
The Ace of Fairy Tail

Summary:Ace was killed in the war of the best. In his way to the afterlife he is stop by whitebeard. Tells him he has a second chance of life. Ace will now go to the land of fiore, a land filled with magic. Ace will now go to a new adventure with fairy tail. I don't own fairy tail and one piece. Enjoy!

KaiserLox · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Chapter 3 Fire Fist 2

"Here we are" Ace yelled as they arrive at the train station. They saw a crowd surrounding the train station!

Erza soon reach one of the conductor and ask what had happened, but before he could answer, he was headbutted by Erza for not responding quickly enough.

She did this again and again, "anyone who can not respond quick enough, is useless to Erza" said Lucy in fright. Ace know Erza eagerness first hand, it cause him a lot of trouble in jobs they did together. "You can say that if you like" Ace said while rubbing his head.

Erza soon got the information she wanted and order all of them to enter the train station. "A small army unit came into the train station to secure Eisenwald, just recently" she explain,"but, I don't believe they would succeed".

Everyone in group also believe her words, those soldiers were go against entire wizard guild. "Well, speak of the devil" Gray said as he saw the soldiers on the ground. "They must be here already" said Ace," we should hurry".

"Mmmmm...", Ace turn to see Natsu, who was still sick, on Lucy's back. "He still sick from the ride? " Ace said in wonder,"that will be hassle".

"We're here", Erza said when they enter the train deck. " well, well the flies have come to play!" Said Erigor on top of the train. The group found themselves, face to face, against the entire Eisenwald guild.

" So you guys are Eisenwald am I correct" Asked Ace with cold eyes, 'And that make's you up there Erigor? ". Erigor only answer with a grin, in which cause Ace's blood to boil. "What are you planning to do with lullaby ?" Asked Erza, wanting know the dark guild plan.

"Well we plan to get even on those who took our right" Erigor began to explain, " with lullaby, we will use the train station speakers, we will be able to spread it's deadly melody throughout the town." Lucy then yelled "But that wouldn't give your rights back, and beside you lost them because you continue doing evil deeds".

"We no longer want rights, we now want power, with that we will rule Fiore!" Erigor answered, and began flying through the air. "Wind magic!" Yelled Happy when he saw him fly. "Well you flies will be in the afterlife, to see the era of darkness" said Kageyama with a sly smile, then shadow snakes were about to attack them. Natsu was about to take action until..., Kagero!, a fiery blast went and buried the snakes to dust and shock Kageyama.

"You talk about sneaking revenge on the ones, who took your rights by gaining power." Ace began to speak in the flames of his attack, " but truth is that you are weak as a children and like a children you throw a tantrum to gain the attention of other, to show your suffering", his voice began to rise. "THIS, DOESN'T GIVE YOU THE RIGHT TO TAKE THE LIVES OF OTHER, TO BECOME POWERFUL, BECAUSE OF YOUR WEAKNESSES!".

Lucy was impressed by the word of wisdom from Ace, but cause the dark guild to be filled with anger. Erza, Gray and Natsu, knew Ace was relating to them, to the government that he live in his world, they would pick on the weak to become more powerful and stomp on those who rebel.

"Well, then try to stop me then hero." Erigor said as he disappear into thin air. "Natsu, Gray go after Erigor, with the two of you can defeat Erigor!" Erza order, " Ace you stay with Lucy and me to fend off the members". Ace wanted to chase Erigor himself, but he wouldn't disobey Erza's orders.

"Natsu, Gray, when you find Erigor, make sure you take him down, no matter what!" Ace said with fire in his eyes. He then took of his blue dress shirt and reveal his fairy tail mark on his back, it was large and purple. The mark had replace where his whitebeard tattoo to show he was in a new family.

Both wizards began to search for Erigor, while Erza, Lucy and Ace stayed behind to fight the dark guild members. "Attack" yelled one of them, Erza then pull out her sword from space and Ace tip his hat as sign for battle.

The member began to charge, Erza attack multiple of enemies with one attack and Ace then made his hands shape like guns and yelled "HIGAN", then began to shoot fiery bullets to his foes. Lucy then called the gate of the crab, cancer, a man with scissors and claws came out, " Cancer, give them a cut!" Lucy order. "Alright, shrimp" yelled Cancer as he disarmed and cut their hair bald.

"Amazing" Erza said to Lucy's celestial spirit, which boost Lucy self confidence, "but, he should say snip, instead of shrimp". Lucy then lost her confidence, Ace also began to feel exhausted in the battle. He already use to much magic energy in coming here.

" Erza we need to finish this now" Ace said out of breath. Erza then began to requip her armor to "the knight" and Ace began to create a fist of fire. A fat, green hair man began to talk, "could those be them"???"The Titania, the Queen of the fairies" and "Fire-Fist Ace, the fire devil"???

"Dance my swords, circle sword" Erza said with a roar, the sword began to pierce the enemies. "Here, it comes!" Ace said with excitement "HIKEN", the fiery blast was so large that it consume everything in its path, until there was nothing.

"Phew ,that was over " Ace sigh. He almost had no energy in him.

"I'm out of here" cried the fat mage running.

"Lucy go after him" Erza commanded, "me?" Lucy began to question, but received a dirty look from Erza and begin her task. Ace then, fell on his knees from exhaustion.

Erza quickly came to his side, "you shouldn't strain yourself" she said with worry as she lifted him up.

"Don't worry Erza, i'm okay" Ace said as got back on his feet, " I'm just worried, about Natsu and Gray". Ace was still wondering about sending them off, but he knew they would not disappoint him.


"Why did Ace send the both us?!" Natsu complained.

"Yeah, I don't need your help in taking down Erigor!" Gray yelled.

"Shut up you ice head, no way you're facing Erigor!"

"Try to stop me lizard face, if you can!"

The two wizards then saw two hallway, and knew they had go to separate paths.

"Let's split up to cover more ground" Gray suggest. The two then exchange glances to signal their separation, to find Erigor.

"Let's make Ace proud, Gray" Natsu yelled to his friend as he ran down the hall.

Gray only smile when he heard what Natsu said. "Yeah, let's make him proud" Gray thought " after all he's our brother"


Flashback 5 years ago...

In a forest..,

"Hey, Gray, Natsu, come over will yeah?", the two approach the young Ace. He then open a bottle of sake and pour it in three glasses.

"Did you know when people exchange sake they become brothers?" the young Ace said to the two as they hold their cups. " I don't want to be brother to this stripper freak", young Natsu complained, "me too, you asshole" Gray reply and then began crashing head.

"Yeah, but I want to be you guy's brother" Ace said with a smile, then the two boy stop, look each other and sigh. They all pick up their cup and yelled " from now on we are now brothers". And then drink sake, "yeah, brothers", Ace whisper with a smile.

Flashback ends...

Ace still remember that moment as it was yesterday. He, then heard Erza, coming back. "She must be done, warning the people" Ace thought.

Erza, came and was out of breath, Ace wonder why she like that. "Ace" Erza yelled " it was a trap all along".

Ace was only speech less of the words.. he just heard...

At clover

The guild masters were having their annual alliance meeting.

"This here a party" yelled Makarov while drinking a beer.

"Hey, Makarov how are you, darling?" Said a bald wizard, this is Bob the guild leader of Blue Pegasus.

"Nothing Bob just joining this feast, how are you these days"

Bob began to bush and cheerfully answer, by the way Bob is a guy.

"You know Makarov, you should keep an eye on your kids" said a wizard with a hat and dog collar, he's Gold, the guild leader of Quatro Cerberus.

" The council been pissed about Fairy Tail actions"

Makarov reply "there just jealous, since my wizards are hot"

Then a blue bird came in to give the short man a letter and open it.

"Hello" it was a hologram of Mirajane.

"Oh, everyone look this is Mirajane" yelled the old man.

Everyone soon surround the old man, telling him how she grown.

"Oh, by the way master great news Ace, Erza, Natsu and Gray have form the strongest team in Fairy Tail" she said with a smile.

The old man almost had a heart attack when he heard those words, "those 4 could destroy a city". thought the old man.

"Ace, huh, that name sound familiar" Gold whisper, "now, I remember, Maki you 'll never believe what the concil just declare."

Makarov soon turn to his old friend, "what is it Gold?"


At the train station

Ace was soon surrounded by a wall of wind, that was blocking the paths to leave the station. Soon Gray, Natsu, Lucy and Happy came a long.

"Ace" yelled the pink hair teen, " what going on?"

"Its seem that our pal Erigor had lock us up." Ace reply, with a cold look of anger that would make the devil shake in fear.

"There more to their plan Ace" yelled Gray which made Ace worry, " They're planning to use the flute on the guild master alliance meeting".

Ace soon had a quick flash of the master through his mind, how he remember the help he recieve from him. To make him part of his family. Ace had already lost Whitebeard, he won't lose anyone else.

Kageyama on Natsu shoulders, who was injured by his fellow guild member, confirm it. Ace blood began to boiled he had enough of Erigor bulls# t.

"Like hell they are, Enkai", Ace was soon surround by a small field of fire, "Hashibriga", a tower of fire sprouted out where Ace was standing and collided with the wall of wind. Ace's attack pounded against the wall as sparks flew everywhere, "I will go through this wall and I will stop you Erigor!"

Natsu, Gray and everyone else stand back as far away as they could to avoid getting burn.

But, the fire soon was extinguish, and Ace standing where the the fire was, "Man, only if I didn't waste to much energy, that attack would have gone through" he said paniting.

"Wow, Ace is really strong, maybe even stronger then Natsu" Lucy thought in surprise of the devil fruit eater powers.

"Ace", Erza whisper, as her close friend was standing there, gritting his teeth.


At Clover the wizard alliance meeting

"What are you serious Gold?", Makarov asked him with a shocking reaction of what his friend had just said.

"Yeah, I'm serious, the council will give the news tomorrow" Gold reply

Makarov soon began to leave the room to have some thought on what his friend just said.

"Ace , it amazing how much you have grown so much, but never, not in million years that you would be announced as one of the ten wizard sanits"

A smile soon began to appear on the old man face, "I know that you'll make the guild proud, Ace and I hope you and the others are doing well on your job"

He look at the window and began to remeber a dear memory,

8 years ago...

"Hey, master" Makarov soon turn to see the young Ace looking toward the ocean, "do you believe that I sould have gotten a second chance?"

Makarov looked at the sky, "I don't, but the answer is in your heart, Ace and you know what the answer will be".

Ace was amazed by the old man words, "thanks I think that will satisfy me for now" and smile a goofy grind.


"Find the answer, Ace I know you can" Makarov whisper as he walk out of the building.


At the train station

" I will protect..." Ace began to from a fiery fist, as began to regain breath, " the man who gave me, my new life!", HIKAN!"

The large blast of fire blast through the wall of wind, but soon closed up, "damn it, need to be more powerful".

"Hey I now what I was going to say to Lucy" said the blue cat and everyone soon turn tto look at him.

Happy then pull out a golden key.

"Hey thats.." Lucy began to speak, "the gate of the virgin, Vergo".

"Yeah, I found it lying around so I decided to pick it up"

Lucy took the key from, "don't worry guys I'll get us out".

" How " everyone asked, Lucy then open the gate of the Vergo and then appear a maid with pink hair and blue eyes.

"Hello, my name is Vergo", said the maid, Ace saw the maid and blush in how cute she was in the maid outfit.

"Huh, I never knew, how maid outfit look on the girl", Then Erza wrote down on a piece of paper to buy a maid outfit.

" she'll make a tunnel for us to escape" Lucy explain.

"Is that what you want me to do princess?" Lucy nodded and Vergo began to drill a hole. Everyone was soon was able to escape.


P.S. I 'm plannig to have three members of Fairy Tail to have a love interest in Ace try to guess who.