

Faith_Love_1052 · Urban
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walking down the alley with my mother and holding an ice cream in one of my hand with my other hand being held by my mum . it was a pleasure and fun so I thought well as a ten year old kid what else could I ask for except the care I got from my parents . But I wished I could be a adult or a teen like my elder sister and be able to act rebellious like she did but I also didn't want to miss the warmth and care I got from my parents . I once told my mum that I want to be like my elder sister and grow fast but all she said to me was that life was in stages and man I'm sizes that I would surely go through the phase but it seemed to come too slowly . I am going to tell you a little secret which is I really like a boy in our neighborhood he was eleven a year older than me . meeting him was blissful I introduced myself to him and he was polite that he made my little childhood heart flutter so fast his name was George and well I was Isabelle . I made a mental note to tell my elder sister Anabelle about my crush .