
The Begging : Reincarnation

In the middle if a lush green Forest there was a young man who seemed to be sleeping , suddenly the young man opened his eyes filled with shock .

" where the hell am I " thought Alex to himself looking around him in confusion " I thought I died in the train accident " out of nowhere he felt a pain in his head " I did die , but I reincarnated in the body of this kid named also Alex " .

" he is in orphan , who got adopted by a kind old man , he lives I the city of Tethoris in the kingdome of Ravarin , the old man who raised him owned a shop that sells all kind of supplies such as magic scrolls and potions "

" but sadly the old man passed away a few days ago and a local tyrant called Maxwell , the son of lesser noble wanted to take over the shop , the old man had given the shop to Alex in his will , and Alex refused to sell the shop to Maxwell just like the old man before him did , being rejected twice "

"Maxwell although only a son of lesser noble , he was quite famous in the city because even the city Lord was a lesser noble , in a city that wasn't that big or profitable a lesser noble was usually the highest title around here , so Maxwell got daring and payed some goons to beat up Alex "

" But in His anger he accidentally killed him , after he realized what he had done he quickly sought to hide his crime so he threw the body in the black forest , which is quite far from Tethoris , and by luck my soul possessed this body "

"this word actually has magic and sorcery , heh it's gonna be fun exploring this world , but first I have to deal with that asshole called Maxwell and his goons " , he stood up and looked around him trying to see a way out of the forest , it took him a while but eventually he got out of the forest since he was at the outskirts and not deep in it .

he looked for any carriage that was heading to tethoris

" my revenge starts now " he said to himself .

several hours later , he could finally see the walls of the city he jumped off the carriage and thanked the merchant that gave him a ride , he went to the gates and entered after passing the guards inspection .

He went strait to the shop , as he was passing by , he saw many people that he recognized from Alex's memory , and many of them had a shocked expression .

He asked one of them , the owner of a bakery caled jak , and he told him that maxwell had spread news that he had headed into the dark forest to kill himself in grief of the passing if the old man , he