I come back we'll have another battle." Guy said with great enthusiasm.

An enthusiasm Kakashi did not share. The silver haired Jonin just sighed tiredly and replied. "Whatever you say, Guy."

"There's that nonchalant cool attitude again. I will definitely defeat you in our next battle. Lee, let's not waste any more time and train. We must race to the village gates but on our hands. The second place must complete 1000 push-ups." He spoke with determination.

"Yes Guy Sensei!" Lee shouted with equal determination.

Guy and Lee immediately got into a handstand and took off to the village gates. Neji and Tenten just sighed as they looked at the scene.

"Well, we better go after them. It was nice meeting you Daichi. Kakashi sensei." Tenten bowed and followed after her teammates.

Neji looked at Daichi for a few seconds and he left as well, never saying a word.

Once they were gone Daichi looked at his teacher.

"Well that was interesting."

"Yeah. That's one word for it. Come on." Both of them continued on and soon stood in front of the mission desk.

Hiruzen let out a puff of smoke as he looked at the special 2 man Team. "So you're looking for a C Rank mission huh. I'm afraid you two are a bit late for that. The team before you took the last C Rank. There are a couple of D Ranks available."

Daichi looked at his sensei from the corner of his eyes. 'If this guy came at least half an hour earlier we would be on a C Rank mission by now.'

Kakashi awkwardly rubbed his head and pretended not to notice the stink eye his student kept giving him.

"Well take it." His sensei said.

Hiruzen slightly chuckled seeing Daichi annoyed with Kakashi's antics.

Daichi sighed and took the mission scroll. He looked at the mission details and lamented. 'Trash collection? This is not my day.'

Daichi accepted the corresponding quest that popped up and decided to complete the mission as soon as possible. He had some important Nature training to complete.


Guy and his team were at the village gates ready to escort their client to a nearby village.

"So that's the guy you're always going on about huh. He's kinda cute. I'll give him that." Tenten said as she looked at Lee. "All the teachers at the academy say he's a genius. Well otherwise they wouldn't have allowed his early graduation. So how strong is he exactly? Do you know?" She asked Lee, the question that's been on her and Neji's mind.

Lee was on the ground completing his push-ups. A few seconds later he stood and looked at Tenten. "He's really strong. Daichi is the best at everything. I was never able to make him take me seriously."

"Che. That's not much of a problem." Neji said with a cold tone.

Lee looked at his teammate in seriousness and spoke. "Neji. You may have heard the teachers say that he's a prodigy but you have no idea just how true that is. If you were to challenge him now you'd lose. I can tell you right now, he's much stronger than me and he's stronger than you. He's a prodigy in Ninjutsu, Genjutsu and Taijutsu. Right now, there is no Genin here that's his equal."

Tenten's eyes widened and Neji was also surprised at that declaration.

"He's that strong?" At her question Lee nodded his head.

Guy was also listening in on their conversation. 'If the rumors are to be believed then Lee is absolutely right. He's the strongest Genin currently in the village. A genius and a student of one of the Legendary Sannin herself.'

The Hyuga Genin narrowed his eyes and looked at his teammate. His face was calm but there was anger beneath that calm facade. "We'll see…"

At this time their teacher interrupted them. "Yes. Daichi may be stronger than you at the moment but are you going to let that get to you?" Guy asked.

"No way Guy sensei. I'm going to train harder and become much stronger. I'm going to defeat him." Lee's words had strength and determination in them. 'I'm going to show everyone that I can be a great ninja too.'

Lee's greatest dream was to be acknowledged as a splendid ninja.


Daichi and Kakashi were completing the D Rank mission assigned to them.

"Man, I need a long shower after this." Daichi said as he kept collecting the trash.

"Well, we probably won't get a mission like this for a while. So that's good news…" Kakashi said, trying to lighten the mood.

Daichi just grunted at that reply. He was quiet for a while and then asked Kakashi something.

"Hey sensei."


"I'm thinking about starting the third step of change in chakra nature training." Daichi spoke.

Kakashi's single visible eye widened when he heard that. "Daichi, that's very advanced stuff. Its difficulty is on a completely different level when compared to the second step. You would have to spend a great deal of time on it? Are you sure about this?"

"Yeah. I've been thinking about it for a while. I want to master the elements to their highest degree. And I want to create Ninjutsu that are unique to mine."

Kakashi let out a breath when he heard that. "Creating something like that. Even mastering the third step, one needs intuition. A deep understanding of that element and perfect control of one's own chakra… I suppose you do have those… But something like this will take a long time to learn and even master. Are you absolutely sure about this?"

Daichi nodded. "Yeah. I'm ready."

"The third step of mastering change in chakra nature… I'm not sure what they are. You would have to ask Lord Hokage for that information." The Jonin informed Daichi.

The boy nodded his head and focused on his current task.

Before long, with the help of Daichi's shadow clones they completed the mission and returned to the mission desk and returned the mission slip.

Once they submitted a report Daichi made a request to the Hokage.

"Lord Hokage, there is something I'd like to ask."

"What is it, Daichi?"

Kakashi looked at his student. 'He's really gonna go through with this? Looks like I need to adjust my training plans.'

"I want to start on the third step of Change in Chakra Nature training."

Hiruzen slightly narrowed his eyes and leaned back in his chair. He looked at the boy for a few moments in silence and then spoke.

"Mastering this would require extraordinary time and effort. It could slow down your progress in other areas. Are you certain this is what you want?" The kage asked.

"Yes sir."

"Very well. Have you decided on what element you're going to start first?"

At the Hokage's question Daichi already had an answer in mind.

"Yes sir. I'm going to start with Water Nature."


Author's Note:

In the next chapter Daichi will begin the 3rd step of nature training but There wont be another long training arc. A new C Rank Mission will begin in a few chapters.

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