
The Ace of Fairy Tail

Summary:Ace was killed in the war of the best. In his way to the afterlife he is stop by whitebeard. Tells him he has a second chance of life. Ace will now go to the land of fiore, a land filled with magic. Ace will now go to a new adventure with fairy tail. I don't own fairy tail and one piece. Enjoy!

KaiserLox · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Chapter 1 Prologue

"Ace", those were the final words of his brother that he heard before everything went dark. He heard his namaka crying for him and he felt their pain. He wish to stay longer, but he knew his time had come. Ace said his farewells to his brother, Monkey. , and began to fall to the ground, he saw his life began to flash before his eyes, of his time with his brother Sabo and Luffy. He slowly hit the floor, Portgas. had died.

"Hey Ace wake up" said a familiar voice.

Ace open his eyes and to see a WhiteBeard in front of him and then saw he and Whitebeard was surrounded by a white void. "Where are we old man?" Asked Ace. Whitebeard sigh and began to talk "We are in a place that is the connection between earth and heaven"

Ace was shocked by the answer and realize that he was dead. Then began to have many questions through his head, he wanted to know what happen to Luffy, If his mother was here, but knew which one to asked right now. "Hey, old man how did you died?" He asked. He saw Whitebeard looking at him, as if he was going to answer that question.

Whitebeard start to look up toward the blank white sky and remain silent for a while, he only said one word that was sufficient to be an answer, ...


Anger ran through Ace, that bastard went and killed the greatest pirate Ace ever knew. He began to curse out loud, about Blackbeard. Then was stop by Whitebeard, with a slap to the face. "Enough, Ace yelling will not do anything to change the fact that I'm dead." roar Whitebeard with great power that shook the ground around them. Ace began to calm down, " so what now do we go to heaven or go down" asked Ace. Whitebeard in calmer voice answer, "I'll go up there to meet a old friends to drink some sake, but you Ace, you get a second chance in life".

Ace was surprised by the answer, that he was getting a second chance. " what do you mean by second chance old man?" Blurred Ace to get some answers.

"The man upstairs was convince by a girl in white dress, to be send to her world to start anew" answer Whitebeard with a smile in his face, "you'll still have your devil fruit power, but you'll be ten year younger than before". Ace couldn't understand what was happening right now and began yell at top of his lungs.

"Second chance, my ass, I'm the son of a demon who rule the grand line, the reason of my mother death and the cause of many of my namaka death!" Ace began to tear up, " I'm last person for second chances". Whitebread began to walk towards his son and place his hand on his head, "But you are the one who save Luffy from death" he whisper to Ace. Ace began to remember of his sacrifice in order to save his younger brother.

He knew that his brother was alive and that it was reason his for a second chance. He dried up his tears and began to speak, " so where this world that I'm going to old man?". Whitebeard smile once more and said " It a land called, Fiore, it is influence with magic and adventure, I think you'll like it Ace". As he said those words, he began to disappear, "well it seem it's my time to leave Ace I hope you have great time there".

Ace then began to shrink, he remember that Whitebeard said he would be 10 year younger in this new world. "I know you'll do great Ace, show them what you're made of". After Whitebread said those words, a great flash of white light shine, he knew it was time to go.

The light disappear and saw that he was in the ocean and began to drown. "Great I'm going to die before starting my new life." thought Ace and then everything went black.

... a few hours later

Ace woke up in a room on a bed. He look around he knew he wasn't dead. Then a small old man came to the room, "so it seem you're awake my boy" said the old man. "My name is Makarov, and who are you?" asked Makarov.

Ace was always careful in telling his name to someone but felt he could trust the old man.

Ace got out of the bed and told his name "Ace. , sir" he bow to the old man after , later found they were also the same size. He look at a mirror nearby he was now a 12 year old. He was surprised by his appearance. Then saw his Whitebeard tattoo on his back was gone, but the tattoo on his right arm was there, ASCE with the s crossout was still on. He was relieved that it was there.

Then he turn around and saw Makarov with a look of worry. " Say old man where am I?" asked Ace. Makarov smile and said "you're in Fiore, Magnolia and in a guild called fairy tail, my boy".

Ace was now in the new world Whitebread was talking about. "Hey, everyone the kid woke up" yelled a pink hair boy. "Aye, sir" said a blue cat with wings, it surprise Ace when it was flying around the room. "Enough, Natsu our guest is trying to rest, I suggest to remain silent" saying a red hair girl giving the boy vicious look.

"That fire breath does know to shut up" said a dark hair boy in his underpants coming in the room. Then the pink hair boy name Natsu punch, the dark hair boy. It cause both boys to fight it each other.

Ace just watch as the red hair girl stop them. Then wonder about something, he then grab a knife near by, then stab it through his hand. It shock everyone in the room, the red hair girl began to look for bandages, but saw the wound on the boy began to close by flames.

Everyone was amaze at what they witness before there eyes. "My what amazing magic you have boy."

Said the master. But, then everyone heard a loud rumble, Ace smile and said "Got any food around here?". Later, everyone in the guild was surprise of how much food the mysterious boy the boy could eat.

"Man, he eats a lot, right Erza?" Said a brown hair girl. Erza only watch as the boy ate his 15th plate of food. "So what your name?" Saying a small white hair girl with a smile on her face. Ace swallow the last of his food and yelled "my name is Ace. ". Erza began to approach the boy knowing what his name was, "so Ace why where you in the ocean?". But didn't get an answer, but only heard a snore. Ace was asleep, everyone was yet again surprise by Ace.

He soon woke up after a hour and saw everyone was around him. But, Erza was the only one sitting in front of him. "Now that you're awake will you answer my questions?" She said. " I'll try my best to do so." Said Ace with a huge smirk on face. It made some of the young girls, including Erza, to blush.

Erza asked " why where you in the ocean?"

Ace knew it was going to be difficult to answer, " how good are you in listening in long stories?".

Ace told everyone what had happen to him, who he was, how his world was, the life had there and how he arrived in this world.

Once again everyone was surprise by Ace. "It seem you went through a lot" said the master. "Now I don't know what to do now" said sighing Ace who now look up on the ceiling of the guild. The master came toward Ace and said " how about joining our guild?".

Ace surprise by the answer. " Are you sure you want an ex-pirate with a bounty of 550, 000, 000 jewels, to join your guild?" Asked Ace. " A pirate? No I see a boy who needs a new start in the world" the master said with a big smile.

Ace had found a new family. He couldn't help, but smile. "Now to celebrate the arrival of our new member" yelled Makarov, but Ace fell asleep once again.

"Someone, tell me this will be a normal thing for us." Sigh Gray....

Everyone in the guild laugh, they began the party. Cana and Erza were having a conversation about Ace. Natsu, Lisanna, and Happy playing tag with each other. Gray, Mirajane and Elfman were playing poker, not the strip version, even though Gray was in his underwear. While Ace was asleep, but he wasn't having pleased one.

Ace was having a nightmare, he was remembering his battle with Blackbeard. He and Blackbeard were battling at that town on the island, they were about to deliver their final attacks, until he heard his brother scream. Ace turn around and saw Luffy with a magma fist through him. "LUFFY", Ace tried to go toward him, but was soon surrounded by darkness. "Zehahaha, you can't escape darkness Ace" laughing Blackbeard. Ace began to drown in darkness, unable to do anything. He was about to be fully submerged in darkness, until he heard a voice, "Hey, Ace fight me."

Ace was soon woken up, by Natsu who wanted to test Ace's skill. "Natsu its's rude to wake someone when they need rest, how many times do i have to tell?" yelled Erza, "It okay, I accept his challenge" yawning Ace from sleep, "I wasn't having much of a rest anyway ". Erza look concerned by the answer, "so then which one of us should go first?" yelled Natsu. Ace only reply with a taunt, Natsu charge Ace with a fist of fire, "huh, he uses fire this should be interesting" thought Ace as he slide to the right and then drove his foot down on Natsu head, to slam on the ground. Everyone was cheering from the sidelines, Natsu got up and said his most powerful attack, "Fire dragon: Roar".

Flame soon surround Ace, everyone panic what of had happen, "Natsu, what the hell, you killed him" yelled Mirajane. "No worries, no harm done." everyone turn toward the flames, Ace was there unharmed walking out of the fire, not even a burn mark on him. Everyone mumble of the event they had witness, "okay, Natsu it's my turn" said Ace with a grin,"Hik..., woah!". Ace was stop by a large hand in the way, he saw it was the master who stop him. "Master ? Why you stop us?" question Ace.

Master reply by pointing the ground where Ace was, and saw the short he was wearing were burn off and he was nude. His turn face red, quickly cover himself and ran toward the back of the guild. All the girls of guild were dumbfounded and there faces filled with red. Ace return with a red shirt, black shorts and sandals. He bow and apologize to everyone for what had happen especially to the girls.


Day turn to night quickly, Ace wonder where he was going to sleep tonight, he could camp out in the woods since he had experience of hunting, making fire with his devil fruit and fishing. But the master appear before him and offer to stay in the girl dorms. "I don't usually allow it ,but I'll make an exception" said Makarov then pointed to Erza, " This is Erza, you may know her already, she will be your guide to the dorms. ", they made their path toward the girl dorms after saying goodbye to the master. They follow a path that lead towards a hill, Erza watch Ace the whole time, as he look at the stars and was carefully observing them as new them by heart. "Didn't anyone teach you not to stare" Ace said as he still look at sky, as if he knew what Erza was doing.

Erza, then look towards the ground embarrassment, "sorry, I was curious of the tattoo on your arm ment." She reply. He soon stop and look in the ground, he didn't say anything for a while and then pointed to crossout s of the tattoo.

"Its a reminder of someone dear that I lost, to the corrupt world I used to live in." Ace whisper in the night, "He was my brother and best friend, I cried for the first time in years, when I heard about his death", Erza began to feel sadness in her heart,

"Never wanted to go through that, I never want anyone close to me die ever again, so that why I came a pirate to become strong, so i could protect my nakamas" Ace continue more loudly, "I RATHER DIED THAN TO ANYONE I CARE ABOUT GONE, BEFORE MY EYES." Then he felt two arms wrap around and heard Erza crying on his shoulders.

"NEVER SAY THOSE WORDS EVER AGAIN" she scream, "Protecting someone doesn't have to cost your life Ace!". Ace look at Erza, in eyes he saw the pain he cause her, "she must lost someone too".

He place his hand on her head, "I promise to never died" he smile lightly and kiss her on the forehead, in which made Erza blush. They soon arrive to the dorms and Erza showed him his room. Before, he enter the room, "Ace?", he turn around to Erza, " thank you" and then kiss him on the cheek and left.

Ace felt as he made a bond with Erza. He would soon reach out to other for companionship. He had new family to protect and this time he would have the power to do so. He train everyday to keep his promise to Erza. He didn't want anyone to feel that kind of pain he saw.