
The Adventures of Phelma


KevFOURd · Fantasy
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The end of the Labyrinth of Eternity

In a town near the capital of a great nation, stood a mountain. This mountain housed a labyrinth of infinite corridors and paths, thus it was named the Labyrinth of Eternity as it was thought it would take at least an eternity to get to the end. This labyrinth was classified as an A-rank dungeon at the very least, as it was filled with traps and monsters of high tier. This wasn't the main problem though, as the maze couldn't be mapped by even the most skilled of cartographers, who when they tried would eventually go crazy from it.

This wasn't even the most valuable part as there were countless murals drawn by the people of the past about major things such as their gods and calamities. One of these calamities drew the attention of many historians and adventurers alike, as it depicted what was interpreted as the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. Each unique and each depicted a different disaster and seemed to represent a grand element. The list of them goes as such; The Horseman of Chaos, The Horseman of Divinity, The Horseman of Abyss, and finally The Horseman of Order.

Most adventurers ignored the murals as they could only be sold to very few people, as such most focused on the monsters and loot. The adventurers would later realize that there were four boss monsters in this labyrinth. The adventurers who did pay attention would quickly realize that each boss wielded and looked oddly like each horseman. As such those who paid attention would normally make it farther than the others. There is no better example of this than the most recent party who set out to clear the dungeon.

What made this party special was that unlike most parties, which were only made up of humans, they were made up of a variety of races and backgrounds. This was extremely beneficial to the party as they soon learned on their first quest as a party, where they were tasked with killing a horde of monsters, as they were all B-rank at the time. After about a year together they had formed close bonds as friends and comrades and defended each other with their very lives. Because of how famous the party was they had decided to try their hand at the labyrinth, which went incredibly well until they faced the final boss monster. This monster seemed to represent the Horseman of Chaos, and as such, it had no attack pattern to be predicted unlike most monsters, it behaved more like a wild beast than anything.

After a long and grueling battle, they had finally defeated their opponent and the door that was behind the beast seemed to unlock and promptly open to reveal a large field full of darklilies. What was weird about this field was the fact that it seemed to have sunlight pouring from the sky. They talked for a bit but quickly decided that it was best for all of them if they went in. And so they entered and to their astonishment, a figure quickly noticed them and floated over to them. When the figure was just about ten meters from them, they realized that this person was a tiny female fairy-like creature in an oversized white shirt that closely resembled the horseman of chaos, if not for the clothing. When they saw this they were momentarily confused but quickly went on guard, which surprised the tiny lady, who quickly started to shake her head from side to side. Then she signaled for the party to follow her back to where she was previously. Seeing that she didn't seem to want to fight, the party started to follow her while still having their guard up. When they got to where she stopped she went down to the ground and picked something up, a pencil bigger than her, clearly not having been used much. She then went over to what looked like a sketchpad and started to write something.

[I don't want to fight, but I would like your help.]

What surprised them wasn't the fact that she asked for help but the fact that she could write their language, and well at that. After they got over their surprise they read what she had written and after thinking about it, decided that if they could help they'll consider it.

"We might help but it really depends on what it is you want our help with."

[That's fine. I need help to break the seal keeping me here.]

"What? There's a seal here?" The shortest asked while looking around, only seeing what seemed to be murals carved into the wall, depicting bones and flowers.

[There is yes. If you're wondering the type of seal, it's a seal that won't let me leave this chamber.]

"Well, I do know how to seal and unseal to a certain degree. I'll see if I can help but I do have a question. How long have you been sealed here? This dungeon has been here for hundreds of years."

[I don't know the exact time but I can say I haven't seen anyone in at least 50 years. It might be more because I've been here for as long as the dungeon has.]

When she said that the entire party was shocked into silence. There was only one thought running through all of their heads 'How powerful is this person to have survived that long?' Little did they know that they most likely didn't want an answer to that question. As the answer was far beyond their wildest dreams. However, they did promise to help this little lady and so they set to work.

"Before I try to break the barrier I will need to know where it is centered and what it covers."

When the fairy heard this she immediately started writing in hopes of finally being free.

[The center is the tree behind me, and the area it covers is this entire chamber.]

Hearing this the mage was shocked silent because the walls of this place were at least 50 meters away from the tree.