

Year 2094

Mankind had hit a wall trying to progress in the fields of technology, science and medicine. As populations rose in numbers, so did diseases. Every puff of air was contaminated. Resources fell and all sorts of advancements humans had made started to recede. They did find planets where life thrived and had atmospheres that could sustain human beings but they were short of resources and lacked knowledge to travel and explore the cosmos. The furthest they had ever reached was Pluto, which made space travel limited to the solar system.

There were several instances in the last 50 years where a war could have broken out and peace had been hanging by a thread. Countries were dissolved in order to maintain peace and order and were united under the name of "Pangea, the supercontinent that broke apart millions of years ago, now united under the banner of one country, one continent."

There were hardly any countries left that had decided to remain by themselves because when countries merged, it wasn't just the land and people that had come together. Economy, resources, weapons and all sorts of things were shared. And many leaders of the developing and underdeveloped countries saw this as a major opportunity to help their people and the country as a whole in overcoming many crises.

Despite all these efforts, several diseases had cures that were yet to be developed and poverty only continued to grow. Humanity had started to lose hope and doomsday was predicted to occur within the next 50 years.


In a space station orbiting the Earth that also served as an outer space research facility a group of scientists were discussing and reviewing ideas on establishments and space stations that could serve as new homes for the mass population.

Although they hadn't progressed enough to explore galaxies, they had progressed enough for them to have space houses in a few space stations which were currently owned by either wealthy businessmen or a few major politicians.

"FRED!!! Wake up you sleepyhead!!!" A thin, pale man who was wearing a pair of horn rimmed glasses and a white lab coat shouted from across the table. The man named Fred who was half asleep woke up with a startled expression. "This is the third time you've fallen asleep in the past one hour!" Nobody else blamed Fred for dozing off as they hardly had time to sleep because they had been working almost non-stop for a week for a project which was nearing it's deadline.

After the man was done with his sudden outburst, he continued with the explanation he was giving with the help of a holographic screen for another 10 min when he suddenly stopped mid-sentence and yelled, "FRED!!! STOP DAYDREAMING AND FOCUS!!!" But Fred's eyes were glued to the space craft's window that was next to him. Then after a few more seconds Fred slowly spoke out, "Professor am I the only one seeing this?".

"Seeing what?!" The professor asked in an annoyed tone.

"There is a crack."

"A WHAT?!" the professor roared in anger. He was walked towards Fred as he proceeded to smack him in the head to bring him back to reality and that's when Fred pointed out to something that did look like a crack.. in space. The professor came to an abrupt stop when he noticed what Fred was pointing at and then they watched in awe as the crack grew into a hole and the hole continued to grow in size until it was several times larger than the space station.

Moments later, three spaceships the size of small islands came out of the gigantic rift in space.


Back in one of Earth's head military bases, all activities had been brought to a sudden halt and preparations for the possibility of an all out war with aliens or whatever that was going to come out of these unknown spaceships were being made as the spaceships that were first spotted near the Earth's atmosphere continued to remain stationary. But the truth was they were in no condition to go into war with some random aliens who could warp through space and were currently trying communicate with these unknown space travelers. But before they could even come to a decision on how to approach these beings, large holographic messages were displayed on the sky in languages long forgotten. The entirety of human beings stood still as languages of ancient times which included Greek, Roman, old Norse and a few others shone across the skies of the Earth with a greenish blue light that read, "We mean no harm."

Out of these spaceships came beings that looked exactly similar to human beings or came very close in appearance to them. That was the only thing that they had in common with humans as unlike the humans on Earth, these beings held powers so great and terrifying that they could have wiped out the entire planet moving on foot and it wouldn't take them more than a month to do that.

As the news spread and the fact that these beings spoke in tongues that were spoken by the Gods that were mentioned in myths and ancient scriptures, a large portion of the worldwide population were immediately ready to serve under them calling them Divine Beings who had come back to bring law and order to the decaying planet, whereas the majority were against the idea of serving some unknown beings. Realizing what was going on, these beings immediately cleared out any confusion. They did not want to be worshipped and only asked for a place to stay and in exchange not only agreed to help the planet revert back to it's once forgotten harmonious state but also decided to share with the world a few of their powers and technology.

Many were concerned and suspicious after receiving an offer that was too good to be to true, that it lead most of them to believe that these travelers from space held ulterior motives behind their kind gestors. At the end the deal was made and they were allowed to stay on Earth in exchange of fixing the planet and sharing their powers. They were soon accepted and gradually mixed in with the people of Earth.



Year 2144

50 years had passed since the people that spoke in ancient tongues started to share the planet with the original inhabitants of Earth. They claimed to be descendants of the Gods that were once worshipped across the planet a very long time ago and called themselves the Originals. They weren't very different from human beings except for their supernatural powers and superior technology which they had decided to share with the people of Earth that made them no different than the average man.. or maybe the average man no different than these supernatural beings.

In the last 50 year, Earth had recovered from its once devastated state to what it once was a few centuries ago as greenery spread across the globe and the almost dead forests were once again revived. Humankind had immediately entered a golden age of prosperity and had made advances in all aspects through major leaps and bounds with the help of the Originals.

On the 15th of July, several spaceships that looked more or less similar to those that the Originals arrived in were once again spotted near the Earth's atmosphere and this time there were no messages in the sky and instead a red light illuminated the skies of the planet for a few hours that looked like some sort of warning. Then out of nowhere came creatures depicted in legends and myths. Orcs, Goblins, Minotaurs, Giants and several other creatures rained down upon the inhabitants of Earth, mercilessly slaughtering them and causing large scale panic and chaos everywhere. Earth soon turned into a bloody battlefield.

The humans initially struggled to fight off these invaders as the powers the Originals shared were then monetized and only the wealthy had access to these abilities. A major decision was immediately made and a lot of common and cheap abilities were distributed to the public free of cost to help them survive.

The war between these creatures and human beings continued for 12 long years and finally came to a standstill with both sides immensely weakened. The people on Earth saw these creatures as mindless monsters who killed for their amusement and found no means to find peace with them. But after a lot of efforts and various failed attempts in trying to communicate with these mindless monsters, they finally succeeded in establishing communication with few of these creatures that held higher levels of intelligence in the group and finally ending the war temporarily with a truce.

The war had finally come to an end, both sides still aware by the fact that another war could break out any second as the peace was temporary and the issue of conflict was still not resolved.

The end of the war had brought about significant changes to the distribution of power. A system of guilds arose with 3 major guilds along with several other independent guilds where people came to train themselves as they explored the universe, in preparation for another war. The government and the guilds worked together trying to increase their chances of victory for the day they would have to go back to war with the monsters.

Hello peeps, I'm a new author and this is my first novel. I plan to update a new chapter every 2-3 days days from now on.

Feel free to leave a feedback in the comments and let me know how you feel about the story.

PandaHighlordcreators' thoughts
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