
The Adapter's System

In the year 2053, earth was struck with a mana surge from a failed scientific project, causing great magical calamities and mutations. The supernatural became the natural, magic became the norm. Advanced Civilisation had become extinct. While suffering through the invasion of races and the aggression of monsters originated from the mutation of animals. With this society who has progressed into the supernatural, how would a Young talentless man, with no power or magic, be able to survive? What if, one day, he had a fortunate encounter with a system, a system which could not only adapt but evolve. Would he remain weak and powerless? Or would he adapt and become something… Bigger? Power stone objectives till the end of march: 200 Power stones / 2 extra chapters 400 Power stones / 3 Extra chapters 600 Power stones / 4 Extra chapters Collection Goals: 500 Collections : 1 Extra chapter 1000 Collections: 2 Extra chapters 2000 Collections: 3 Extra Chapters

Renovator · Fantasy
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71 Chs

Death's Door.

In that instant, he quickly pulled out a second glock from a holster being on his hip before suddenly thrusting half of his arm along with the glock into the monster's mouth.


The sound of a loud bang resounded on the inside of the Wolgur's mouth.


It's eyes opened wide as another two shots were let off in it's mouth. However, it still managed to dig it's fangs deep into Asper's arm within it's dying moments.

<You have levelled up!>



The second Wolgur plunged with it's jaws wide open towards Asper's neck. Asper who was immobilized due to his arm having been stuck inside of the first Wolgur's mouth, watched as the second Wolgur drew closer and closer.

His vision was hazy and his body could barely move. He was no longer in the condition to fight back.


Despite that, his heart was still beating. It was beating harder than ever.

*Thump* *Thump*


His right arm was stuck inside of the mouth of the Wolgur which he had killed making it impossible to avoid the monster. The reflection of the monster's fangs could be seen getting closer and closer into Asper's eyes. In that moment only a single thought popped up in his mind.

'I can't dodge-'


0.1 seconds

<Adapted to Wolgur attack pattern.>

<Danger Detected.>

<Counter measurement initiated.>

0.2 seconds

In that instant, Asper let go of his knife with his left hand and grabbed it again in a reverse grip before he suddenly rotated his body and pierced his blade inside of the Wolgur's skull.

0.9 seconds

It all happened in one fellow motion. The momentum, speed, precision and accuracy. All of it went into that one single strike, Asper had no idea how he did it.

<You have slain a Wolgur>

<You have levelled up>

"H-How… Did I… Do that…?" Asper questioned as he let out deep and heavy pants.

It was then that he realized it. A bright red glow could be seen coming from the artifact on his chest. The glow could be seen even through his bloodied top.




Notifications had now not only played on the inside of Asper's mind, but had also appeared in red screens in front of Asper's eyes. Simultaneously as that happened, his status screen popped up, showing his health.

<Name: Asper Antes>

<Race: Human>

<Level 15>

<120/2000 exp>

<Class: Adapter>

<Title: None>


HP: 2/120 <Emergency> <Life support: 39%>

MP: 47/155


VIT: 9

SEN: 7

STR: 5

AGI: 27

INT: 31

<4 Stat points Available>


<Adapt LV.2> (Passive)


Asper eyes widened once he saw his health. They widened even further when he realized that his life support was quickly declining with every passing second.

<Life support: 35… 34%>

Even he knew what it meant if his life support were to reach zero.

Fortunately, he had gained 4 extra stat points from leveling up twice. Asper was betting his life on those stat points.

"Place all points into vita-"

Asper was interrupted by a sudden throb on his brain. Following that, he suddenly dropped to the floor. His body had reached it's limit.

<Placing four stat points into vitality, confirm?>

As he laid on the floor, he watched as a pool of blood was formed from all the blood gushing out of the whole in his arm.

'It's cold… This is tiring…' He thought to himself as he stared at the corpses of the two monsters beside him.

Asper's eyes began to slowly shut as he felt his insides grow colder.


The sound of the machine gun could be heard as bullets went flying throughout the room and building. Following that, Asper could hear the pack of monster's approaching from the other side of the building. They were growling and howling in union.

The machine gun also seemed to be drawing the attention of even more monster's in the vicinity as he could hear strange sounds coming off from the far distance.

But it was thanks to those sounds, that he was finally able to snap back into it. His eyes opened wide as he muttered the words.



<Due to health levels reaching over 5% Life support terminated>

<Emergency, health still under critical levels>

<Body under immense pressure>

<Estimated time until body shuts down: 03:45>


HP: 21/140 <Bleeding>

MP: 155/155


VIT: 13

SEN: 7

STR: 5

AGI: 27

INT: 31

<0 Stat points Available>

<1 HP Lost to blood>

Asper groaned out in pain as he forced himself to get up. He remained crouched as he didn't want to get shot by another series of bullets.

<2 HP lost to blood>

'How much longer… Till it adapts…?' Asper wondered.

Even though his health had increased and he could finally move his body. The wound hadn't completely closed.

It had recovered quite a bit but the hole caused by the Wolgur's fang was still there. Asper grabbed his shoulder due to the overwhelming pain as he made his way to the opposite side of the building.

There was a hole in the wall which was probably where the Wolgur's had come from when they surrounded him. Now that he killed them, he assumed that the path was cleared.

Besides, it was his only option. He knew that on the other side, swarms of more Wolgur's which had surrounded him were waiting. In fact, they were heading right at him as of then.

The first one to arrive would probably be their boss with the machine gun since he was closest. Even if he was alone, Asper knew in his condition it would be suicide to deal with him.

"I'll come back for you…" Asper muttered as he looked through the gap in the wall, scouting out the area.

'It looks clear-'

Asper's thought was interrupted as the sound of an explosion went off from behind him.


He quickly turned back his head, only to hear the sound of gunshots being let off along with the sound of a vehicle moving.


Through another gap in the wall, he saw an armoured vehicle pass right by.

'Those are… Hunters…'