
The Adventures of Vivi, Dracula’s Secret Daughter

The half- human, half- vampire 18 year old daughter of the legendary vampire famously known as Count Dracula finally woke up after a spell that put her to sleep for over 800 years... in modern day Paris! With her ally and companion Ash the Witch on her side, they will face the new strange world ruled by fashion, travels, social media and of course... selfies! They also need to find Vivi’s long lost mother, the Countess who swore that they will be reunited after their tragic separation way back in the 14th Centuries... Let’s join her on her adventures as she finds more than what she was looking for with some help from high fashion designer items, GPS, Instagram and Vogue magazines! Ohh... let’s not also forget some cute boys along the way! Is she going to eat them or kiss them?

Pinkshowgirl · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Bedtime stories...

"Your father was already a legend even before you were born. He came from one of the most ancient branches of European nobility and people respected him... But then they began to fear him as he grew older...

He was called by many names... Vlad the Impaler, The Undead, the devil incarnate, the son of darkness... But most people had forgotten that he was once a very devout and religious man. Then he wanted to learn more.... until one day, the devil showed himself and offered him immortality in exchange of his soul... He accepted it and that was the beginning of the new chapter of his life" Ash explained.

" The old days were filled with wars, rebellions and uprisings from the Muslims, Catholics, bandits, savages and even pirates so naturally, your father had to defend his land and his life... Rumour has it that he put all his enemies on the stake and displayed their corpses outside his castle so he became known as Vlad the Impaler... Another story was about him drinking their blood, cutting their heads and the legends went on and on until people started to regard him as a vampire... someone without a soul and feed with human lives at night when his power was at the peak. " She added.

" Wait a second, I do remember papa... Everything was blurry but I'm starting to see images in my head... I remembered him visiting my chambers at night to play with me and tell me some bedtime stories before I sleep... but I never see him in daylight... He only showed himself after dark..." Vivi recalled.

" Your memories were correct... He was a creature of the night... He needed to hide and sleep all day because his body could no longer tolerate sunlight. He would burn and turn to ashes if he dared to step outside in the middle of the day. " Ash said.

" So does that mean I can't go outside too when the sun is up?" Vivi asked.

" It's different for you my lady... the sun is not danger for you because your mother was a mortal... A human being... You are half human and half vampire..." Ash explained.

" And now we will talk about your mother, the Countess." She exclaimed.