
The Academy's Librarian

In a world of swords, magic and modern fantasy, he was here in a library. Being a mob inside the novel which he had read in his past life. Gaining a mysterious book, and the events which happen afterwards, would he be able to change his fate and destiny?

The_King09 · Fantasy
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30 Chs


After he had finished the quest,

[Quest Completed]

[Rewards: 100 x Affection Points, Skill: Swordsmanship, Iron Sword x 1, Random alchemy recipe x 1]

[Skill page has opened]


Swordsmanship (Level 1)

Proficiency: 100/1000


During these days, he had also been trying to remove those purple patches on his core. He really wanted to know what they were and why they were on his core and maybe his martial bone being inside his core was because of that, he thought. His martial bone's mana absorption rate increased and his physique had grown more though not that noticeable. He anticipated that it would take a month or two to remove all of the purple patches.

The next day, he arrived at school and a few people were gathering around looking at a board in the middle of the corridor and he looked at it to see what it was

'Exam Role Numbers'

"There were exams, I still haven't studied at all"

Theron exclaimed as he was too focused on doing quests and making progress on his mana core that he forgot that he still had a written exam. His written exam grades were the only thing keeping him in class A, not that he cared about it but his grandfather seemed really happy to him getting class A that he didn't want to disappoint him. 

As he navigated through the bustling crowd, a near collision with another person prompted him to quicky apologize.

"Sorry, my apologies"

"Oh no, its fine"

He walked away as he apologized, hearing the sound, he felt that he had heard this voice before. However, he dismissed the thought and continued on his way.

[Attention, Students the time has come for another written exam and the role numbers will be assigned]

[Students can access the information either at the academy or via the school website]

Since the exam had looming tomorrow, there wouldn't be any class till then,

'Should I study or should I just train'

The reason why he was contemplating was because though he was not talented in combat before, he didn't have that much trouble in exams and he even ranked second intentionally not taking first because of a reason.

He didn't want to underestimate the exams but he was also confident in his academic abilities and he was in a dilemma.

He decided to study a bit just to revise all of the content taught and the content that would be taught later this year. Going to the library, he started studying. After it had reached midday,

"Whew, finally finished"

"That should be good for the entire exam"

Exiting the library, he bid farewell to the librarian, one of his grandfather's apprentices. He just ate at the cafeteria since the food was cheap and the taste was fine. It was not as good as home but it served its purpose. Even though the sword training quest had been finished, he always trained on his sword after doing his daily physical exercises.

He packed a tank top so that he could use it while exercising and covered his face with the hoodie whenever he moved around. "Having a storage ring is quite useful" He said as he never really had to bring anything after getting it. He just goes into the bathroom in the park to change his clothes without bringing anything other than his storage ring. He had been wearing it and he utilized the ring's invisibility feature.

 __ __ __

[Attention, Students the time has come for another written exam and the role numbers will be assigned]

[Students can access the information either at the academy or via the school website]

Upon seeing the announcement on her phone, Seraphina swiftly left the classroom. She texted her best friend about it,

Sephi: The exam had just been announced, I didn't know it would be today Sephie: Woowooo, :crying , I wasted time coming to school Elie: You didn't know, didn't I told you that it might be today

Sephi: You didn't

Elie: Sowie, :stuck_out_tongue:, why didn't you take a leave though

Sephi: My mom will kill me if I take another leave

The academy had this feature where they would have an exam every 2~3 months and the date would be randomized each time so whether a year had 4~6 exams depended on luck. The reason for this was said by the academy as "We want to test whether the students are ready with knowledge whenever, if it was a battle, there wouldn't be something like giving your enemy time to study about you, would it?"

Most of the top academies in the world did this so it was not out of the norm.

As Seraphina moved through the hallways, she noticed a group gathered around a board, checking exam details. Those who checked here were those who were surprised that there was an exam, those who didn't have a phone or those who just wanted to check it with their friends. As she was going to move behind the people, she saw a familiar figure of someone. He was frowning looking at the board. As she was just right behind the figure, she could hear him.

"There were exams, I still haven't studied at all"

Surprised by his comment, she thought

'Maybe I can surpass even him this time and show Elie that I can be good at academics and mom will not be mad at me anymore'

Lost in her thoughts, she almost collided with the figure as he turned around.

"Sorry, my apologies"

"Oh no, its fine"

It was fine as he had reacted immediately and didn't hit her. He went away after that and Seraphina was left there,

'He didn't see me'

'I guess he was focused on something'

She continued to go towards the restaurant which Elysia said that would be a good place for studying and also that she wanted to try some food there. Seraphina sighed at her friend who was a foodie.

They booked a room and the place provided an ideal setting to combine study and relaxation. As a few hours passed, they were having a break from studying for sometime and she looked at the outside through the window which couldn't be seen from the outside. She could see a boy going into the park which was at the front of the restaurant. His figure looked familiar.

After it had reached around evening, they were finished with their studying at the restaurant, after Elysia had tried all the sweet there.

"We would like to check out"

"Of course miss, the total would be 170 LM"

Elysia gave the card to the waiter while Seraphina was looking outside the window and the figure who had went into the park had come out again

'It was indeed him' She thought as she saw a glimpse of his face.

'He doesn't have any books with him either'

'Then why did he go to the park'

'It looks more like he went for a run rather than studying with all that sweat'

He went into a car which was waiting for him and went away.