
The Advent of Spirits

"Where am I"? "Hey, you're finally awake. Come, let's play" "Who am I"? "Ehhh, Shido, you had forgotten everything already?" "What is happening to me?" "I don't know. I just woke up as well." A young boy could be seen wandering around the streets, not knowing anything about himself. Except the fact that he wields powers, quirks, as society called them and how to wield them. He had no recollection of his family, friends, names. The only thing he has was a puppet on his left hand that seemed to have a life on its, no his own. Follow his journey on discovering who he was. ***************** Volume 1: Hero or Villain (MHA/BNHA/My hero Academia) Volume 2: E***** and C********* () Volume 3: W**-**** e** () Volume 4: M**** and K****** () Volume 5: S************ () Volume 6: S****** and D**** () Volume 7: A******** in the S** () Volume 8: M******* and L****-** () Volume 9: F***** () ***************** Disclaimer: The pictures were found on internet and I took the liberty to edit them a little. The original pictures does not belong to me, and so are the contents of the original manga, anime, and light novels. They all belong to their respective creators and owners, and only the main character is my creation.

Spirits_everywhere · Anime & Comics
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133 Chs

Chapter 15: Healing All Might

"Urghhhh..." Shidp groaned when the first rays of sunlight hit his face through the open window. It was currently winter, so the sun came out later than usual.

Turning around in his bed to face the bedside table, he saw the time that was shown on the clock present - 10.30 AM. Seeing that it was still early (in his standards), he rolled back to the other side and fell back asleep. However, a loud voice interrupted him in the middle of his dreams,"Young Shido! It's time to wake up! Come downstairs to have your breakfast!"

Toshinori shouted from the kitchen in a very loud voice, causing Shido to wake up grumpily. Yawning, he slowly got out of bed and headed towards the toilet to wash up.

After a quick wash up and cleaning of Yoshinon, he went towards the kitchen where he saw Toshinori in his pyjamas.

"Pftttt...." Shido tried suppressing his laughter but failed to do so. Yoshinon, on the other hand, just laughed out loud without care.

"Why...why are you...you wearing that?" Yoshinon asked between laughters and gasped for air.

Toshinori was currently wearing a rabbit onesie. It was white in colour, with a blue patch in the front. A zipper cut through the centre down his chest. He also had a hoodie behind him with big rabbit ears.

"..." Toshinori just stared blankly. He had forgotten to change his pyjamas to something more...well, presentable. He had always lived alone, and when he called Shido down for breakfast, he had totally forgotten that he still had his rabbit onesie on.

Seeing the duo laughing away, Toshinori fake coughed for a bit, before sprouting the first excuse that came into his mind,"Ahem, I thought that since we're going to be living together for some time, I might as well show you that I'm trustable and sincere, so I'm not going to fake anything in my behaviour."

Hearing his 'reason', the duo stopped laughing and stared at him. 'Wow, what a shameless excuse. You had clearly forgotten to change it to something more presentable.' Shido and Yoshinon thought simultaneously.

Seeing the looks from Shido and Yoshinon that clearly screams "I don't believe you!', he changed the topic. "Alright, that's enough about my pyjamas. So how are you going to heal me?"

Shido knew he had purposely changed the topic, but didn't pursue it, though he still laughed from time to time whenever he saw him eating in his rabbit onesie.

"I have two ways to heal you." Shido said as he took a bite out of his handmade sandwich which consisted of lettuce, tomatoes and chicken.

"Pffftttt..." Toshinori immediately spit out everything that was in his mouth. Luckily, Shido managed to dodge in time, preventing any half-digested food from coming into contact with him.

After cleaning the table and wiping his mouth with a tissue, he calmed down and confirmed with Shido,"You have two ways to heal me? Are you sure? What are the two ways?"

"Yep. 100% sure. First is to find someone with a time quirk, to 'rewind' your body to it's past, more specifically to before your fight with All for One. The second way is to find someone who can manipulate reality, and manipulate the current state of your injury so that it does not actually 'exist'."

"What??!! Manipulate time?! Manipulate reality?!"Toshinori was mind-blown. Truthfully, he didn't actually think that far yet, but still, how rare was a quirk related to time? If it even existed in the first place, the government would either immediately kill him or manipulate him to do their bidding. There was no way someone who could manipulate time was let scot-free. He would be too dangerous.

As for manipulating reality, it was even more absurd than the first. What did it mean by the concept of reality? Reality would affect everyone and everything. If someone could actually manipulate reality, he would essentially be God in this world. His danger level would be even higher than All for One as there would be no way to counter the concept of 'reality'.

"Um...did you just say that you can manipulate time and reality?" Toshinori wanted to confirm with him. Even at his prime, no amount of strength could fight against these two concepts.

"What do you think? So, manipulating reality is too troublesome, so I'm just going to rewind time on your injuries. Are you ready?" Shido replied back cheerfully. He didn't mind the implication of revealing his powers and abilities. After all, even if people knew about them, if they don't have the power to counter time and reality, any information would be useless.

Looking at Shido's face for any trace of malice or hostility, Toshinori found none. He wanted to ensure the maximum security and safety he could get for himself. He was after all the symbol of peace, and if Shido did anything to him, society would collapse. Furthermore, he still hasn't chosen a successor yet, meaning that the One for All quirk would die along with him and that was not a sin that he wanted to carry to his grave.

Giving a resolute look, he nodded and said,"Let's start."

"Alright! Come to me, Zafkiel!" Shido's original indigo outfit transformed to a red shirt with black lines, matching his right eye which was glowing red. His pants had a similar pattern as his shirt, with the same colour scheme of red and black. His original light indigo-coloured hair was also turned into black-coloured hair. His left eye, which had been covered by his bangs until now could finally be seen. It was golden in colour, with the image of an inorganic clock.

Behind him, a big ancient clock appeared, with roman numerical numbers present from I, II, III all the way to XII. In his hand appeared a flintlock pistol and musket.

"So Uncle Toshinori, how much do you want to be cured? All the way to the past before your fight with All for One, getting back your 'muscular form' permanently? Or just your internal organs so that you can transform at will?"

"Huh? You can do that? Are there any drawbacks in both situations?" Toshinori asked.

"For the first one, I suppose it's just you at your prime? No more shrinking or coughing blood or having trouble breathing. The second one's drawback would be, you would still have limited time to transform before forcing to go back to your skinny form , although the time you can transform would depend on your muscle structure, nervous system, skeletal structure and many other variables, though it would definitely at least five times your current time to transform. But if you choose this, I might not be able to heal the hidden injuries, but it wouldn't be anything serious. It may even reach the point where you can transform at will without any drawbacks at all, plus, you can also get a disguise for free!"

Toshinori was in a dilemma. He needed to save people for villains for a long period of time everyday. But during the past month where he had limited time in his mighty form, he realised that he needed a break as well. Plus, the additional offer of having a free disguise was very enticing. He would no longer be surrounded by people when shopping or doing his daily business everywhere.

"I'll...take the second offer. Heal my internal organs." Toshinori decided to take the risk. He could potentially transform whenever he wanted without any drawbacks, and even if he couldn't, he would still have at least 15 hours of hero work available for him to spend.

Hearing his answer, Shido grinned. "Dalet." Shido muttered as he pointed his flintlock musket at the roman number VI. A dark gas could be seen entering into his musket, and the minute hand in his left eye moves anticlockwise. Toshinori paid close attention to his quirk, and realised that it fell into neither the emitter class, transformation class nor a mutant class. 'Is it even a quirk in the first place?' He couldn't help but think that way.

He also observed his heterochromia eyes, and saw the golden clock moving. He didn't know much about it, so he just left it at the back of his mind.

"Hope you enjoy having your powers back." Shido spoke before aiming his musket at where his lungs, stomach, liver, and heart were located at.



A/N: I finished watching Darling in the Franxx in two days, and it was pretty good. The manga was better since it was happier, but the anime left me in tears...Author's rambling here so don't mind it.

Know any good anime to watch and want to recommend? Leave a comment below. And please don't bother telling me popular anime since I probably watched them already. Something like Darling in the Franxx.

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