
Chapter 6. Old friends??

Olsen used some of his past connections to go to east blue fast. It took them five days to get there. Docking their ship on the ship yard they went in to the city to find an inn to settle in. Rayner was astonished buy the views of the big city. He spent all his life in Beast Island or the small village. Everything he was seeing now was new and wanders to him. Never in his life did he see this much buildings. But for some reason all of this felt so familiar yet also new at the same time.

The public execution of the pirate king Gold. D. Rogers will be held in three days. There were a lots of people from all over the world here. And all of them were here for one reason and one reason only. To see it the execution of a king.

Dr. Olsen "I have a meeting with an old friend of mine so you wait for me here okay" he Sid to Rayner and left the inn alone

Rayner looked around the room for a while and got bored really fast. He then had great idea [why don't I just go outside and explore this new city I was in].

Rayner got out of the inn by jumping out of the window his room. The room was on third floor of the inn. When he landed in the middle of the street, he made a {boom} sound making a small crater. The people walking on the street were startled by the sudden sound. They looked at the direction it came from and what they sow emerge out of the dust clued was a child no older than three or four at most.

Rayner thought to himself [maybe I should have taken the stairs] looking at all the people who were looking his way.

Random guy "hay kid are you ok?" he asked in concern.

Rayner looked at him and said "no worries mister I have a strong body this height is noting to me" he said hitting his chest proudly.

After saying that Rayner walked onto the main rood to explore this new city he was in. Log town was way bigger than the village by a lot. There was lots of tall building all around him. He was smiling while running all around the place like an exited little monkey. It was an estrange sight for the people of the town to see a child of his age running around like that.

Because of the execution announcement there was lots of people from all over the world in loge town. They all came to see the execution of the pirate king. Because of this the town was more crowded than usual. Even the security was high alert. The marines could not afford any hitches in their plan of the execution. Since they were dealing with the world most wanted man alive Gold. D. Rogers the pirate king.

But the man of the hour himself was seating in cell in the marine base at loge town without a care in the world. It was as if it wasn't him who will be dying in the next three days. He was seating there with a smile as if having the time of his life as the world was in mayhem.

There was a sound someone approaching his cell, He sow am mad dressed in marine uniform in front of him.

Laughing he side "well ahoy there grapy my old friend came to say your last words to me"

Garp looked at him with a bland look and stood in front of his cell.

Garp "speak now what is it that you wanted to ask me in privet" he said looking at him

Rogers "straight to it ha, can't you indulge me even for a little as a friend" he said smiling

Garp "my friends are not criminals Rogers and last time I checked you are one" he side

Roger laughed out lad at Garp remark.

Roger "I have a child coming to this world Garp can you believe it me a father, I bet it going to be a boy and just like his father will conquer the mighty cease " he said with a happy look in his face.

Garp was startled for a moment at what he said. He knew what the government was doing at the moment. They were planning on targeting any one remotely connected to the pirate king after his execution. They con not take chances, even the slimmest roomers in the existence of any children sired by him would meet the same fate as him.

Rogers "but for obvious reasons I can't be there for his berth and see him grow" he said to him

Garp looked stern at the moment he did not want to hear any of this. Because the more he knew the more his conscious will gilt him. And he was contemplating leaving right now.

Garp "the hell are you doing you stupid fool!!!! Do you want the mother of your own child executed!!! Why are you telling this too a marine officer?" he side shouting at him.

Roger "I am telling you this so that would not happen Garp" he said with a somber face

Garp gasped at his words and could not say anything.

Roger "there is no doubt in my mind that the government can dig out my where abbot and find her. When they do they will kill her. Would you approve of them killing an unborn child Garp would you!!?"

Walking up to the cell he stud in front of him

Roger "Garp!! You and I have tried to kill each other more than I can count that said. I know you are an honorable man one that I can trust"

Roger "Look after my child" he said smiling at him

Garp was stack in a dilemma of his morals and his duty as a marines. Slamming his hands on the bars of the cell he said "why me you selfish bastard why?" he said

Roger continued "I know my sins are many but a child should not carry the sins of his father….. Take care of my child Garp"

After his talk with roger Garp decided to take a walk and think on what to do next. His aimless walk led him to the sand that the execution will be held at. And suddenly a man quoting a poem came to his sight. To his surprise he knew this man identity.

Dr. Olsen "sad is the man who follows his dreams only to find his demise, sad is the man who gave his health for his dermis only to revise its disease. Wouldn't you say so Garp" he said.

Garp looked at the man approaching him with some caution and surprise and he could not help himself from smirking a little.

Garp "apparently even the dead don't sty dead this days ha Dr. Olsen" he said looking at the man coming his way.

Olsen cracked a small laugh at the response of the vice admiral he stood next to him facing and looked at the stand of the execution.

Olsen "so did you really apprehend him or is it just another rose that your people call show of force?" he asked him.

Garp looked at him but did not answer him. He had nothing to say on this matter. Looking away from Olsen he started staring at the stand again.

Olsen "sigh…. thought so" he side looking at Garp reaction

Garp "why are you here anyway cause I appreciate the reminiscent an all but I don't think you to hold that much love for me to come and say hi" he said glaring at him prepared to fight if need be

Olsen cracked a sarcastic smile on his face and said "ooh come one Garpy I do not hold any animosity towards you, I only hate you in association of the organization you work for it is nothing personal actually, in all honesty I even find you quite the bundle of fun"

Garp "TSk!! Just what is it that you want can't you just stay dead as far as the world is concerned and just start a new life somewhere" he said

Olsen "oh don't worry about that Garp coming back to life is the last thing on my mind and I already have new life and I have no intention of losing this one a second time" giving him the same glare he said the last sentence.

Garp "so way are you here then" he asked

Olsen "just here to see the show like everybody, apparently the say that the marines caught the biggest bady of the seas and they are going to execute him to show the world that justice prevails nonmatter what. And the food is good here" he said sarcastically.

Garp "I see that binge dead did not curve your big mouth at all" as he armamented up his arm ready for a fight.

Olsen "you sure you want to do this in a public place like this Garpy" he said as his eyes darkened.

Before Garp could about to reply to him though the both heard a commotion coming from behind them. They turned around to see what it was about. What they sow was a small child beige chased by a crowd of people shouting and yelling to "cache that little brat" with even some marines in the mist of them.

Olsen "ooh Rayner what did you do this time?"