
the adventures of a kpop fan

what kind of fan are you a broke fan the fan that buys all the merch the secret kpop fan the fan that wants to get all their friends into kpop the fan that watches alot of reaction vids the fan that's always in the comment section the crazy fan who honestly needs to chill (fanwars) cough cough or the fan who is ready to fight at any moment dosen't matter cause i have it all, kpop has a variety of groups as it does fans this book is about them about you about all of us this is the adventures of a kpop fan (if you feel like this describes you comment below each chapter)

anonii_i · Realistic
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the loud fan vs. the silent fan

"you've shown me I have reasons

I should love myself,"

I sang loudly as i got on the bus. i had completely disregarded any weird stares i was getting as i jumped around singing like i was all alone on that bus.

which is exactly how i felt, i was in the zone, my zone, right now no one mattered but me and BTS. "I'm learning how to love myself" I yelled loudly. by now i was sure i had caught the whole world's attention. taking out my headphones i looked at the crowd of people who filled the bus as i gave out a smile and sat down.

sitting down i turned to the lady beside me and asked: "ma'am do you love yourself?"

the woman looked at me like i had gone crazy, which i completely understood i had gone crazy, crazy for BTS. the woman looked at me with her mouth ajar "it's okay, love yourself, always" i whispered as i quickly got up. "this is my stop" i said as i placed my earphones back on and began humming serendipity as i walked off.

the world is so pretty, why does everything look so beautiful today? i thought to myself.

i got on the bus, i was elated BTS was coming to my area for a concert. in my ear, BTS love myself was playing as i hummed along silently.

i sat down and was about to close my eyes to the sweet melody that was Jimin's voice when i heard a loud voice yell "you've shown me I have reasons

I should love myself."

"a fan," i thought.

i watched her jump around as she loudly sang along to the song. i so wished i could stand up and yell the song too but there was no way i was going to do that so i just bopped my head to the song as imagined i was right there dancing alongside her. in my head i thought "you go, girl, show them" but on the outside, all you saw was head movement.

turning away from her i silently listened on as i looked into the sky.

as the bus stopped i saw her get off as she began to sing again, i smiled that's that magic of BTS.

the woman next to me turned to me and said " teenagers" i smiled and said "no, that's what we call a fan." after that statement i got off the bus and walked away as i thought to myself

the world is so pretty, why does everything look so beautiful today?

first of all, i would like to welcome all of you to the first chapter of the adventures of a kpop stan. i don't mean to offend anyone with these, they are just my opinion, if you read the first chapter and are like "omg she's just a bts fan who is mainly going to write about bts" Ummm no you are wrong i assure you i am by no means writing this book about bts alone.

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