
The accidental heart

Title: The Accidental Heart Synopsis: Laura's life is turned upside down when her boyfriend cheats on her with a college acquaintance (because, who doesn't love a good betrayal?). Devastated and heartbroken, she vows to never love again (insert dramatic music). But, fate has other plans - like a one-night stand with a stranger who turns out to be her new boss (talk about a morning-after surprise!). As Laura navigates this awkward situation, she must confront her past heartache and figure out how to work with her accidental bedmate (who's now her boss... yeah, it's complicated!). Luckily, she has a squad of supportive and lively friends who'll offer advice, comedic relief, and possibly even some matchmaking attempts (because, why not?). Will Laura be able to separate her professional and personal life, or will her accidental heart lead her down a path of love, laughter, and redemption? One thing's for sure - it will be a wild ride

Fahreedah_Arinola · Urban
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1 Chs


 "I ran like I never did before, running as if I was being chased, running and crying in the streets of LA. With what keeps ringing on my head, 'what have I done to deserve this?' questioning if I'm not good enough, questioning why I have to be in pain, questioning why me and love don't get along in the slightest bit. Wondering why I gave myself out to someone only for them to tear and break me apart. But this is the height of it, I thought in my head, 'I'm no longer interested in anything concerning love again.' I continued running till my legs gave up and I fell. I got up, sat down on a pavement while getting several looks from people who didn't bother to ask me what was wrong. I was happy they didn't, though, because I really didn't want to talk to anybody. I ordered a ride and I was told I have to wait for 5 minutes before the ride could get to me. Could my day get any worse? I asked myself, sobbing silently. I looked at my disheveled state and I cried a little bit loud. Once again, I was thankful that nobody bothered to ask me what was wrong. Everybody just minded their business, and I got several weird looks, but I couldn't care less. I was still clearing my messed up mind when a notification popped up from my phone, indicating my ride will be with me any moment from now. I gathered my broken self together and I stood up, waiting for my ride. I really want to get back home. I looked up and saw the ride that was indicated in my phone. I walked up to the man and he asked, 'Laura, right?'''Girl, I feel you! 


 The Uber driver gave me a sympathetic look, but thankfully, he didn't ask what was wrong. My mind was a mess, and I couldn't even explain it. I climbed into the car, lost in my thoughts. The ride wasn't exactly peaceful; nothing was at that moment. Maybe I was just delirious, I thought to myself. 


 Lost in my thoughts, I didn't realize the driver had been calling me until he tapped me. Startled, I jolted up. "Ma'am, are you okay?" he asked immediately. I told him I was fine, just tired. He looked at me, sensing I was lying, but he didn't push it. 


 "We have arrived," he said as we reached my destination. I thanked him and stepped out of the car, watching as he drove away. Tears welled up in my eyes as I entered the elevator and pressed the button for my floor. 


 All I wanted was to be in my apartment and let it all out. That would be the last time I cried over that bloody asshole. I entered my small but cozy apartment and immediately broke down. With tears streaming down my face, I managed to pull myself up and walked to the open kitchen. I grabbed a bottle of red wine from the cabinet. Who needs a glass? I was about to drown my sorrows. 


 I took out my phone, put it on "do not disturb," and connected it to the Bluetooth speaker. Tatiana Manaois's "Me and Love Don't Get Along" started playing. Singing out loud, I took big gulps of wine, singing and crying in between. I kept drinking, muttering some curses under my breath. I knew the hangover the next day would be massive, but I didn't care. I was ready for anything.



 "Lauraaaa!" someone shouted, and I jolted up, holding my head and praying it was just an illusion that someone hadn't broken into my apartment. I looked, and I regretted it instantly - it was my best friend Layla, looking at me with a mix of annoyance and pity. I couldn't even think of anything before I was hit with a terrible hangover. The pain was so intense that I held my head, and Layla quickly went to my room to get me some pills and water. She handed them over, and I took them in one gulp. I shifted up and rested against my sofa, waiting for my best friend's scolding.


 Layla looked at me and started, "Where did you go? I called you up to fifty times, and you didn't even pick up! Do you know how worried I was? How worried your mom was?" She asked, her voice laced with concern. I ignored her shouting and opened my phone to check the time - it was about 9 in the morning; I had slept for 14 hours! I thought to myself. I looked up, and Layla continued, "She's been trying to reach you since yesterday, and you didn't even pick up!" Layla yelled at me, her voice stern but worried.


 I looked up, and I saw her raging, expecting me to say something in my defense, but I just couldn't. Tears welled up in my eyes as I recalled what happened the previous day. "Are you crying, Laura ?she asked, her voice softening. "How much did you drink, Laura? Do you have a death wish?" she asked, her tone laced with concern. "You went to meet him, didn't you? And I guess it didn't go well?" Layla asked, and I nodded my head. "Aww, my poor baby! I knew that boy is a bastard, son of a biscuit!" she exclaimed, and I chuckled between sobs.


 Layla dropped her bag and sat down on the floor with me, hugging me tightly as I wrapped my arms around her, crying. "Let it all out," she said, and I did. She patted my long brown hair and told me everything was going to be fine, that he wasn't worth it. I told Layla to escort me to my room, and she obliged, supporting me with her shoulders as we got to the room. I lay down, telling her I wanted a quick nap. Layla tucked me in and headed out of the room, saying she wanted to sort something out in the living room.


 I got up when my phone started ringing; I muttered some curses under my breath and took the call


 "Good afternoon, Ms. Laura," a cheerful voice said on the line. "I'm calling from the Donovan Group's company. You're hired, and you can resume work on Monday at 9 a.m. Good luck!" The person concluded, and I quickly responded with a grateful "Thank you" before ending the call.


 I sprang out of bed, opened my door, and headed to the living room, where I was greeted by the enticing aroma of freshly cooked food. My stomach growled in response, and I couldn't help but smile. Everywhere looked spotless compared to the chaotic state I had left it in. I mouthed a silent "thank you" to Layla, appreciating the perks of having a cleanliness enthusiast as a best friend.


 As I entered the kitchen, I saw Layla removing her apron, a hint of a smile on her face. "Hey," I said, and she beamed at me. I sat down, and she promptly plated my food. I dug in immediately, savoring the flavors. I was ravenous, having not eaten since yesterday 

 I finished my food quickly and tossed the plate into the sink. I turned back to face Layla, who was gazing at me with an expectant look, her eyes saying, "Don't you think I deserve an explanation?" I totally understood, and I was stable enough to reply, so I began, "Layla, I went to meet Daniel yesterday, and on getting there, I saw Deborah, our college acquaintance. They were making out, and it was pretty intense. They saw me, but they continued anyway." I couldn't hold back my tears as I recalled the painful memory.


 Layla passed me a tissue, and I mouthed a silent "thank you." She asked if I was stable enough to continue, and I nodded, taking a deep breath. "Daniel told me how bad I was, how he couldn't be with a girl who didn't want to 'fuck' with him. He said he was tired of making out with me without any sex, and that I was too much emotional baggage for him." I was mad at him, but more so at myself for thinking I wanted to give my virginity, my innocence, to that so-called boyfriend, only to find him making out with our acquaintance.


 I concluded my story, and Layla held me tightly, saying nothing for what felt like an eternity. After what seemed like forever, she broke the silence, "Enough of the sadness! The fool isn't worth it anyway. He's a bastard, and he didn't deserve you in the slightest bit. And that bitch he's with? She's just there for the fun. Nobody can love a man like Daniel. I told you from the start, but you didn't listen." She emphasized, "Fuck him anyway; he's not worth it!" And with a chuckle, she added, "I swear, if I ever come across him, I'll make sure to kick him where the sun doesn't shine!"


 I beamed at her, "I got a call a few minutes ago, before I came to the living room. My job has been approved, and I'm to resume on Monday!" Layla jumped up, obviously excited, "Finally, some good news! You're getting hired in the biggest company in all of LA isn't a joke, my friend! You'll be earning some cool cash!"