
exceeding expectations

The Next day. Hinata- so you are some type volleyball star huh well I'm going to be the ace so don't get in my way

Kenji- I won't I don't want to be the ace but I do want to be the winner so I was wondering if you and Kageyama are friends right or not it seems like you know each other

Hinata- no way I'm not friends with the of the court jerk

Kenji- so it was him I wasn't sure I didn't want to say anything but honestly I heard he was good but had problems being apart of a team you know I was actually watching that game you guys had I think yukigoaka if I'm not mistaken

Hinata- yeah he won and we lost but he won't win this time!!!

Kenji- well I wasn't really watching I was just on break from practice and decided to go by there for a little bit well anyway why don't we go to the gym

In the gym,

Daichi- ok this is everyone right I'm gonna call all first years of school

Yamaguchi Tadashi

Kei Tsukishima

Tobio Kageyama

Shoyo Hinata

Kenji Takihara

Jun'ichi Bando

Daichi- since we were lucky enough to have six first years we will do a four on four with each team of three will have an upper classmen on each team we're gonna meet here this weekend so be ready and for today we are going to make teams and give them time to prepare for this weekend

Team A

Tsukishima kei

Jun'ichi Bando

Kenji Takihara

Team B

Yamaguchi Tadashi

Shoyo Hinata

Tobio Kageyama

Daichi- Okay I want this game to be a sort of practice for seeing how you guys work together and how you interact with each other on the court I want to see you guys here on Saturday with that I call club activities to a close

The next day in the gym

Okay is each team ready


30 minutes later

Game set match team A wins

Kageyama we lost but he was amazing I never thought he was this good it's honestly annoying how he made it look—

Kenji- please don't say that I made it look easy it's hard work and dedication but what I want to know is if what you two showed in the gym today the best you guys have to offer that quick attack was cool but I'm gonna need a lot more out of both of you two than just that if you want to win first Hinata you should watch film of a player with the same style as you his name is Kōrai Hoshiumi I'm sure this is gonna be hard for you to imagine but you're not the only player of your size there are a lot of guys who play that way and he is the best of all of them he's already being called the next little giant

Hinata- no way are you saying he's better than me huh

Kenji- he's way better than you and closer to being the little giant than you are if you really want to get better you have to start doing the work now because if you don't you'll be unprepared for nationals ohh yeah on that crazy quick attack start opening your eyes in the air anyway you need to do all that if you want to be the ace that is see yah

Kageyama- what about me

Kenji- what about you there is too much to say in too little time I'll tell you this you are a big fish in a small pond sorry to disappoint you but I'm impressed with you guys and you both make me have exceeded expectations of this team's ceiling