
Intruders From Outside

The shining day began as the sun rose from the east, illuminating their world. Rowan's face glowed in the warm sunlight after a night's sleep, feeling refreshed. Haval woke up to see Rowan already awake, practicing a technique he had acquired. Haval also noticed Goza with a new set of armor and wondered to himself, "Where did he get that?" Haval also gained new strength from David in the form of a small crystal, but Rowan didn't seem to notice. Goza, waking up with a sleepy and disheveled look, listened as Haval suggested finding the nearest lake or river to clean themselves. Rowan heard this and suggested they search for the nearest river or lake, with Goza following behind.

Goza complained, "It'll take too long like this..." Haval replied, "Hey, doesn't Bob have the power to create water waves? Why not just ask Bob?" Rowan heard this and agreed, but where could they create a pool? Haval raised his hand, and a dry swimming pool appeared. Bob emerged and used his power to summon water without any source nearby. Haval and Bob calmly soaked in the pool while Goza lay and floated on the surface. Rowan attempted the same and succeeded. It was a peaceful atmosphere in the pool as they cleaned themselves from sweat and dirt, now wet. Goza then used a new power to emit heat, drying all the water from their clothes.

Rowan said, "Can't you feel hunger?" Goza and Haval replied, "Of course not, we are beings who can live without eating or drinking, but if we want to eat, yes, we will eat." Rowan also felt the same way, without hunger or thirst, realizing it was all thanks to the combined powers of Haval, Goza, and Bob within Rowan's body. These were all the power maps Rowan could utilize. From all the powers of Haval, Goza, and Bob, Rowan could simply tap into their powers, but it was difficult to be on par with them as they were accustomed to their powers. Additionally, Rowan continued to learn about using these powers, from basic to advanced levels, even though it would take considerable time.

On their journey toward finding and reaching the western gate, they stumbled upon a village, indicating they were not alone in this world. The village proved useful for their knowledge, as it had ships that could be bought or rented. Rowan, Haval, and Goza stayed overnight in a rented house, but how would they pay for it? With freshwater. There, freshwater was scarce as most of the water was salty seawater, so with Bob's power, they sold abundant freshwater and successfully earned enough money to pay for the overnight stay. Inside the house, there were beds and enough furniture for them to stay comfortably. The atmosphere in the house was both peaceful and noisy, being in the middle of the village and near the market. Goza said, "If you want, I can help you cook without charcoal and wood as fuel, if we have food." Haval replied, "We won't feel hungry or thirsty, so relax, nothing will happen." Rowan, however, said, "But we can enjoy food here."

They pondered what to choose. Haval said, "If we want to cook, we can, but where will we get the food? Everything in the market is sold, not given for free." Haval continued, "Just by selling freshwater? Impossible, it won't yield substantial and significant results." Goza replied, "We can find another way. There might be temporary jobs here for us to buy a ship and try to wander from island to island." Rowan decided to try working at the glass factory because he had an idea. Of course, Goza became a worker there too. With Goza's power, the use of charcoal and fuel was reduced because Goza's power was sufficient to turn sand into various types of glass. This provided a significant provision, although it seemed like enslaving Goza. After Goza finished work and returned, she also brought food such as chicken, goat, and beef. Haval said, "All meat? In that case, we can cook steak from all the meat you brought, but make sure you brought something to cook with."

Goza said, "Of course, I brought cooking ingredients." Rowan said, "Alright, let's start!" Goza used her power to heat up, while Rowan used the ingredients and took them in the right quantities, and finally, Haval cooked. The chicken, beef, and goat were perfectly grilled, skewered with fragrant garlic and soft butter, a perfect steak, "well done." They enjoyed the steak, and it felt like a blend of flavors that merged and created a unique taste. They finished the steak with relish. Haval said, "Thank you, Goza, hehehe." Rowan said, "Before we buy a ship and venture into remote and vast islands, we'd better explore the land we currently occupy." Goza said, "That's fine if we're patient and resilient."

Day by day, with sufficient money, they bought items such as rings containing mystical powers from a sorcerer and clothes. However, they postponed buying a ship because they decided to explore the land first. Rowan said, "It's strange, a world with magic and mystical things merging with human intellect. It seems like the Earth is more modern than this." Haval replied, "It's destined to be so, yes, that's how it is." Haval said, "Rowan, have you noticed since we lived in David's house before, he has the power to change reality." Rowan asked, "Yes, why?" Haval said, "Isn't he able to do anything with that power? So if he uses his power, he can easily avoid the concept of time and anything related to this reality. It's amazing." Goza said, "That's for sure, but David seems to hide his power and only use it when facing something strong like Safak." Rowan said, "Maybe David knows the impact of misusing that power."

On their journey, they found a charcoal mountain, with a sword glowing at its peak. Rowan said, "Look, at the top of that mountain, there's a sword." Goza said, "Let's climb!" Goza spread her wings behind her and flew towards the peak. Haval, on the other hand, used his power to make the ground where he stood rise high with crystals and headed towards the peak. Finally, Rowan, using a black hole to manipulate gravity around him, quickly reached the peak with Goza and Haval. Upon reaching the peak, they saw the sword with flaming aura, merging with golden and orange hues along with green and blue crystal lines on the sword. The sword was carved with engravings that made the aura flow and illuminate the sword. As Goza approached the sword, a wall appeared, blocking them from taking the sword.

With the power of the black hole, Rowan attempted to destroy the shield of the sword, but it was unsuccessful. A voice was heard saying, "Muz Aj," shaking the entire mountain and releasing spears around the mountain. All the spears were launched, nearly hitting Rowan, but Goza acted quickly and summoned a plasma shield around them. Bob emerged and used his power to shoot sharp spears at the sword's shield, but it also failed. This time, Rowan came up with an idea: he instructed Goza and Haval to attack the sword's shield simultaneously. The attack was launched, but it didn't succeed. They were confused and couldn't find a way to destroy the shield. The sword began to speak, saying, "Who are you, and how dare you challenge the destroyer sword, Mudur!" However, another event occurred at that moment: the appearance of creatures from another realm, one of the dimension destroyers and unwanted forces.

Haval said, "That... that's Mega Fudos!" Rowan was about to ask who Mega Fudos was when Haval urged them to run. They quickly descended from the mountain peak as if it were a great threat, and indeed it was not something to be taken lightly. It was Mega Fudos; an AI program operated beyond human understanding, a power so formidable it could destroy laws of reality that could be formed within the mind, transcending comprehension. A single shot from Mega Fudos could obliterate reality entirely.

The Mudur sword slashed through Mega Fudos's body structure, but it had no effect. With its seemingly minor power, Mega Fudos destroyed the entire mountain and the surrounding area. Mega Fudos was not a creature of this world; the space around it twisted and did not touch its body. This posed a serious threat to the world. The Mudur sword continued to slash at Mega Fudos's body, but it was futile. None of the attacks were successful, and each strike from the Mudur sword altered nearby surroundings, changing colors and other objects. The sword was almost destroyed by Mega Fudos, but Rowan pushed it aside, preventing Mega Fudos's attacks from hitting the Mudur sword.

The Mudur sword floated in front of Rowan. Rowan took the sword, and a surge of power flowed through his body. Haval and Goza also merged back into Rowan's body, becoming one. Rowan swung the Mudur sword towards Mega Fudos, which had an effect and caused the space around Rowan to vibrate. Mega Fudos shot an attack at Rowan, but Rowan successfully used the combined plasma shield from Goza and the Mudur sword to defend against the attack, rendering it ineffective. Rowan unleashed a massive laser attack from their combined powers and destroyed Mega Fudos's shield, giving Rowan the opportunity to destroy Mega Fudos. However, Rowan misunderstood Mega Fudos's power; as a destroyer of higher worlds, the reality Rowan inhabited could be controlled by Mega Fudos.

Rowan flew towards Mega Fudos and attempted to redeem it, but it was a fatal mistake. Mega Fudos used its power to alter reality there, and the resulting impact was severe, causing the entire reality fabric to crumble. Rowan was nearly killed but was saved by someone, and that someone was Tom the Cat or Moon Angler. Tom instructed Rowan to rest and that he would handle this issue. Tom flew towards Mega Fudos and said, "It seems you have arrived, Mega Fudos!" Mega Fudos immediately attempted to launch its strongest attack, which could fundamentally destroy reality to kill Tom, but Tom possessed a power that was difficult to explain; it was an aura that caused everything to experience glitches. This included both unconventional and conventional powers. Mega Fudos's attack was not launched, and Tom seemed to stand within a state of absence while emitting that aura.

Mega Fudos tried once more to convert the reality fabric to its own, but failed. Tom's aura not only existed in front of the reality fabric, but it even infected things behind the reality fabric itself. At the right moment, Tom unleashed a punch. The blow hit Mega Fudos, causing it to crack, but it was not yet defeated. This time, Mega Fudos used its core movement. When this core was activated, it restricted everything, including Tom's aura infecting reality behind the fabric itself. Mega Fudos once again used its power to alter the reality fabric. Why? Because by doing so, it could destroy reality, including fate, time, space, and everything surrounding mathematical formulas within that reality, giving Mega Fudos the victory.

Tom said, "So this is your plan, alright!" Tom clawed at reality with his nails, tearing through it and revealing an empty reality, where the foundation of reality lay, creating a platform where a giant, as large as Mega Fudos, was formed. This caused the surroundings to become something of high-dimensional and following Tom and Mega Fudos' criteria. Due to the unlimited and continuously increasing dimensions, Mega Fudos utilized a technique that could passively transcend anything without limits. However, Tom went beyond that; Mega Fudos' transcendent power could not access Tom's reality, and at that moment, Tom erased it from existence, and Mega Fudos was finally defeated.

Tom used his power to repair everything that was damaged, including time, space, concepts, and the damaged and torn reality. Rowan, Haval, and Goza reverted to being three individuals again, and the Mudur sword began to recognize Rowan as a good person and not a threat because he had saved them from Mega Fudos's attack. Tom descended and met Rowan. Rowan asked, "How did you know I was here? And about the existence of Mega Fudos?" Tom replied, "I obtained some power from the architect to change reality and fate. I also know about the existence of creatures from many worlds." Rowan asked, "Who is the architect, and what does he do?" Tom said, "The architect is someone whose power is beyond your comprehension. For your knowledge, you are being arranged and written by the architect, and the architect is Anton."

Rowan said, "Anton? The former Divine Wanderer?" Tom replied, "Yes, he was one of the Divine Wanderers who ended his journey. He once said that everything above cannot reach what lies below." Tom snapped his fingers, and a motorcycle appeared, opening a portal, and Tom vanished from that place, leaving Rowan, Haval, and Goza behind.