1 The Academy

A brief history of Undiscovered Earth:

There are 20 main Gods (two for each of the elemental gods) which are water, fire, earth, air, life (nature), death,

magic, technology, The Beast god of evolution, See-All and Evil

there used to be one more God but he "died" he was the God of Good and he started the world


His father is the Beast

His powers are he can summon Beastlings from nowhere, he can control the 8 elements, his, main power is the power of nature all natural things help him he can evolve animalistic traits from the animals that are helping him and his weapon is the staff of the elements which has a mind of its own and he is immortal as long as he has the staff on him (and his powers are the only ones that Mimic can't copy)


500 hundred years ago the God of Good went into hiding because of the Great War between Good and Evil,

but that was just the beginning…

first he sent the scalentors which were a painful cross between a headless lizard, a legless headless lizard man and a tailless snake,

then he sent the Bridge Troll tax's,

then he sent the ogres,

then he sent The Serpent,

then he sent the Diseased Dragons,

then he sent the shadowless eagle-vultures,

then he sent the shadow spies,

The God of Evil was getting too powerful

it was only 10 years ago that the power of Good started to come back

but oh so slowly because he was still getting used to his new host...

Max, Demigod of the Beast, the most powerful of them all
