
The Ace of Fairy Tail

Summary:Ace was killed in the war of the best. In his way to the afterlife he is stop by whitebeard. Tells him he has a second chance of life. Ace will now go to the land of fiore, a land filled with magic. Ace will now go to a new adventure with fairy tail. I don't own fairy tail and one piece. Enjoy!

KaiserLox · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Chapter 5 Trail

In the deep forest of Magnolia...

Ace was asleep in his house, it took a lot of jobs in order to buy the supplies to build his home. It was a red two story building, with a large sign of a spade of ace saying, "Ace's House". It has 4 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms.

He woke up and wearing nothing, but boxers. He went to his closet, he went and grab a white shirt, jean shorts and his black boots. He went and cook some eggs and toast for breakfast, but got them burn, "why do I even cook?".

He went and threw them to the trash. He grab his orange hat and headed toward the guild to get a meal. As he walk toward the he saw a familiar face, a young women with white hair, Mira.

She was having trouble with the groceries she had. Ace went and help her out, "you need help?". Mira look and saw the devil fruit eater and nodded.

The both began walking towards the guild, " so are you excited about your fight between you and Natsu?" Mira asked Ace.

"Yeah, I am I want to see how Natsu grown so far" Ace reply with a smile, Natsu had grown stronger throughout the years, he wanted to test his little brother.

"Man, I remember how me, Luffy and Sa...bo" Ace mumbled the last word, Ace was now remembering his best friend and brother, Sabo. Ace then felt a tear on his cheek.

"You okay Ace?" asked Mira having concerned for her friend.

"Yeah, sorry I was thinking about Sabo." He reply.

Mira knew about Ace's brother death, how he was by noble in his world.

"It's okay Ace I know how that feels" Mira looked down as she told him, she also lost a sibling before, Lisana. Ace then put his hand on her shoulder, and gave smile.

"Don't worry there in a better place now."

Mira began to tear up, "Yeah, but I wasss.., I was..", and began to cried. Ace waited for her to finish. Mira went and dry up her tears, "I'm sorry, about that I didn't felt that way before, for a long time".

Ace gave a warm smile, "I know she was a sister to me as well". Mira smiled at the response, Ace would be their for her no matter what. Then they heard a loud growl, Ace remember he didn't had breakfast.

"Looks you need something to eat, huh Ace?", Mira told the ex-priate, "I'll make you some pancakes at the guild okay?"

"Yeah, thanks Mira you're the best!"

They continue their path toward the guild.


Ace was eating mountain after mountain of pancakes, "could yeah give me, Mira?".

Mira smiled and began cooking more, then the doors flung and pink hair teen came in.

"Where are they, Ace and Erza?" Yelled Natsu, then saw Ace eating some pancakes. He soon ran to him, "come on Ace let's start this show on the road".

Ace then swallow his food a smirked.

Ace and Natsu were standing in front of the guild. Everyone were around for the fight. It seem so long that Ace and Natsu had fought for real. Lucy and a half naked Gary soon arrive at the scene. Erza also arrive at the scene to see the fight between the two brothers.

"let do this Ace!" Natsu yelled at his opponent as fire surrounded him. Ace crack his neck side to side as he said those words.

" Alright Natsu I won't hold back" , Ace reply as he surrounded his body with fire.


"whoa, these two really heating up" Lucy said in the amazement, " no, wonder Ace was nominated to a wizard saint".

Gray nodded in agreement, "Both me and Natsu couldn't win a fight against Ace when we were kids". As he look upon the two fiery warriors.

"Yeah he's a real man" shouted Elfman.

Happy then look at the scene, and turn to Cana, "2,000 jewels on Ace". Lucy with a shock face look at the cat as he betted the person who wasn't his best friend.

Mirajane smile in delight as he saw the getting ready to throw down, " Do you see them Lisana".


" okay here I come, Fire dragon iron fist", Natsu charge at Ace.

"Alright, Natsu Hiken!" Ace then charge at the pink hair slayer.

But, then a huge clap rang throughout the area and everyone stop and turn to see where the noise came from. It was amphibian, from the magic council, "This fight will not continue", it commanded the two fiery mages in the center, "Fire-fist Ace, you are arrested for the destruction of a train station and a building in Cloves".

Everyone in Fairy tail were shocked at the news of their member arrest, Ace sighed and headed toward the Frogman and allow it to cuff him.


Everyone in the guild had a sour look on their faces. They were only thinking on how Ace was doing. " Ahhh, let me out" yelled a pink small dragon in a small glass cup.

" No way Natsu, you would just go and try to save Ace, and give him more trouble." Mira responded to the pink dragon Natsu.

" It's not fair that Ace was arrested, we should be doing something to save him" yelled Lucy. Erza came towards the blonde and place her hand on her shoulder, " Ace wouldn't want us to be punished for trying something reckless in trying to save him".

" Yah, that guy love this guild so much that he willing to take any blame to protected it", Cana commented as she sip on her mug of alcohol "in truth the council had always had an eye on him from the time he arrive".

Lucy look at Cana in confusion, Gray notice it and came toward her, "before Ace came to our world, he was a division commander of a pirate crew and was wroth 550,000,000 jewels". Lucy was shocked at what she had heard about Ace.

" Yah and that's why need to save him" complain the pink dragon Natsu. Makarov responded to him, "so would you like to get out of there now?" which cause the dragon Natsu to remain silent, " what lost your flames, Natsu?' and then blast the small dragon. In the smoke it revile Marco, everyone was shocked, Marco reply " sorry I owe Natsu a favor".

" who don't you owe favors Marco?" question a man at the entrance of the guild, Everyone turn to see a blonde man with a cigarette and sunglasses. Makarov look at the man and knew who he was, " well it's been long, Corazon".

" It's been too long old man" responded Corazon as walk up to the old man and out of nowhere the blonde trips and lands face plant on the ground.

" Ha ha ha, clumsy as ever you doofus", laugh Makarov at the blonde on the floor.

At wizard council building…

Ace was be escorted by the amphibian, to the wizard council. They spotted a man with blue hair and a red tattoo on his face, Ace knew who this man was, Seghier.

The amphibian quickly bow down, as for Ace he only gave Seghier a dirty look.

"what with that look Ace ?" Seghier asked the pirate, "Aren't you happy to see me?". Which cause the devil fruit eater blood to boil even more. The first time Ace ever met Seghier was when he caused huge problem on a job he did two years ago, it cause the council to seek his presents. As, Ace arrive at the meeting and spotted Seghier, out of every council members Ace focus on him. That man had a the same presents of an old enemy, Blackbeard.

"No one's happy to see a venomous snake in their face" replied Ace with a fire in his eyes. Seghier only smile and came closer to his ear, "you should watch what you're saying there Ace, I've been a supporter of Fairy tail", he whispered, " you wouldn't want to threaten me".

The council member soon walk away from the devil fruit eater. Ace only glare for hatred at the man. Seghier stop and turn at Ace, "by the way tell Erza to keep our little secret, okay".

Ace only had a confuse look on his face.

Ace stood at the presents of the council, he only stare at Seghier, but then saw a beautiful woman with raven hair at the council. He went and gave a her a wink, in which cause her to blush. "ls there a problem Ultear" asked one of the council members, she went and nodded in disagreement.

"now then let us start the jury" said the head council member, "Fire-fist you are here for the destruction of a train station and a building in Cloves…", just before he could finish a loud noise erupted from the entrance of the courtroom.

There stood a pink haired teen in orange hat with red beads around it, white tee shirt and jean shorts, "Here I am Fire-fist Ace" as he shot fire all round.

Ace was embarrassed at what was happening, he quickly bow to the council, "sorry, for my brother action he does think before he acts",

Natsu yelled at "Ace what are you doing? Don't apologize to these council jerks".

"Of course I do, you went and did something reckless" reply Ace, as he hit Natsu in the head.


In the holding cells of the council, the two fairy tail members weee arguing.

"Your an idoit Natsu!"

" No, I'm not I was trying to save you"

"Natsu the only reason the council brought me there so that they could give a example to not mess with them"

Natsu then shut his mouth and look at the other way. Ace look at him and sigh.

"Natsu, try to clam down okay?" Ace asked his brother, "I'm okay alright".

Natsu then turn to him, and he had a long face, "I just don't want to loose any one close to me, again".

Ace look at his brother and sigh, "Don't worry Natsu I'm not going anywhere". Natsu then smile at those words.


Natsu and Ace so where release from the holdin cell. Then went back to the guild, and were greeted by everyon. Natsu, got a scoliding from Erza and the master, for doing what he had done. Ace went and order a drink, he went and sat next to Cana.

"so how was council, Ace?" asked Cana, as drank her mug. Ace soon began to explain everyone had happen.


After that everyone, was relive of what Ace told what had happen, how the council was only using the court case to show their power.

"so that wreid guy was telling the truth" Lucy said as Ace finish his story, in which cause curiosity in Ace.

"what guy, Lucy?" asked the devil fruit eatter, in which cause mpMakarov to answer his question.

"Corazon, came and told us what the council was planning".

Ace, then rember the man, he was also from from his world but came here long before him. He smiled that the man had gave the guild a understanding what was happening.

Just then, members of the guild began to fall asleep and fall to the ground. Ace was shoked what was happening and knew what was happening, Mythstican was here.

He wore a blue hooded maked to vover his face, Ace wasn't effect by his sleeping spell for his power was strong enough to resist it. He went and got a job from the broad and showd it to the master. Master approve him to take the job and left the guild. Soon the sleeping spell was lifted. Everyone was awakening from their sleep.

Lucy asked who was the stanger was, Ace reply, "That was Mythstican, everytime he comes here he puts a sleeping spell to not revile his face, Hell I haven't seen it".

"well I seen it" said a voice on the second floor, the voice in which cause Ace to have bad mood. He look and saw a familiar face, Laxus. Both, he and Laxus had never gotten along, in which cause them to fight each other, there last fight nearly destroy half the city. Master Makarov made both of them to swear not to fight each other anymore.

"well, no one asked your opinion you sack of crap", barked Ace to Laxus. In which cause Laxus to smile widely, knowing he got the devil fruit eater attention and raise his magic energy to make him more piss off. Ace went and rose his power as well. Both fairy tail members power were massive and caused everyone in the guild to shudder in fear, they were in the presence of two s-class mages.

"enough, Ace and Laxus!" order the master, both of the mages stop. Ace went and left the guild, cursing in the air, as Laxus went to one of the rooms in the second floor.

"woah that was interested" Lucy reply as she was sweating. Natsu and Happy in relief knowing that the pressure was gone.

"Man, Laxus really went and push Aces button this time" Gray said knowing how powerful those two were.

"yeah, powerful" Natsu whisper in the air and then had a evil grind on has face, he had an idea. And whispered in Happy ear, the blue cat flew somewhere else.


Ace was in a bad mood rest of the way in going home. He soon sat down a couch, he was still piss off about Laxus. He knew he should try to clam down, he knew he shouldn't get Laxus's teasing through his head.

He then heard a loud knocks on his door and soon went and open it. Mira was at the door, she was out of breath.

"whats wrong Mira?" he asked the white hair girl.

She soon reply, "Natsu, Natsu went and took a job from the s-class board."


Hey guys hope you like this chapter.

P.s. I'm doing some Cana relationship growth maybe next chapter.