
Setting Up Base

So I get to work on gathering materials from the forest. First i find some smaller trees and use my ax to chop them down. Then I use [Basic Item Manipulation] to clean and straighten them. After i have a good number of them I build a frame that is a triangle and start adding sticks to the triangle part so i have a roof. Then once that's done I use some leaves to cover the sticks on top and add walls which is more sticks. Then i use my skill to bind everything to together into a seamless tent like structure. I also build a bed out of sticks and the deer's hide. After i complete that its getting dark so I crawl into my makeshift structure and slowly fall asleep. Sometime in the middle of the night a hear howling and I hear rustling coming from the forest. [RYAN!!!] I shoot out of bed. "What. What's going on." [There is a large number of creatures gathering on the out skirts of the forest.] "Then why did you wake me. Because you told me that most don't come near the valley cause of a massive amount of magic" [You are correct most creatures don't come near the valley but that doesn't mean they don't. Most creatures cant handle exposure to large quantity's of magic. But if something in the valley like a rare treasure, or an enemy then they will invade the area for a short time to gain what ever it is. But after you brought your deer back the trail of blood led a bunch of creatures here.]

"So wait why am i staying here if most creatures can't handle large amounts of magic energy. would'net i have the same fate as any other creature?" [The system has been watching your magic energy intake and it has been in manageable levels.] "Well ill deal with that later, but now we should probably deal with the threat in front of us." [There is a large number of mostly bronze creatures but there is at least five Silver creatures the highest being Silver three.] "OK i should have some sticks left over from building my camp so if i make most of them spears I could take out a good number of the bronze ones but i'd probably only have a chance against the lower level silvers." [System will help by offering one skill so that you survive] "That's great Sylvia but i don't have time to try and pick a skill." [I would advise choosing either [Basic Spear Throwing] or [Basic Ax Mastery: Combat Variety] sense you are pretty close to gaining both of these skills anyways you will need less time to get accustomed with it] "I'll take the Ax Mastery" Right after i said that the first creature crossed the threshold that is the edge of the forest. It is an ugly looking wolf thing. With dark red fur and a huge body. It was called Worg. Apparently you can tell how strong it is by the color of its fur. This one if around Bronze four because of its Dark red fur. After the first one waves and waves of them charged at me. "lets hope these spears can pierce through there thick fur." I start hurling spears towards to onslaught of Worg's. Most just bounce off but the ones that stick flop around as the Worg runs opening the wound up more. There's only about 50 of them charging at me but its still a lot. The first one's reach me and as they do i switch to my ax and start chopping into them. I'm swing my ax around with strong accurate swings. My ax has been sharped with my skill so its sharper then a normal stone ax, so it cuts into the worgs pretty easily. I'm holding a couple off but they keep surrounding me and are slowly adding wounds onto my body with there claws. I'm dogeing most of there bites because i would be finished if they trapped me. I'm stronger then them but there is a lot of them. After killing a couple I finally hear some good news. [Ryan has leveled up to level 2 and gained a skill point what would you like to get] "Intermediate ax combat" [Skill [Basic Ax Mastery: Combat Variety] has been upgraded into [Intermediate Ax Mastery: Combat Variety] you will feel some slight discomfort in your muscles as your body is gain new muscle memory please be patient will only take a moment.] "AHHHHHH!!!" My body feels like its being torn in half. That split second distraction is all the wolves need to jump in a latch onto me with there teeth. I almost lose consciousness but I start to fight with all my will to stay consciousness. As I am being whipped around by the Worg's I hear a loud bark. I have a worg on each of my arms, Ive lost my ax in all of the chaos. As I'm sitting on my knees with my arms held by a Worg each A big Grey Worg walks towards me. He just stares at me for a while then a Silver worg with scars all over who is bigger then the others is staring down at me. Then in my mind i hear a voice that is old and wise {Do you work for the Boar King?} "What who's that? Who are you? Why am i still alive?" {Hmmm you don,t seem to be telling a lie. I guess you truly have no clue.} "Uh yah i have no clue whats going on all i know is that i'm being held by a bunch of Worgs and a huge one is right in front of me" {I Am the King of these Worgs and i have attacked you becase you invaded my territory} "I only Went into the forest to get something to eat i didn't know it was your territory." {If that is all i can forgive you I thought you where helping the boar king gain information.} "No. I dont even know who this Boar King is" {He is the other ruler of the other mountain, And sense his territory is closer to a human settlement he has a good number of human helpers.} " So your One of the Rulers of the Mountain and forest. That makes sense." {Yes to be exact i am the ruler of the lower part of the mountain of The sun.} "So there is Rulers for the upper parts that is amazing" {Yes well I would suggest you to only hunt in my part of the forest, that power hungry boar wont be as nice about sharing his forest with others as me.} "OK I will be sure to do that" After that the worg's slowly start retreating back into the forest. "Hey Sylvia how strong was the Worg King" [Hey was around Silver Five.] "So if hes only the king of the bottom that means that there is a gold ranked creature ruling over the rest of the mountain. Hmmmm I definitely need to get stronger." As i'm tending to my wounds i look around my campsite at the destruction. Everything i made is destroyed and covered in blood and fur. There is Several Worg bodies lay around. Sense i'm exhausted from the fight and gaining a new Skill I lay down on a piece of grass away from the destruction and blood and i quickly fall asleep.

Question should i change everything to Levels or should i keep the cultivation system thing?

MatthewR59creators' thoughts