
The adventures of Hanako

A sneek peek at Hinata's and Kageyama's life if they had adopted a little girl.

BittersweetShivers · Anime & Comics
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I don't know how we got here (but I love it)

It was a quintessential spring night. A soft breeze swayed its way through the opened window, making the white curtains in the master bedroom oscillate. The dim moonlight faintly illuminated the furniture's outline. 

Warmly tucked under soft sheets and a light blanket were two cuddly men, sleeping peacefully through the night. As they dreamed about the sun and flower shops, the third -and newest- member of the house woke up with a loud wail, which could have shaken up the whole neighborhood. 

As in cue, the sleeping couple stirred up. They both had black bags under their eyes. It had been weeks since they had any proper sleep. 

"It's your turn, I went yesterday." The orange haired man's voice was slurry and raspy. He wasn't going to deal with this today, no sir. Being sleep deprived wasn't an option, especially when you have volleyball practice in the early morning. Hinata turned his body to the other side, and thus he was now facing the wall, his back to his partner. 

Kageyama sighed softly as he got up from the bed. Although the sobbing had become quieter, it was still audible. Before leaving the room, the black haired man leaned down to kiss his already sleeping husband on the forehead. 

Slowly, Tobio walked down the dark hallway. Cold wood cracked subtly under his bare feet. The various photographs hanging on the beige-walls looked eerie due to the lack of light. He reached the front of the white door with a big sunflower in the middle of it and three different sets of hands at the bottom (which Shouyuo and him had painted together the day their kid had come home for the first time). 

The weeping could be heard loud and clear here. Tobio sighed once again in preparation to deal with his child at this unholy hour of the night. Then he opened the door and approached slowly towards the small bed against the right pastel-yellow wall. Kageyama sat down at the edge of his three-year olds bed. She was a small bundle under the blankets, her back facing Kageyama. 

However, the presence of one of her parents had definitely calmed Hanako. The sobbing had become some few soundless tears, accompanied with soft sniffing sounds here and there. Tobio stroked his daughter's black hair tenderly until she stopped crying.

"What happened honey? You wanna talk about it?" said Kageyama with a kind voice only reserved for his daughter. Her big green eyes were observing him now with pure admiration and love. 

"Nightmare" was all Hanako said. She was very capable of talking but she was still a bit shy around certain topics. After all, she is a toddler in a relatively new home. 

'That's the eight one this week', was the thought that went through Tobio's mind. Nevertheless, he didn't mention his worries to his kid. 

"Do you want me to stay with you?" This was received with a fervid nod. Hanako moved to make space for his dad, who made himself as comfortable as a fully grown and tall man could make himself on a bed for a little kid. Once he was settled down, Kageyama hugged his child close to his chest. He kept on caressing her hair, since it always seemed to relax her.

"Daddy, can you tell me a story?" Hanako's voice was now full of sleepiness, and her eyes were closed. The rise and fall of her dad's chest brought her a sense of comfort, which definitely made her sleepy.

"Have I ever told you how I met the Sun spirit?" Surprisingly enough, inventing bedtime stories was a natural skill of Tobio. He started telling Hanako this crazy tale about him meeting this gorgeous orange-haired teen, when he was fifteen years old, who was the sun personificated. However, he never finished the story, since his daughter was fast asleep.

(In the morning, Hinata found his daughter hugging his snoring husband like a sleeping koala. Of course he took a picture, which somehow ended up sending itself to Kenma. He swears Kageyama! He absolutely did not send it, his phone glitched and the photo magically appeared in his friend's phone)


When did his life become such a mess? The kitchen was chaos in its purest embodiment. Apparently making pancakes with a three year old toddler for your husband was not as a brilliant idea as it sounded. There was flour all over the grey marble counters, some even had fallen to the white wooden floor. The milk had been knocked over as well, and now there was a small milk-puddle on the floor. And let's not forget about the two broken eggs, which Hanako had accidentally dropped while carrying them. Of course, he and Hanako weren't any better. Both looked as if they had taken a flour bath, their dark hair now whiteish. 

As to how they'd arrived at that situation: the three year old girl had wanted to surprise his Papa before he went to practice. Hinata and her had once prepared dinner for Kageyama, since his practice ended at night. So, in her mind, it was now time for Shouyuo to taste her cooking skills. 

There were two main problems with Hanako's plan. Firstly, she somehow had the energy of Hinata and Noya combined. Which means, she was hyperactive and couldn't stay still for a long time. The second issue was that Tobio could not cook. And Bibbidi Bobbidi Boo, the kitchen is now extremely dirty. 

They were still trying to make something edible when Shouyuo woke up. And to be fair, his reaction could have been so much worse. The moment he put foot in the kitchen, Hinata scanned the room with a glint of amusement. But when his eyes had set on Kageyama, who was standing very still wearing a quite serious expression and all covered in flour, Shouyuo couldn't contain it anymore. The laugh burst out of his mouth without his permission, filling the room with warm colors. 

Tobio was embarrassed, which made him a little bit annoyed. However, Hanako would not be mocked by her Papa for her wonderful efforts. This resulted in Hinata being nagged by his three year old daughter, who very fiercely told him that laughing was in not the correct way to give your thanks to someone and how disrespectful he was being. 

Barely holding the laugh of amusement in, Shouyuo apologized. In addition he agreed to buy some sweet treats (strawberry tart! strawberry tart!) for all of them, only if they cleaned the kitchen.

The three of them end up eating breakfast in the living room, seated around the small warm-brown coffee table, the kitchen not quite clean yet

Short story of how this thing was born: I was watching TikTok and suddenly a video about KageHina and their chaotic child appeared in my for you page. It produced so much serotonin that I started to search KageHina + baby fics. But I couldn't find any that satisfied me. So I decided to write my own. And that's how this -drabble we could say- was "born"

By the way, english isn't my first language, so I apologize for any spelling and/or grammar mistakes

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