
the account begins

The sun shone faintly from the clouds on the large barren where all the beauty of the nature had deceased. Not a blade of grass grew, not a single bird chirped but even in that there was no silence for there was a noise more deafening than that of a waterfall for in the land soaked with the blood of hundreds of generations, now stood an army. An army so big it looked as if the sea itself had appeared on that place covered with warriors as far as the eye could see but not a single one of them dared to move for in front of them stood a dragon. Two horns gleaming like swords connected to a long head in which shown two crimson eyes and a hundred knives in its mouth which had been dyed red. Smoke curled around the teeth as flames flickered ready to let loose and burn everything. Behind that were wings as big as the sky, now fully open gleaming. Covering its body were scales which glowed like the sun concentrated in a point. The colour of the scales was indistinguishable for now all that was visible was the crimson blood dripping. Its tail lashed in the wind cutting through it. Formidable as it might have been it was not the daunting beast which petrified them but the man that stood in front of it. He was not too tall, nor too muscled. He did not have scars to show to people. What scared the war frenzied soldiers was his eyes. Blank as the void but shining the brightest they did not have a colour but at the same time showed every single colour. They were not the eyes of a man, a beast or a god. They were the eyes of a demon and the poor souls had done something to enrage that demon. No one could help pity those soldiers for it seemed the space itself concentrated around him. He was someone who broke logic as we know it. The world itself wanted to gather around him and it did. All the elements came to him on a single thought. Wind rose from nowhere, water appeared from inside from the barren land, earth changed its shape as he walked and flames appeared without any fuel. As if scared the sun itself disappeared within the clouds but it wasn't dark for the man's eyes still glowed as he walked to meet the army and to send it to the most peaceful sleep. May the god's pity their souls; for if I continue the tale then he might even break the fantasy. 

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