
The Adventures of Naruto & Scarlet

Scarlet Thompson, the best secret agent present in the earth, loses her life due to betrayal. Due to a large amount of good karma accumulated by her, God gives her a second chance to live again. Watch as Scarlet Uzumaki wreaks havoc in the elemental nations and rise to the peak of the world Naruto does not belong to me I'm only borrowing the characters from Masashi Kishimoto, only Scarlet belongs to me it's my first time so, kindly pardon me for any errors I used the cover page from Google pictures, hope the real owner does not mind.

BlueObserver · Fantasy
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118 Chs


Once upon a time, the nine-tailed demon fox has attacked the village hidden in leaves and wreaked havoc upon it. Then a hero emerged whose legend is remembered till date, this legendary hero was called the fourth Hokage. The fourth Hokage defeated the fox at the cost of his own life leaving a pair of twins, the boy is called Naruto Uzumaki, the girl is called Scarlet Uzumaki.

A boy can be seen running with a bucket of paint in his hand. There are 3 or 4 Ninjas chasing this boy, one of the Ninja speaks" how dare you to paint the faces of the Hokage Naruto " to which naruto replies " one day I will surpass them dattebayo "

and quickly escapes them but is finally caught by a man with a scar on his nose his name is Iruka.

Iruka then drags back naruto to the shinobi academy. Naruto enters the class there he sees many students his vision falls on a girl with crimson red hair, her beauty is enough to make a village go to war to win her over. Seeing the beauty his heart feels gratified, only he knows how he could survive all these years, his sister Scarlet never left him alone and kept company during his hardest times. Unlike him, his sister is very talented in all ninjutsu, genjutsu, taijutsu, and is also first in literary test along with sakura. Her only weak point is the inability to use clone jutsu just like himself.

Iruka scolds naruto for failing the graduation exam three times and tells the whole class to get ready for the transformation jutsu exam.

All students get ready to perform, first, a pink-haired girl comes and says" Henge no jutsu" after which she transforms into Iruka then she flaunts about herself in front of a good looking black-haired boy known as Sasuke .sauske comes and performs transformation jutsu to turn into Iruka next it was the turn of naruto. Scarlet cheers for naruto while a girl with white eyes is also cheering for naruto in the heart while blushing.

Naruto shouts"orioke no jutsu"(sexy jutsu) and transforms into a girl without clothes while smoke is covering some important parts.

Seeing this Iruka has nosebleed while Scarlet thought' thank God that I have red hair or else this brat will show my naked figure to the whole village although he can't transform as beautiful as me'

naruto gets scolded by Iruka after which Scarlet comes to perform transformation jutsu, Scarlet says" Henge no jutsu " and transforms into 3rd Hokage seeing which the whole class gets shocked buts quickly recovers as they were used to receive shocks from Scarlet but Sasuke grips his hand. After this class is dismissed.

Iruka calls naruto and says " Naruto you will have to clean all the paint use painted on Hokage figures"

Naruto seems very reluctant but gets dragged by Iruka

Seeing this Scarlet says " Iruka sensei let me also help naruto"

Iruka wanted to decline but seeing the seriousness in face of Scarlet he couldn't decline.

Naruto then smiles very brightly and says " Thank you, nee-chan"

Seeing this smile Scarlet couldn't help but secretly vow in her heart ' I will protect that smile no matter what the cost'

They then go to the Hokage monument where both of them start cleaning. Iruka then asks naruto" why don't you clean fast so that you can go home earlier"to which he replies" it's fine. I don't have anyone waiting there anyways" Then Iruka turns silent and says " Naruto, Scarlet how about me taking you both for ramen" hearing which both of them smile and start cleaning faster.

Soon they arrive at the ramen shop where they began to eat ramen both of them enjoying ramen very much seeing which Iruka smiles and suddenly asks Naruto " Naruto why did you paint the faces of the Hokage" to which he replies " because I am I'm going to surpass them and become the greatest Hokage ever" Scarlet smiles and says "nee-chan believes in you" then they returned home