
Chapter 2 in a new world

Location: west blue, unnamed island

On one fateful night, a massive ship crashed on the shores of an island in west blue. The ship was very damaged that it was a miracle it did not sink in the ocean and made it to shore. When some of the villagers living on the island saw the ship when they went out fishing. They thought it was a pirate ship at first and hurriedly run back to call for the village elder.

There was nothing to distinguish abut ship other than its big size. One of the two masts was broken and there was no Jolly Roger on it. Even the sails ware burned by the lightning storm that was going on the previous night.

After a while, the village elder and another man wearing a Wight lab coat came to the scene of the racked ship. The man was wearing a white coat over a gray t-shirt and black pants. He looked to be in his frothy, he was a tall man with great posture and a muscular body. He has red color eyes and blond hair with some gray on the sides and a full beard. He was the doctor of this village. His name was Dr. Olsen He is a very nice person though a very privet man

The village elder "what are you thought on this Doctor Olsen could it be a pirate ship" he asked

Dr. Olsen "no this ship probably belongs to the world government the design is very similar," he said

The old man smoked his pipe looked at the ship and said "Should we report this to the navy base" he asked

Dr. Olsen "I didn't know old man, maybe you should or maybe shouldn't that is ether away it is none of my business now is it?" he said looking at the village elder.

You could fell some of the distaste he holds for the navy from the tone of his words

When he was about to leave and head back to his pharmacy he heard what seemed like the faint cries of a baby coming from within the ship.

Olsen "did you hear that?" he asked

Elder "hear what?" replayed the village elder

Ignoring the village elder He immediately turned around and headed to where the voice was coming from. Getting on the ship he moved towards the source of the voice. The cries led him to a cabinet downstairs. There he sows cages full with the body's dead people who were detained. Chains binding People of various ages from children to women and even elders all dead in the cells.

He clenched his fist hard looking at the horrors in front of him. It would seem this ship was a slave ship belonging to the world government. Sighing he unclenched his fist and looked at the cage the cries were coming from inside this cage laid a woman covered in blood from top to bottom. Holding a child in her bosoms.

The woman's hair and eyes were as red as the blood that covered her body. She was hamming in a weak voice trying to silence the child's constant cries. Just from one look doctor, Olsen knew that the woman was not long for the living. She hand lost too much blood. It was a miracle that she even survived this long with that much blood loss. The child she is holding was covered with white sheets stained red from all the blood came from the woman.

He entered the cage and looked at her. The woman noticed him but she did not even bother to lift her head to look at Olsen all

Olsen "even if I tried to help you will not last long," he said

The woman ignored him not replaying with anything and just continued hamming a song to comfort her child. She knows better than anyone that she will not live long she did not need anyone else to tell hear of that fact. Her only concern at the moment was trying to stop her child's cries with her Lullaby before she passes on.

Olsen "I may not be able to do anything in your regard but I can help y our child," he said again

The hamming stopped at the mention of her child, she lifted her head and looked straight at Olsen. The woman only answered him with "how can I trust you?"

Dr. Olsen "you are about to die in this cold cell all alone and I am the only one offering you help so what do you think" he answered

They both looked into each other eyes as if gazing in each other's souls and a small laughter "ha" escaped from her mouth.

The woman "you are right who else indeed"

She said "you must take care of him for me mister, he is all I have left in this reached world"

Dr. Olsen "I will do the best I could for him to have a better life"

She looked at her baby and said "I am sorry sonny that I am so weak that I can't be with you and see you grow up old. Live a full a and free life and let noting bind you in this life unlike me" she said to his kissing his forehead

Handing his me over the man standing in front of her she said to him "his name is Rayner. D. lucks"

Olsen "I will make sure that he knows it," he said

The woman "thank you … t..an.. k you" she said as she closed her eyes and dozed off.

As if noticing his mother's passing the child cries became more fanatic and louder calling for his mom.

Looking at the baby in his arms the doctor could only sigh as he walked out of the cage

Olsen "this world is a cruel one," he said.

Doctor Olsen came walking out of the destroyed ship with an infant in his arms. He walked toward the villagers that were waiting for him anxiously outside.

The village elder "Dr. Olsen is there anything to worry about and why are you holding a baby?" he asked the doctor in concern

Dr. Olsen "no" he side.

Dr. Olsen "there is nothing to worry about elder this one here is the only survivors in that ship" he answered the elder with a bit sad expression.

The elder "what a sad outcome" he said

The elder "they must have been caught by a strong storm for the ship to end up like this" he thought

The elder "it is a miracle that this child even made it out safe" he said

Dr. Olsen "a miracle ha ..." he said thinking of the mother's resilience

Dr. Olsen "maybe it was who knows what his future will hold," he said with a sigh.

Dr. Olsen "has some of the villagers push it back to the see and burn the ship," he said to the elder and walked back to his clinic in the small village.


his his guys this one has ben on my back burner for a long time now i have chehed the story somany times. finding it lacking several times. but i think this is it now

i hope you like what is to come

and maybe check out may other book to worldtravelers

the gramer is bad some times but it is a working process

thank you for reading

all the best