
The Accursed Lovers

Synopsis. "HOW CAN YOU TURN INTO A CAT!?!?!??" He exclaimed and stared at the coral red furry little creature. The little cat stared back at him with its silvery purple eyes. ____________ Azaina Rosemortal meets Revnore Artifort. Two same personas clash to dominate yet during the process of this domination. They fell under the spell of love. Love, something so contradicting. Their love would start but would it end with them getting together? ___________________ She had been CURSED to turn into a cat after the clock struck 12 in midnight but no one knows about her shapeshifting. [ I can't be with him. ] ~~~~ With the half burnt red string, he was born. The only purpose of him to kill her ( his soulmate ) on the first full solar eclipse day when the sun would turn blood red before it becomes black and will cover the earth. [ I will never let go of her. ] ________ Excerpt She whispered, "How's it feel to be the one to get punished, hubby?" He gritted his teeth, "I would have loved it more if it's you, I was eating not these sour gummies." She put her hands on his thighs. She moved closer to him. Keeping a safe distance, "Patience, baby, We can't miss the fun." She responded as she kissed his neck. She licked and sucked on it. He had to control himself unwillingly before he pounced on her. It was crazy to control his hands which wanted to shamelessly roam all over her body and touch her inappropriately. Moving her hand upwards, she left his neck, "Isn't it painful for you, hubby?" "It is painful, help your hubby to cure this pain." His voice cracked. She leaned her face near to his, kissing at the corner of his lips, she uttered, "Then do you agree to my conditions now." He put his hands on her waist, "Wifey, that shouldn't be asked. You know I'll agree to everything you say." _________ Will he kill his destiny? Can she succeed in pushing him away from her? Will their story end like this? What about her curse? Why were they both cursed yet become lovers? ___________ Note: I'll suggest reading the author's note before you continue with chapters. [ The beginning of the book might be too confusing and hurried, I apologise for that. After I am done with more than 300 chaps, I will start to edit those initial chaps and polish them. I am sorry for the inconvenience. But I hope you do stick around until 20+ chaps. As the story picks up pace, it is smooth going. This is my not first book it surely is my first ever fantasy book. Plz, be patient with me. I won't disappoint.] __________ Disclaimer : The cover photo is taken from Pinterest and is edited by my friend only. The credit goes to the real artists.

Shiny_Star5683 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
163 Chs

Author's Note

So I owe a big explanation for why j changed the whole story and everything.


I wanna tell you guys that this isn't my first story that I am publishing on WN but this is my first ever attempt to participate in a competition like WSA. In the beginning I was really pumped up. But slowly I realised that it's not easy to write. I thought I could get instant collections and readers. ( I know i an really stupid and idiot to think like that (╯︵╰,) ). Then when it didn't go according to my expectations. I felt lose and demotivated.

My one friend made me realise how wrong and selfish was it for me to think like. This time I won't ask for any ps or reviews. I'll be patient. I'll only write my story which I want to share with you all. I just hope we can be honest with each other. It's really hard to write when you are new to it but slowly I will get used to it. I will give my best and I want you as a reader to support this book only when you feel that it deserves.

Now for this story plot...

1. It's fantasy like that last one.

2. Synopsis is changed. I was big idiot to write such a long ass synopsis.

3. Only the leads names are changed.

4. Plot ofcourse is different. This time I'll aim to make the story more hilarious and funny then serious.

5. The tags are shown are right. There would be mystery but more than it, this book will be full of unlimited laughter ( I'll try. Hope so you guys like it. )

6. I'll keep updating for the Author's note in the auxiliary section. So be sure to check it.

7. One day one chap for now. ( If I plan to change this updating time then I'll update it to you all. )

8. Hope you enjoy this journey while you are here.

(〃゚3゚〃) Thank you to all.

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