
Chapter.1 (Death)

All around me was a white expansion bleak of all life. Before you ask me who I am or how I got here I'll tell you.


Earlier That Day

My name is Jason Tyson and I'm 15 but for not much longer. I'm living with my grandma,and my mom plus my siblings. Today was July 31st 2032 and it was my 16th birthday and I had just stepped outside when my mother called to me.

"Jason I want you to br safe honey ok" said my mother.

"Will do" I replied.

I turned the corner to start towards my best friends house when I saw a little girl about to step into the crosswalk without a parent or looking and a big 16 wheeler came rushing at her. My body moved before my mind had time to register what happened then I was in front of the girl grab her and tossed her at the crowed that was at the crosswalk. I felt a searing pain ring across my entire body it felt like a burning hot frying pan hit me all over my body. My field of vision was quickly get darker when I heard screams and yelling.

*This sucks man after living for 16 years I die after doing a single good deed. Fuck me this hurts* I thought.

"Hahaha" I weakly laughed.

"Man I hope reincarnation is real cause I'm so fucking young" I said as my voice weakened.

Slowly everything became black as I slipped into the endless sleep called death. When I opened up my eyes all I saw was a white endless plane where nothing existed as I wandered around .

"So is this heaven cause it's kinda empty" I had said aloud to particularly no one.

"Haha. No my child this isn't heaven" said ??

" Oh well first who are you second where am I then he'll cause this shit is boring" I replied with a slightly deadpan voice.

"HAHAHAHAHA. You are the very first mortal to make me laugh like that in a long time child. And for your first question I'm a God. As for where you are you are currently in the void as a wandering soul." Replied God

"Oh well that kinda sucks that I'm dead but no use crying over spilled milk." Jason replied.

*hmm this soul seems different than the rest*

"so what's gonna happen to me am I going to tell or heaven" asked Jason.

"Ah no my bad no u will be reincarnated in the world of Remnant also known as the RWBY universe" sated the God.

*Holy fuck my luck is great I not only get reincarnated I'm also being reincarnated in the world of Remnant this is the best* I thought quite excited for my new world new adventures to come.

"Ok so I'll let you have 3 wishes plus the time you want in the story your age plus where u land in the world" says God.

"Hmmm ok easy I would like the power of all elemental dragon slayer powers from Fairy Tail as my first wish. For my second wish I would like to have a major body change that I can change once I enter the world. And for my last wish I would like a system It can be random it doesn't really matter as long as it has a status panel and a inventory its fine by me". The more I talked the more it set in that this is real and I should think this threw and decide what to change and what to not change.

"Alright easy enough for all three well then I would like to wish you luck in your next life and try not to die anytime soon. Ok also please chose a starting location and how many years before the main plot and your age".

When god said this I knew he meant it he really didn't want to see me anytime soon.

"Alright that's fine by me just put me in a forest outside of Beacon and put me in 2 years before the start of the main plot start as well as make me 14 please"

"Alright have fun on your journey have fun in your new life" god said as he smiled a sweet smile.

After that everything was black.