
The adventures of Bluefire: Story 3: Bluefire and the Purple Rose

Cynthia_Daggett · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Chapter 2: Owner of the voice

He got to Ravens house and said, Raven I'm home! Oh good. How was Prom? It was ok I guess. I got crowned King and Sapph Queen. I did call Mizuki to see how things went toward the end, he said as long as she kept busy she was fine. It was 9:00 when I called him. He said she went down with no problem. That's good. Well Raven, I'm gonna head to bed. Night Raven and Roxas. Night Zorin. They both said. Everyone got home ok on Jason's side too.

Zorin went to his Room and stripped down to his boxers and got into his bed. He kept thinking about that voice. To him, it sounded familiar, where did it come from? Whose voice is it? It was a female voice he heard. Oh well I'll try to ignore it and go to sleep. He closed his eyes and immediately fell asleep.

The next morning, Zorin slept in until 9:30am. Morning everyone. Zorin said with a yawn. He had sweatpants and no shirt and messy hair. Morning. Said Raven. How did you sleep? Like a baby. I immediately went to sleep after I decided to block off some thoughts I had. Wow you must have been tired. Yeah I was. Anyway Mizuki is supposed to be here soon. OK I'll at least do my hair before he gets here. Said Raven

There was a knock at the door. Roxas answered. Hey Mizuki come on in. He brought Chloe in with him. Chloe saw Zorin and ran to him. Zorin knelt down and Chloe said, Zo Zo! In an excited tone. He picked her up and said, Good to see you back. I missed you. She gave Zorin a hug. So. Said Zorin. Everything go good this morning? Yeah. I told her we were going to see ZoZo. She tried to rush out in her pullup, I caught her and got her dressed. Zorin chuckled. That's Cute. Well anyway Prom went good. That's good. Oh you have the pictures Raven? Yes I do right here. She gave him some copies. Oh I have some from prom too. Here Raven gets a copy, and Mizuki you too. I already have one in my Room. Wow you both look really good. Thanks Mizuki. Looks like you just got out of bed Zorin. Yeah I did, I slept in today. I was tired. I bet. Said Mizuki. So Mizuki, what did you do last night for the few hours before Chloe went to bed? Well when we got home I made some spaghetti, she decided it was fun to make a hat out of it. So after dinner we cleaned her up, played awhile, went to bed. Mizuki? Can I talk to you for a min alone in my room? Chloe I will be right back. I have to talk to Mizuki a min ok? She went to play with her toys.

Hey Mizuki, on my way home from dropping Sapph off, I heard of voice saying my name. I turned around and no one was there. Then the person called my name again, and I asked who they were, and what they wanted. The voices stopped. It was a female voice, it sounded familiar, don't know who it could be? What should I do? Well I don't know what I can tell you, other than that voice you were hearing might be in your head. Did you have a headache at all? Actually in the shower yesterday night, and during the day yesterday I had a vision. What was the vision about? Oh crap, I forgot to tell Jason about it. I'll call him later when Chloe goes down for a nap. The vision was about Blue Phantom and Purple Rose rejoining forces. I remembered him saying he wouldn't do anything bad if he can help it. So maybe he was possessed and rejoined forces. I won't know until I see it happen with my own eyes. That's all I saw. Well if you see or hear more, call me or Master ok? Yeah thanks.

They came out of Zorins room and Mizuki said, Ok I guess I better go. See you around Chloe. Give me 5. She patted his hand. Good job. Ok guys I'm leaving bye. Hey Zorin, when your not doing school work, why don't you and Chloe come over and hang with us? Yeah I'll try. Ok cool see ya. Yeah bye. So he was off.

It was finally time for Graduation. The boys cap and gown were dark blue, the girls were burgundy. All the families of the students were outside waiting for the kids to walk down. Raven was holding Chloe, keeping her busy with her stuffed animals.

It was almost time for the kids to start walking out, so they got in the order the principal had their diplomas. Principal called a few names before he finally called Zorins name. Zorin Daniels. Then Chloe clapped and said, Yay Zo Zo! A few people heard and thought it was the cutest thing. Zorin blushed in embarrassment. He thought it was pretty cute too. Then Sapph's name got called. Finally the names were done. The class president, who was Sapph came up and said a touching speech. Then everyone threw their hats. Zorin got his hat back, then went over to Raven. Hey Raven. Hey Zorin, congratulations. I guess you did well enough on your school work. Yeah I did thanks to you and Roxas. Hey Raven, I think I want to move back over to Mizuki's. I think you might want to talk to James and Rose about it. Remember you were supposed to live with them when school was out. Yeah I know. Me and Mizuki will both do it. Hey did Mizuki make it? Yeah turn around. Oh hey Mizuki, Master, you made it too. Thanks for coming. Oh Chloe thanks for the cheer, that was cute. Chloe reached for Zorin, he got her and held her. So Master, how was it taking care of Chloe? It was fun actually. There were times I thought her powers were going to go off, but they didn't. Well let's all go over to Ravens to celebrate. Let me go find Sapph be right back.

On the way to find Sapph, he heard the voice again. He turned around and no one was there. He shook it off. He finally found Sapph, and said, Hey Sapph. I'm going to Ravens to celebrate. You and your family want to join? Actually, we were going to ask you if you wanted to join us at the restaurant. Let me ask Raven. Hey Raven, can we go to Sapph's Restaurant instead? As long as we have cake at my place its ok. Why don't we bring the cake over there? You do have a point. Ok. Zorin go ahead with them, I'll get the cake, meet us there. OK Raven thanks. Oh Raven, maybe Chloe should come with us. Oh that's a good Idea. Don't worry about a car seat, they already have one in. Ok see you later. So Zorin, Sapph, and Chloe left for her place.

They finally got to Sapph's place to celebrate. Zorin was hearing that voice more and more. Hey Sapph? Do you hear anything? No Zorin. Are you OK? Yeah must be nothing. Hey. Can I head in the back for a min? I'm not feeling to well. Yeah want me to come back with you? No I will be fine thanks.

Zorin went back to the hospital area. Dr. Bone said, Oh hey Zorin. Everything ok? Actually no. About a week ago, it was prom. I had just dropped off Sapph and was halfway home when I heard this voice. It was female, it sounded familiar. I can't remember why. So I came back here, about to focus, then you showed up. Oh I'm sorry should I leave? Actually no, do you mind staying here? No I don't mind. Go ahead I'll be quiet. Zorin sat on the bed, did some meditation, just like Master taught him. To see if he could figure the voice out. He did his deep breathing, then saw who the voice belonged too, he didn't recognize her. So he decided to stop there. He opened his eyes. Well? Said Dr. Bone. Did you see who the voice belonged too? Yes, I don't recognize her at all. Since I am good at sketching, I can sketch her if someone can give me something to sketch.

Zorin went back out to join the others. Hey Sapph I'm back. Oh hey look whose finally back out here? Said Mizuki. Yeah, sorry to keep you guys waiting. Zorin you feeling ok? Said Sapph. You look a little out of it? Yeah I will be fine. Do any of you have a pad and pencil I can use? I need to sketch something. If someone recognizes who this person is, please tell me. Emma brought out a pad of paper and a pencil. Zorin placed them on the table and sketched out the figure. When he was done, the only ones that seemed to be surprised were Mizuki and Master. Mizuki what is it? Is this the voice of the woman you were hearing Zorin? Yeah why? That's impossible isn't it Master? Well actually, after all these years I was having suspicions it could be her twin that died. Zorin. How long ago did you hear this voice? First I heard it halfway home after dropping off Sapph, now I'm hearing it more often. She keeps saying my name like she knows me. I don't recognize her at all. Mizuki you stay, I'm sorry everyone. I have some business to take care of. Have fun everyone. Ok Said Mizuki. I'll see you later. Ok Master bye. Zorin are you ok? Your starting to look pale. Oh I'm ok. He said almost falling over. No your not. Let's take you in the back. Sorry guys. I didn't mean to crash my own party. No its fine. Said Sapph. I'll be there in a min. Mom do you know who this is? Actually honey, I saw her come in once or twice with Zorin's parents. I never asked who she was. Thanks Mom. I'm gonna head back to Zorin. Sapph went in the back with Zorin. Chloe said, Zo Zo? Raven said, Zo Zo is sick honey. Sapph is taking care of him. I play? Yes, let's take you to the kids area. They did and she played for a bit.

They Laid Zorin down, and Dr. Bone said, Hey Zorin. You don't look to well. what's going on? Sapph said, Once he drew the Picture, Mizuki and Master looked surprised. Master said he had a suspicion the body was her twin. The person he has been seeing, is the person they thought was dead. Zorin said he doesn't remember ever meeting her, that's when he started getting pale. Do you still have that sketch? Yes here it is. Yes I was brought a body similar to this, but it wasn't this girl. Master is right. Zorin started throwing up in the bucket they gave him. Sapph was there patting his back. So do you know who she is? No I don't. From the look at the body, I saw they could have been twins. That makes sense. Maybe that's why Zorin was hearing her? Because he is also a twin. Not necessarily. I may know someone who can explain more. Someone who knew the Daniels better than I do. Be right back. He came over with Tony. Sapph's Dad.

Hey Dad. Said Sapph. You know this girl? Actually yes. Me, Zorin's Dad John, and Zenith, all grew up with her. Her name is Zania. When she was 14, we thought she died. Recently, I have been hearing it could have been her twin sister Tain. How does she know Zorin? Said Sapph. That's what we need to know, and why she keeps calling his name. That much I'm not sure. She could have heard your name from somewhere, and needs help. Otherwise, I do not know. As Zorin said, she may not have met him before. If she did, I wouldn't know. The only person who would, is Zenith. Thanks Tony. Said Zorin. It helps a lot. Sure no problem kid. That girl, was from the same village as Mizuki, that burned down, that is why they were so close. That makes since. Said Zorin. Well I feel better now, let's get some food and then head home. Yeah good idea. Said Sapph.

It was finally time for cake, Zorin heard that voice again. He sat down, closed his eyes, to see if he might find out where she would be. But he couldn't, and it got frustrating. He felt his mark act up. He took deep breaths so he wouldn't do unnecessary fighting.