
The adventures of a savage

Abandoned since he was a baby in the cold Siberian forest, condemned to survive as best he can and adapt to all kinds of hardships. A man who lived among animals and managed to create his own territory. A man who despite everything he overcame, died foolishly in a way he did not understand, but when it seemed that it was going to be the end of his story, he managed to surprise the right entity. Come and enjoy the life of a wild man through the multiverse. [Warning: The main character doesn't know how to speak or anything about human behavior, it will take a few chapters to adapt him until he can have a proper conversation. Discord: https://discord.gg/VtHg4GqXtq Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Eroos #Gore #Multiverse #Anime

Eroos · Anime & Comics
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69 Chs


Rolling her eyes, Rika scoffed "Really you two are arguing over such stupid things? Kiriko you're already over 40, don't fight like a child."

"I'm still young in mind" Snorting with annoyance, Kiriko replied.

"Although I do find that being human doesn't have much of an advantage" Rubbing her chin, Rika continued "Maybe if you're a super human or something similar it would be worth it, but being an ordinary human.... I wouldn't hold a candle to a Dragon."


'They're like little girls' Shaking her head, Yuriko smiled softly and thought.

'The time has come...'

Opening his eyes wide, Fenrir quickly jumped up from the ground and looked around cautiously, causing all the girls to react quickly and grab the first thing they found to defend themselves.

With a bottle in her hand, Rika sharpened her senses and muttered "I don't hear anything."

"Fenrir was startled by something, stay alert!"

Seconds passed, but the girls failed to sense anyone outside, not even the slightest noise, causing confusion and anxiety to begin to well up in them.

"It's complicated..."

Blinking in a daze for a few seconds, Fenrir looked at the large sphere that suddenly appeared in front of him and tilted his head in confusion, only to turn sideways and notice that he returned to the same place he remembered before arriving with his pack.

"Your wish... I don't quite understand."

"..." Turning his gaze to the sphere, Fenrir asked "Why?"

"You want to be the coolest wolf, but... in what way?"

"In what way?"

"The coolest wolf to some may be the cutest... maybe the biggest.... the smallest... the one with the most rocks... the one with the most men... the one with the most women... it all depends on race, culture and point of view... what is being the coolest wolf to you?"

"..." Lowering his gaze, Fenrir frowned slightly and muttered "Being the coolest wolf..."


"I don't know" Looking up again, Fenrir answered seriously "Maybe Saya knows..."



"Think about it Fenrir, you really don't want anything?"

Tilting his head, Fenrir thought for a few seconds and shook his head "I don't know..."


"You... wish for something?" Looking at the large sphere in front of him with doubt, Fenrir asked.



"If I have a wish??"


"..." Silence enveloped the place for an unknown amount of time, until finally the sphere replied "I am not meant to have desires, I just follow my duty in existence."

"You... have no desires or feelings... are you an empty shell?"

"We are not all the same, every being and race is different, everyone has their own functions and duties..."




"You still don't know what to wish for?"


"Humans... are governed under many limitations... you call them feelings... if you base it on humans... your wish should be something that makes you.... happy."


"Tell me Fenrir, what makes you happy?"

"..." Blinking in a daze for a few seconds, Fenrir suddenly recalled everything he had experienced during these months, going over in his mind every little moment with his new pack.


After a few minutes, Fenrir smiled from the corner of his lips and replied "May my pack be happy..."

"Who makes up your pack?"

"Saya, Rei, Shizuka, Rika, Yuuki, Saeko, Kiriko, Yuriko..."

"And what would make them happy?"

"Mmmm" Holding his hand to his chin, Fenrir murmured "Shizuka wants to be a fox and help others..."

"You don't need to tell me the wish of the others, I already know..."

"But you asked me..."



"What keeps your pack happy?"

"Mmmm... Rika is fun and often makes my herd smile.... Yuuki is happy when we mate-"

"So you like your pack to be happy..." Suddenly interrupting Fenrir, the sphere continued with its questions "Do you think they are currently happy?"

"Yes... they always smile and rub me..."

"Then doesn't that make you a pretty cool wolf already?"

"Mmmm..." Frowning slightly, Fenrir lowered his gaze and thought seriously about his situation, so that after a few seconds his eyes sparkled and he nodded "Yes, I am."

"Then you wouldn't wish for anything else, would you?"

"No... I'm already great" Shaking his head, Fenrir murmured.

"Would you like to trade your wish for a gift from me?"

"A gift?"

"Yes, something that will help keep you cool and happy."

"Mn" Without the slightest thought, Fenrir nodded.

"Good... it'll be quick."

Finishing his words, Fenrir suddenly levitated in the air and all his clothes disappeared, so that after a few seconds, his body suddenly glowed and returned to its original position.

"You are now a full-fledged wolf, you have certain abilities, you will discover everything by understanding your bloodline."

If the girls saw Fenrir at this moment, they would be quite surprised by his obvious changes.

His height had a noticeable change, going from 182 centimeters to 190 centimeters. The werewolf's face that before was slightly effeminate now took a different turn thanks to some wild features that appeared on it, having a more 'masculine' look compared to the previous one. His once green eyes completely changed to a bright golden color, while a striking slit pupil completely accentuates his appearance.

But without a doubt the most striking thing about him, are the two furry ears on top of his head and the thick furry tail sticking out from behind, all sharing the same color of his hair, a mixture of the color black and the color king blue.

"A wolf..." Feeling the new connections in his brain, Fenrir shook his tail awkwardly and took it between his hands "Soft.... strong."

"What you are now has a small drawback, but I left the solution inside you along with other small gifts..."

"Inside me?"

"You just have to close your eyes and feel the inside of your body, but for now I will send you back..."

"..." Nodding silently, Fenrir let go of his tail and lifted his gaze to the sphere.

"Maybe we'll meet again sometime, for now keep growing and assimilate what you earned..."

"What is your name?"

"Although you changed your race, you're not ready to hear it yet... grow and assimilate what you earned, your soul still needs to improve... goodbye"


"..." From one second to the next, Fenrir disappeared from the place, leaving only the great sphere in absolute silence, so that after a long time, the sphere spoke "It seems that it will no longer be a planet..."


Looking around, Fenrir sniffed deeply and closed his eyes, unconsciously sharpening his new senses completely.

After a few seconds of silence, Fenrir opened his eyes and just as he suddenly appeared, he disappeared.

Taking great leaps with a fierce impulse, Fenrir arrived in front of his house and walked slowly to the door, then opened it and looked around.


Feeling something hard touching the back of his neck, Fenrir turns to the side and stares at the woman at his back "Rika?"

"Y-you..." Backing away slowly, Rika looks at Fenrir in disbelief, focusing particularly on the furry ears on top of the man's head "W-what are you?"

Tilting his head in confusion, Fenrir looked down the barrel of the gun in front of him and spoke "Fenrir."

"Rika, put the gun down" Suddenly stepping out of the room in front of the hall, Saya watched Fenrir carefully for a few seconds, showing no surprise at his new appearance, then putting her hand to her chin and commenting with interest "So you really were a wolf?"

Saya Takagi, a young woman who as a child called a child genius.

Many may consider that title pompous or even arrogant, but this girl truly deserves it.

Not only is her intelligence outstanding, but even her insight is superior.

That is why since day one when the apocalypse began, she never stopped studying Fenrir seriously.

At the beginning She had his doubts and obviously her distrust in Fenrir was always at its peak.

How to trust a man who came out of nowhere and behaved like a beast?

Damn it!

Fenrir really behaves like a beast and whoever says otherwise is either blind or stupid.

The first day she saw him, the man killed two people for no reason.

What rational human being would kill two people in such a brutal way just because they insulted him?

Not only that, his attitude was extremely aggressive an d obviously suspicious.

Not knowing how to talk and just growling?

Sitting like a dog and howling?

Wearing strange clothing with a creepy wolf head to cover his face?

No matter how you looked at it, Fenrir really was a target of concern and caution.

If someone told her that Fenrir was a psychotic who escaped from some prison or psychiatric hospital, she wouldn't have doubted that it was true.


As time went by her suspicions diminished and her thinking changed.

After observing him for so long, Saya came to a conclusion after much thought.

Fenrir is a beast.

But who says that's wrong?

This beast saved her mother, took care of her and even gave her a peaceful life in the midst of the chaos that engulfed the whole world.

Not to mention that he's quite handsome and his reactions are quite adorable.

But if there's one thing that always kept her thoughtful, it's his curious life, especially some important details.

Living with animals since he was a baby, without vaccinations, without clothes, without knowing how to defend himself, let alone being able to move.

Literally Fenrir is a walking miracle.

In just a few seconds she manages to think of thousands of potential dangers that could have killed him in the first hour of his arrival in the Siberian forest.

Insects, animals, the weather, the trees, among other things.

But against all odds, the baby survived.

But since that is not what caught her attention, the stories told by Fenrir were her main focus.

Losing an arm, receiving hundreds of wounds, even going through deadly diseases.

Even a child would know that it should have left obvious scars and his body should be in a terrible state.

But there it is, completely healthy and very healthy.

If she were a stranger and heard such stories, she would no doubt believe that the man was lying.

But Saya knows that is impossible, Fenrir does not lie, even if he wants to lie, he simply cannot.

That left Saya with many doubts and a great curiosity.

How is he alive?

How did he heal his arm?

Why is he so strong?

Where did he get those katanas?

How did he get to Japan?

Literally everything about him is a mystery.

But as if that wasn't enough, Fenrir talked about a mysterious man who made him feel afraid and teleported him to Japan.

After much thought, she just couldn't come up with anything.

Although she did manage to come up with many theories.

Among them is one that many would consider crazy, but everyone is already upside down, not that it's impossible.

"Are you Horkew Kamuy?" approaching Fenrir slowly, Saya asked.

Horkew Kamuy.

Any citizen of Japan who cares a little about their culture knows that name.

The howling god.

One of the main gods within the Japanese religion.

Outside Japan very few know this, but in Japan the wolf is a very respected and loved animal.

There are several legends surrounding them, but one belief always stands out.

Wolves are the messengers of the gods and many even call them spiritual gods.

They protect crops by hunting wild boars and deer, they guide those who get lost in the mountains or deep forests, and finally they are believed to help travelers in danger.

Even to this day, although wolves are extinct in Japan, many shrines and villages around mountains are named after wolves.

"Horkew Kamuy?" tilting his head in confusion, Fenrir muttered.

Standing in front of Fenrir, Saya stared into Fenrir's piercing golden eyes and muttered "Amazing... even your pupil is torn."


Whirling around Fenrir, Saya stares at the slowly swaying tail and mutters in a daze "I never thought this is real... even your ears are incredible."

"*Gulp* S-saya" Grabbing Saya's shoulder, Rika swallows saliva and mutters "H-he's Fenrir?"

"Isn't it obvious?" smiling slightly at the nervous woman, Saya continued "Why are you scared? Do you already distrust him just because he has adorable wolf ears on his head and a tail on his back?"

"..." Blinking in a daze for a few seconds, Rika moves her gaze to Fenrir's 'innocent' face and observes him silently, then smiles bitterly and tosses her weapon aside "I lost my composure, how embarrassing."


Edited by:

Discord: https://discord.gg/VtHg4GqXtq

Hello everyone! My treatment has gone wonderfully and thanks to that my thoughts are much more orderly. Although I am still not 100% recovered, I am getting back on track with the stories. This chapter was particularly difficult to write, after so long after leaving this, I had to reread my own fanfic to reconnect, not to mention that I'm a bit drugged as part of my treatment, so any problems with the story or opinions, feel free to leave them to be taken into account when writing. Thank you all for your support and I still have in mind that we achieved the goal, that promise will be paid.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Erooscreators' thoughts