
The Accidental Liberator (SI ASOIAF,GOT ) Rewriting

Rewriting A man finds himself inexplicably transported to Essos, armed with powers he cannot comprehend. He plans to exploit his newfound abilities to lead a life of leisure and excess in this very familiar realm. But instead he becomes entangled in the chaos of Dothraki raids, slave revolts,forming a new nation and even the unintended emergence of a religion centered around him. If you wish to support me check out my patreon.com/Illusiveone

Illusiveone · Book&Literature
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19 Chs

First Steps pt.1

Jason glanced back at the large group of people trailing behind him. They had been on the move for some time now and would be reaching the city soon. 

He looked in the distance to see Cregan returning. He had dispatched Cregan and a team of volunteers to scout ahead for potential dangers after he had cautioned him about there being survivors of his devastating attack on the Dothraki camp.

He tried not to think about what he had done there; instead, he focused his thoughts on the pressing needs that awaited them upon arriving at the city.

 Garth had advised him on procuring food and medical attention for the weary and traumatized group. He was surprised how easily he had adapted to the leadership position. Then again, the people he had saved either feared him or looked at him with reverence.

Jason's thoughts were interrupted by the sounds of horses; it was Cregan and the men he had sent ahead.

"Any trouble?" Jason asked.

"Aye, a small band of Dothraki is coming this way," Cregan informed.

"I'll deal with it," Jason's response was calm.

"What will you do?" he heard a voice from his side.

Jason was startled and looked to his side to see Irina standing near him.

'Damn, when did she get here? Need to put a bell on her or something,' Jason thought.

Irina had been shadowing him ever since their journey began. He was starting to get a bit creeped out by her constant presence.

Jason remained silent and watched for the Dothraki to appear. Soon, he saw the dust clouds in the distance marking the Dothraki advance.

 With only a mere gesture, he tapped into his telekinetic powers and focused on the charging horses. The Dothraki riders found themselves suddenly lifted off their mounts and tossed aside like rag dolls. The horses, freed from their riders' control, scattered in different directions, trampling on some of their riders in the process.

He could hear the reaction of the people behind him. He turned to Irina to see a large smile on her face.

'She looks like she's having a great time,' he thought.

"We could use those," Cregan said, eyeing the now riderless horses.

"Round them up," he replied. Cregan nodded and quickly rounded up the riderless horses with some help from the Lhazareen.

"Let's move," Jason commanded as they continued their journey to Kosrak.




They reached Kosrak, and they were greeted with expressions of sheer astonishment from the city's inhabitants who had remained.

 Jason watched as scattered groups began to recognize each other. Tears streamed down their faces as tight embraces reunited families and friends who had thought each other lost forever.


Children ran to their parents, who scooped them up and held them tightly, as if they might disappear from their hands. Laughter broke through the tears as people reunited with loved ones.

Jason looked at Irina standing beside him.

"Umm, why don't you go and help them?" Jason asked, wanting to get her away from him.

"Yes, of course," she responded, her voice soft. With a hesitant glance back at Jason, she moved towards the gathering crowds, offering her assistance where she could.

Jason turned to Garth and Cregan, who were walking towards him.

"We need to take stock of the supplies we managed to gather from the Dothraki camp," he stated.

"Aye, I'll do that, but I think we should return there to search for more," Cregan replied.

Jason nodded, agreeing with Cregan's advice.

"What now?" he heard Garth ask.

Jason thought about what to do next. He knew Garth would like to continue their journey, yet a small part of him wanted to stay.

 The idea of forging a new life here, one where he could make a real difference, was appealing. There was also the temptation of an easier, more luxurious life that staying promised. 

He could easily envision himself as a revered figure, living comfortably on the gratitude of those he had saved.

But that meant taking on greater responsibility. It meant defending these lands, possibly even leading them. It meant facing endless challenges, from the threat of future raids and other incursions.

"We can stay for a while, you know, to help out," Jason suggested.

"We need to talk later, after everything calms down," Garth said and went to join Irina in her efforts.

They joined efforts to aid the city's recovery. Jason, with his abilities, helped in clearing debris and repairing damaged structures. 

Though people were wary at first, Jason noticed that the fear in their eyes had disappeared after some time. Garth, leveraging his knowledge as a maester, organized medical aid for the injured, setting up a temporary infirmary with the help of Irina.




Jason and Cregan returned to the camp with some volunteers to look for more supplies and loot.

"Looks like no one's been here since we left," Cregan said as he looked around.

"Search the camp," Jason ordered. They spread out, scouring the remains of the Dothraki camp.

As Jason and Cregan walked through the camp, Cregan's gaze inevitably fell upon the fallen warriors scattered about.

"Never thought I'd see the day the Dothraki brought low like this," he remarked.

Cregan's eyes then met Jason's. "You did what had to be done. It's a hard thing, taking lives, but you've saved many more by ending theirs."

"So, what is next for the great liberator?" Cregan asked.

"The great what…" Jason asked, puzzled by the title Cregan had used.

"The great liberator," Cregan repeated with a smirk. "That's what the people have been calling you. You can thank the godswife for that."

"Uh, that sounds cool, I guess," Jason replied with a chuckle.

"So, what will you do now, Jason?" Cregan repeated.

Jason sighed. "I don't know," he admitted. "I hadn't thought that far ahead."

Cregan clapped a hand on Jason's shoulder. "If I were you, I'd stay. You've become something of a legend to these people. You'd be treated like a king here."

Jason mulled over Cregan's words. It was the same idea he had been thinking about for some time. 

He could stay here and, just like Cregan said, be treated like a king. The only thing he had to do was defend these people against any threats they might face, and he had proven to be very good at it.

'He does make a good point,' Jason thought, as staying here became more and more attractive by the minute.

If he was going to live out his days in this world, why not do it in luxury, have people at his beck and call for all his needs? That was what he wanted right?

 It's not like they wouldn't benefit from this. He would be offering them protection. Hell, he could take over the entire region if he wanted to. 

Though he'd need help, especially Garth's.

'I'll need to make sure Garth stays here for a while at least,' Jason thought, making up his mind.

As the others loaded up supplies into makeshift wagons, Jason couldn't help but marvel at the wealth the Dothraki possessed. He remembered Garth telling him about the Dothraki being paid off with valuables.

"Good thing we came back. All the loot from Jhoggo's raids are here, even those he plundered from Khal Tenmo," Cregan said with a hearty laugh.

As they rode back to Kosrak, Jason began thinking of things to do for his extended stay here in Lhazar.

He couldn't keep defending the place alone; they needed a proper defense force, a small army.

He broached this subject to Cregan, asking him about recruiting some locals to make a militia. The only response he got was a booming laugh.

"The Lhazareen…" he laughed again, "…fight… you must be jesting, Jason."

Cregan caught his breath after his laughter subsided, noticing Jason's confused expression. He composed himself.

"Alright, Jason, let me explain something to you," he said, adopting a more serious tone. "The Lhazareen are peaceful people by nature. They're shepherds, not warriors. Their entire way of life, their beliefs, even their religion, revolves around peace and nurturing life, not taking it."

Jason listened intently.

"I understand. But after what happened, don't you think they might be more open to the idea?"

"Ha, this has been happening for centuries, and nothing has changed here."

"But," Cregan continued, "if you can find volunteers willing to learn, I'll train them. It won't be easy, and it'll take time, but I'll try my best."

They continued their slow journey back to the city. Jason wanted to speak to Garth as soon as possible. He hoped that Garth would stay with him here and help him with his plans.