
Crossed Strings

After what happened, Granger and Angela then continues to walk, leaving a lot of demon corpses on the way. While on the path, Angela had so much to ask to Granger. Several questions that must be answered clearly. With so much questions on her mind, Angela straightforwardly asked Granger a lot of questions:

Angela: Ummm...sir, what's your name?

Granger: The names Granger.

Angela: M-mr. Granger, thank you very much for saving me!

Granger: I didn't even intended to save you...

Angela: Oh...

Granger: But my body just moves itself immediately just to save you, I don't even know why.

Angela: (Angela is then shocked in surprise) M-mr. Granger, thank you again!

Granger: Hey Angela!

Angela: What is it Mr. Granger?

Granger: Why are you even here for the first place?

Angela: Well, to be honest, I don't really remember what happened, I just remembered that my space pod just crashed here. The only thing that I really remember is that I must find someone who had a name of "Mr. Rooney". Mr. Granger, do you know anybody that has the name of Mr. Rooney?

Granger: Sadly, I didn't...

Angela: How about you Mr. Granger, why are you here in the very wide and gloomy forest?

Granger: Well, it was confidential...

Angela: Oh, sorry for asking that...

The night then falls down. Granger and Angela decided to stop and take a rest. Demons are way more powerful and active at night and travelling at night might just be dangerous.

Granger: Angela, can you bring me some woods. Only the ones that you can carry alright?

Angela: Of course Mr. Granger, I can do all the chores, uh...except cooking.

After Angela brought some woods, Granger started to make fire. A fire that will be their only light in the darkness. Granger then gives Angela a piece if bread.

Granger: Hey Angela, take this.

Angela: What's that Mr. Granger?

Granger: Well, that's a piece of bread. Haven't you eaten some of them?

Angela: (giggles) Mr. Granger, thank you but I refuse. Just keep it for yourself.

Granger: B-but why? What are you talking about?

Angela: Nope, I'm not gonna tell it to you Mr. Granger, that is confidential. (giggles)

Granger: Pffft...Okay then, I'm gonna tell what is my mission, but you must answer who exactly are you first.

Angela: But how I can trust you that you will not cheat Mr. Granger?

Granger: Does my face looks like a liar?

Angela: (giggles) Hahaha, Mr. Granger, I didn't expected that you're a great entertainer. Your face kinda similar to liars tho. But oh well, Mr. Granger, I'm not a human.

Granger: What?

Angela: I was actually an android. My whole body structure is mostly mechanical. Along with some synthetic materials and advanced technology, I was born.

Granger: Android huh, seems interesting. By the way, who is the one that creates you?

Angela: Ummm...well, I was always calling him "Daddy". He said that I had a heart of a human. That I was the most humane with all of his works. That I was an angel.

Granger: Well, where is he now?

Angela then cries, remembering the last moments with her so called "Daddy". The moments before she left

Angela: I-I don't even have any information about him. I just don't even know where is he. Now, I was just alone, searching for "Mr. Rooney".

Granger: Hey-hey don't cry. I'm not good at talking to crying persons. Hey Angela, what do you call to a pile of cats?

Angela: W-what?

Granger: A "MEOWntain"

Angela: ...

Granger: Yeah, yeah, I know, it was corny, it wasn't even a funny jo-

Angela: (giggles) Hahaha!

Granger: Heh, good thing that it made you laugh.

Angela: Well, it's not because of the joke, but on the way you said it. You just looks so embarrassed and you just looks goofy when you said it.

Granger: ...really? Well, at least I tried.

Angela: Thanks Mr. Granger, that joke at least relieved me a little.

Granger: (blushes) Umm...yeah

Angela: So how's about your "confidential" mission Mr. Granger, will you tell it to me now?

Granger: (sighs) Well, I'm actually a demon hunter Angela.

Angela: A demon hunter?

Granger: Yes, demons had spread throughout the world.

Angela: B-but how did they started? How did they arrive here?

Granger: Legends say that some people have a deep hatred on humanity. They were angered on how humans thrive on this world. They hurt the environment a lot, resulting on several disasters and various extinction. These peoples created a spell to summon ferocious creature that will crawl on this world. They were summoned to exterminate a large number of human beings in order to reduce the damages that this world encounters because of the acts of the humankind. Unfortunately, the peoples who summoned them can't even control them and were devoured.

Angela: W-what! Humans created monsters that will also erase the humankind.

Granger: They didn't realize that they can't tame demons like a dog. Because of their wrong decisions that's why humankind is suffering.

Angela: T-that's crazy...this is a true nightmare.

Granger: That's why humans tends to fight just to survive, and my mission is to kill demons, as much as I can. And my current mission is to save someone who is on a mansion on the far east. Well, I don't really want to said it to you because you might just have some nightmares.

Angela: Don't worry Mr. Granger, I'm fine.

Granger: Well, the empire is far from here so I'll just take you with me for your safety. Is that okay?

Angela: Okay

Granger: So rest up because we'll be having a long trip tomorrow.

Angela: Oh, how about you Mr. Granger, you're not sleeping yet?

Granger: Demons may be near here that's why I must have my eyes open just for safety.

Angela: Are you sure Mr. Granger?

Granger: Yes, just rest for me okay?

Angela: Okay, Mr. Granger