
Talent is subjective

The sun started to set.

Orange covered the sky.

Sterling sat under a tree gnawing at an apple.

He thought at the words his father said.

The pressure of his words made his heart sink into his stomach

After what his father said things were quiet but his father knew his words resonated with Sterling and it was up to him to live up to his dreams.

Sterling took one last bite of the apple and threw it behind him, down a hill.

He stood up and took a deep breath and breathed out.

Sterling wanted to go on adventures of excitement and glory but he didn't know how or if it would live up to what he really wanted.

Sterling thought about his father's words but then he thought about his two brothers.

His father never mentioned them when he was talking to them, did he think they were useless or were they not up to it.

Sterling leaned against a tree in thought.

There was so much to think about but nothing he could do to become what his father wants or what he himself wants.

Sterling looked up at the sky, it was dark and bright lights were all over town.

"It's time for the celebration to begin I guess" sterling said enthusiastically.

Sterling walked into town and looked at all the vendor stalls.

They were all stocked with toys,candy, games just lots of crappy celebration stuff

Sterling went to where his friends said they would meet up.

Sterling wasn't a very talkative or a popular kid, but he had two good friends, Abe and Deet.

Two average names, this town isn't the most exciting but it's where I am.

Sterling waved over to his friends.

He was considered the leader of their group.

"Sterling we gotta try some of these games we can get so much free stuff" Deet was very excited.

" I don't know about that but some of the candy is pretty good" Abe seemed less excited.

"Well I'll follow you guys I don't feel like playing too much this year Sterling seemed even less excited.

Hours passed slowly Sterling followed his friends while thinking about his family.

He had two brothers Zane and Finn.

We had very different names from distant lands, which Sterling kinda liked.

Zane was smart, charming and strong. He had a bright future as a seventeen year old, but he says he just wants a simple life here.

Finn was like Zane but more smart and less strong and more ambitious, Finn left when he was fifteen, nobody knows why he left or where he went but our father knew that he had purpose and would come back one day, he would now be twenty.

Sterling himself was a young talent-less thirteen year old.

Sterling was pulled from his mind when he heard Deet calling his name.

Deet was almost jumping with excitement to tell us .

"Sterling did ya hear that they are hosting a sword fighting competition and I hear that knights will be in the crowd looking for squires".

Sterling's ears perked up.

This might be my start, sterling quickly thought

Deet continued .

"And guess what I sighed all three of us up".

Sterling and Abe paused.

"Deet you realize that we have no sword talent whatsoever right?"Abe said, surprised.

"Wait, think about it, no one else has any skills in this town and if we work up a quick tactic we could actually have some sort of shot at this' ' Sterling chimed in.

To the surprise of Abe and Deet and to even himself.

"How are you even taking his side this is a stupid idea" Abe said flustered.

"Abe, we have been friends since before we can even remember and we all have read stories about knights and adventures, this is our chance to see the outside world, we could become heroes' ' Sterling said inspirationally.

Abe sighed and looked at the ground for a few seconds.

"Well this is s stupid idea that came out of nowhere but there's no reason not to I guess" Abe said with little hope.

The competition started in five hours .

Deet brought three wooden long swords from the festival stands.

The group went to a somewhat empty area to practice.

Sterling was swinging his sword up and down hoping to get a feel for his sword.

Deet was Jumping around and swinging his sword.

Abe was shifting into different sword stances he had seen in picture books.

Deet stopped jumping around and thought of an ingenious idea.

"Guys we have four hours till the competition, why don't we spar and I decree Abe and Sterling to go first," Deet said .

Sterling looked at Abe.

"I guess it's not a bad idea, none of us have really ever fought anyone,"Sterling said.

"Well let's just go light on the hitting at least" Abe said hesitantly.

Sterling walked to the middle of a drawn out square that Deet drew out with a stick, soon after Abe came to the middle too.

Sterling held his sword with two hands in front of him, his palms were sweaty.

Abe held his sword the same but higher.

Deet had his hand up high.

"When I say go we go alight".

Sterling and Abe quickly nodded their heads.


Sterling carefully looked at Abe while slowly approaching him.

Abe held his sword in a somewhat defensive stance while very slowly got closer.

Sterling was the first to strike.

Sterling swung his sword low from his left side.

Abe barely blocked it and sent out an overhead strike quickly after blocking the first strike.

Sterling quickly dodged to Abe's left and swung at Abe's left side.

It hit and hard.

Abe fell to the ground clutching his side.

"It's all over for Abe, Sterling wins" Deet yelled.

"I said to be light Sterling"Abe said annoyed.

"Sorry it just happened, you swung up high and it just felt like my body was. guiding me" Sterling said suddenly.

"Whatever," Abe said.

Sterling helped him up.

Abe took a break while clutching his side.

Deet was a little annoyed that he didn't get to fight.

Sterling kept swinging his sword while in thought.

It felt weird to him, it felt like his body moved on it's own, Sterling had an idea that maybe he did have a talent.