
Substances Trigger Unwanted Things

Every day, there are always questions and problems, and every day, there are also answers and solutions. Ancient Nemesis, which holds ancient knowledge about the various existing universes and their properties. The scientists there collaborate to find unique and rare substances along the vast cosmic paths that extend beyond any infinite forms that are immeasurable in mathematics. However, there is one substance they liken to a big question mark in their world; they call this substance the "universe nail." or "Universal nail"

Scientists in Ancient Nemesis are delving into the ancient knowledge left behind by their predecessors, and they have discovered a book that explains the substance known as the "universal nail," albeit only briefly. The "universal nail" is a substance with highly complex properties; imagine a substance that can connect or unify two different worldly concepts into one. The coordinates of the "universal nail" cannot be confined by worldly coordinates, spanning multiple universes. It sounds like an unreal and fictional fantasy, but the scientists in Ancient Nemesis Nemesis are dedicated to its study.

One day, a scientist immersed herself in the study of magic. This scientist was a beautiful girl who loved learning and proposing unique theories to solve various problems. Her name was Stella. Stella delved into the study of magic to unravel the properties of the "universal nail." She discovered that the "universal nail" was not bound by worldly realities such as space and time or dimensions. Dualities like life and death, existence and non-existence, black and white, yin and yang could not negate the properties of the "universal nail," which could unify two worldly concepts simultaneously. The information about the "universal nail" was not only found in scientific knowledge but also in magic, adding to its complexity. Nevertheless, Stella attempted to solve this problem and proposed a theory that the "universal nail" existed in a world devoid of elements bound by worldly concepts.

Day by day, Stella tried to publicize the theory she had discovered, but no one wanted to listen. However, one day, a woman named Elizabeth supported her theory. Elizabeth invited Stella to visit a laboratory in Ancient Nemesis that had a machine that might be useful for her research, and Stella agreed to Elizabeth's offer. They attempted to use a machine that could track universes with specific properties. They adjusted the machine's settings and operation, and finally, it was ready. When the machine was activated, a powerful signal and frequency pierced the sky, though it was inaudible to the people there. Two hours passed, and as a result, they discovered an empty universe with an equally empty level of existence. This emptiness contradicted the concept of duality, such as zero and one, because it was simply emptiness or nothingness—not a state of being or non-being, but pure nothingness.

They found that dimensions could not be applied there, and the signal sent only reached the outer limits of that realm. They named this realm "Nihilus." Another problem arose: how to apply dimensional scale if something is not bound by dimensions. This is where Elizabeth proposed the concept of "non-conventional dimensions." Conventional dimensions require a scale, such as 1-dimensional, 2-dimensional, 3-dimensional, and so on, up to dimensions occupying aleph-null space, continuing to all forms of uncountable cardinals, and all of these are still conventional dimensions.

Elizabeth divided the non-conventional dimensions into four categories. The first is Category I, which describes planes of existence that lack the supporting concepts of conventional existence required for conventional dimensions. If these planes meet the supporting concept requirements, they become conventional dimensions; if not, they remain non-conventional dimensions.

Category II describes a plane of existence that uses the concept of nothingness as the basis for existence. An example is the number zero, which exists but employs the concept of nothingness to manifest in existence. If the dimensions in a world apply Category II planes of existence, they are considered non-conventional dimensions.

Category III refers to a plane of existence that applies conventional dimensions on an extremely high scale, reaching the limits of the logic of space and time itself. This involves combining such large cardinalities that they cannot be proven within cardinality itself, essentially creating a "logical limit." If this category is applied, the dimensional plane becomes a non-conventional dimension.

Finally, Category IV states that if all categories are combined into one, it will form an existence plane M that possesses all the properties of each category. M must undergo a complex paradox where each element of M is M, but M is simultaneously greater than itself and equal at the same time. This paradox creates another realm, C. Realm C applies the complex paradox of M, incorporating properties from all previous categories. C is a Category IV plane of existence, and when applied, it becomes the ultimate non-conventional dimension.

The statement Elizabeth proposed was heard by the scientists in Ancient Nemesis, and they joined in to help solve the question surrounding the "universal nail." Within three days, the scientists in Ancient Nemesis labeled "Nihilus" as a Category I non-conventional dimension because it could still be tracked using the special signal and frequency from the machine.

In a quiet library, Stella sat alone on a library sofa while reading a book containing magical knowledge. She studied magic to gain a deeper understanding of worlds that couldn't be explained by scientific reasoning. She found an interesting piece of information in the book she was reading. It described a phenomenon where there exists a substance present in every realm with different worldly concepts. However, the concept of the substance does not change, even within different worldly concepts. The book also mentioned that the existence of this substance cannot be denied by human understanding but can be interpreted through the imagination of non-existence.

Stella found that the universe nail was also mentioned in the magic book, indicating that scientific explanations alone could not provide detailed proof. She heard footsteps approaching and turned around. "Oh, it's you, Elizabeth," she said. Elizabeth had come to help Stella find more information about the universal nail they were researching. Elizabeth went to a bookshelf and took out a book with a brown cover. "Look at this," she said. Stella, curious, sat next to Elizabeth and looked at the contents of the book.

Elizabeth pointed out, "Look, this substance is like the one in the book you were reading earlier, but it adds another detail: the universal nail is like a chain linking from one world to another, transcending worldly concepts and human thought."

Stella asked, "How does it transcend human thought, given that we have interpreted various worldly concepts in detail before?"

Elizabeth replied, "Yes, we have indeed interpreted many different worldly concepts, but this universal nail seems to be beyond our level of understanding."

Elizabeth stood up and said, "I need to leave for a while; I have other matters to attend to," smiling at Stella before stepping out of the library and leaving Stella alone. Stella then left the library and went to the machine room to look for something interesting. In the machine room, Stella used a tracker capable of interacting with both the supernatural and the physical realms simultaneously. When she activated the machine and set the coordinates for the realm of "Nihilus," the machine displayed a strange graph. Even quantum computing systems couldn't deny the concept or coordinates of the "Nihilus" realm. However, something even more peculiar occurred: every minute, there was a record of a frequency existing in the quantum world of "Nihilus," leaving Stella wondering about the origin of the frequency in "Nihilus."

Stella immediately reported this phenomenon to the relevant scientists, especially Elizabeth. Elizabeth looked at Stella's discovery with furrowed brows, as did the other scientists, because this phenomenon was impossible in the normal realm, let alone in an unusual realm or a realm where non-existence was the foundation. Suddenly, a portal appeared, and emerging from the portal was a renowned sorcerer known for his knowledge of both science and magic. He observed the phenomenon and said, "This is like remote magic, but who could have produced it?" The sorcerer's name was Yuko, and despite being young, he possessed profound knowledge of both magic and science. He instructed the other scientists to find another world with the same concept as "Nihilus," and quickly they found one, naming it "Nihilus-2" because it shared the same concept as Nihilus. Yuko instructed Stella and Elizabeth to track the strange frequencies within the quantum world of Nihilus-2. Strangely, there were also peculiar frequencies, but with a longer duration compared to the previous Nihilus.

A scientist suggested, "What if we only search for it in the quantum realm?" Yuko replied, "No, this is not a normal matter within the quantum realm. It's beyond the understanding of quantum itself because it's impossible for non-existence in the quantum realm to generate frequencies that reach our world." Stella asked, "Is this the universal nail?" Yuko answered, "I'm not sure either." Elizabeth examined the discovery notes again and found that the frequency rates generated were the same but had different durations. So, they began investigating these frequencies in each different realm, and all the frequencies had the same level.

Stella made a statement suggesting that the frequencies originated from the universal nail. Elizabeth said, "If these frequencies originate from the universal nail, then Nihilus, which has a non-conventional dimension level I, contains these frequencies. So, we can predict the universe nail as a non-conventional dimension level II." Stella replied, "Certainly."

The existence of the universal nail is present in every universe, but what is its purpose? The universal nail serves as a foundation for traveling between various worldly concepts. If a technology can harness the universal nail, it can unify countless worldly concepts into one. Additionally, the universal nail is said to be able to mend damaged spacetime on any dimensional scale because it exists in non-conventional dimensions.

The question behind the universe nail has been resolved, and it has been confirmed not to reside within the quantum realm. The universal nail emits unique frequencies capable of reaching every level of conventional dimensions. The universe nail exists in every realm of zero properties or Category II, supported by Category I properties as its surface properties. This substance is utilized to seek something greater within the vast world.

At one point, they used the concept of the universal nail to track a mysterious world within the realm of magic called "The Abyss." Sorcerers like Yuko stated that this world couldn't be traced using ordinary magic, but the concept of the universal nail seemed to prove its existence. "The Abyss" was a realm serving as a passage for dark entities lurking around the cosmic pathways, seeking to destroy and take over the world's power. The scientists tried to use their machines, incorporating possible magical elements, and found that frequencies and signals could penetrate into The Abyss. However, it was the biggest mistake they ever made, as they had summoned an entity likened to a harbinger of doom.

Stella gazed at the beautiful clear sky on what she didn't know was a day darkened by impending doom. A thunderous boom resounded in the sky, accompanied by a deafening roar. The sky seemed to collapse, revealing a red-robed, winged entity. Stella immediately reported the sighting to the combat unit in Ancient Nemesis, but they were already prepared before Stella's report, having received information from other scientists earlier. Yuko exclaimed, "Zarak?! It can't be!" The entity was named Zarak, but who was he? Zarak was a figure of darkness who orchestrated the fate of darkness. He would appear in every world with advanced civilizations, leaving devastation in his wake, with the aim of harvesting the terrifying dreams of weak creatures throughout the cosmic pathways.

Zarak possessed immense power, especially in magic. He raised his hand and uttered, "Dakmrat..." Ancient Nemesis trembled violently as Zarak's spell took effect. The combat unit fired attacks in both magical and non-magical forms simultaneously, but it only resulted in destroying the surrounding ground. Zarak opened his mouth and roared, causing a crystal to emerge and fire a laser that nearly obliterated the entirety of Ancient Nemesis. However, Yuko managed to contain it with his magic, creating a protective barrier around the area.

Zarak waved his hand, and explosions swiftly approached Ancient Nemesis. Yuko's shield shattered, and the combat unit was defeated. Zarak strode into Ancient Nemesis, each step causing the floor to crack and emitting an aura of darkness.

Yuko fired a laser at Zarak's head, but it had no effect; instead, Zarak retaliated by punching Yuko, knocking him unconscious. When Stella approached him, she was shocked and tears streamed down her face as she realized Yuko had succumbed to Zarak's attack. Zarak then proceeded to the library, where he began burning all the books containing knowledge. However, Elizabeth intervened, revealing her own powerful magical abilities. She transformed the entire space of Ancient Nemesis into an abstract illusion, making it difficult for Zarak to attack her. Nevertheless, the books continued to burn.

Elizabeth used her powers to extract the entire narrative and text from the books, placing them into a book inside a sturdy glass box. Many books could be placed into the book inside the glass box, but many others failed to transfer.

Zarak raised his hand and pounded the floor of Ancient Nemesis, shattering it entirely. The abstract illusion, untouched until then, also crumbled under Zarak's assault. Zarak said, "A civilization of wisdom, yet visited by the destroyer of civilizations." He then fired a powerful laser, causing the entire floor to ignite along with the library bookshelves. Elizabeth, attempting to escape, was unable to evade Zarak and was killed by him. Now, only Stella remained in Ancient Nemesis, but when Zarak searched for her, Stella seemed to vanish from the world altogether.

"Who are you?" Stella asked, shielded and wielding a sword. The person responded, "Me? I am Zereth, and I'm here to save you." Stella, surprised and breathless, exclaimed, "Where am I?!" Zereth replied, "You're in the underground chamber of Ancient Nemesis, and I brought you here when I saw you fainting earlier." Stella then asked, "Where are the others?" Zereth answered, "I know you probably won't believe me, but you're the only one left here." Upon hearing this, Stella burst into tears, realizing that her friends had been killed by Zarak.

Zereth tried to console Stella, saying, "It's okay, I'll try to bring everything back." Zereth then left and left Stella alone in the underground chamber. Facing a formidable opponent, Zereth confronted Zarak, the dark fate's orchestrator. Zereth wielded a mighty sword named Mudur's sword. When used correctly, Mudur's Blade possessed the power to shatter or create the universal nail with ease. Zereth swiftly approached Zarak and swung Mudur's sword at him, successfully injuring Zarak.

In retaliation, Zarak uttered "Dakmrat," and all nearby objects began hurtling toward Zereth. Zereth easily destroyed all the objects but was knocked back when Zarak unleashed a powerful magical attack.

In the underground chamber of Ancient Nemesis, Stella found herself alone in a tense and eerie silence. Stella attempted to turn on the lights and succeeded. She noticed a crystal in the center of the room, a crystal she had never seen before. When she touched the crystal, an aura surrounded her body, and the crystal entered her being.

Zereth was nearly defeated by Zarak, who was about to deliver a final blow. However, Stella intervened with her newfound power, drawn from the spirits of all the sorcerers throughout Ancient Nemesis. She unleashed a tremendously powerful magic, trapping Zarak within an incredibly strong barrier. Despite this, Zarak managed to break free.

Zereth joined the battle once again, utilizing the power of the universal nail. The space around Zarak shattered, revealing a dark existence behind him when struck with Mudur's Blade. Zarak sustained severe injuries, and with Stella's assistance, Zarak's defenses weakened.

But all of that was still not enough to fully destroy Zarak. He attacked again with his power to disrupt time, and Stella was powerless to intervene as this was beyond her control. Meanwhile, Zereth swiftly approached Zarak and punched him in the face, causing Zarak's eye to pop out. Zereth also suffered severe injuries from the space aimed to annihilate him. However, Zereth remained undeterred and continued his fight against Zarak.

The battle lasted for an incredibly long period of time, with the sky cracking and emitting tremulous light that shook Ancient Nemesis. Stella could do nothing but wait. Zereth utilized Mudur's Blade, creating an excessive amount of universal nail and locking the nearby space. Due to the overwhelming amount of universal nail, the reality system completely removed the surrounding space from their reality. Mudur's Blade swung at Zarak's head once again, breaking his jaw.

Enraged, Zarak summoned evil spirits to kill Zereth, but all the spirits were easily blocked by Mudur's Blade, which obstructed their ethereal movements. Zereth used his full power to return Zarak to his original world and lock him there forever. He threw Mudur's Blade downward, launching a daring suicide attack, taking Zarak straight to The Abyss for eternity. Finally, Zarak was defeated, locked in The Abyss for the rest of his life with no way out.

Mudur's Blade fell swiftly and landed atop a mountain, awaiting its new master to arrive. Meanwhile, Stella entered and used her powers to manage the damage to Ancient Nemesis. However, she couldn't reverse every bit of damage except for one book inside the sturdy glass case protected by Elizabeth. She concealed the entirety of Ancient Nemesis in a realm unseen by ordinary beings to evade external attacks. Stella became its guardian for eternity, living immortal and possessing the spiritual powers of everyone who had lived in Ancient Nemesis before, thanks to the mysterious crystal in the underground chamber.

Tears welled up in Stella's eyes as she recalled the events, and she continued to wait for someone with a divine soul to come, as she could sense divine power. Stella remained alone, without companions, solely guarding Ancient Nemesis from any potential external threats. She blamed herself for being preoccupied with unraveling the mysteries of the universal nail, leading to the demise of everyone she cared about. However, she could still hear Elizabeth's voice advising her not to blame herself.

Years passed by, and now the location of Ancient Nemesis was known to the locals as Urzul, unaware of the presence of Ancient Nemesis hidden within their realm. The book inside the glass case was called the Scripture of The Ancients, containing some of the ancient knowledge from Ancient Nemesis.

The End.

if the concept by Elizabeth put forward is applied in the Void that David fought with Safak, what category can the Void achieve?

Void, this may achieve category II and category III simultaneously because it has met the conditions as a logical limit and nothingness applied in existence. So Void is the same as Non-conventional dimensions level II and III.Also, Safak has fulfilled both the same categories as Void, but for the actual body it may reach level IV or all levels simultaneously.Whereas, for Kenos Hill it only meets level III which is a logical limit.

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